Mutekatsu-ryu is a fashion employed by Bokuden Tsukahara, a samurai in the Warring States Period in Japan, by which he succeeded in winning in the fighting against his opponents with his wit and wisdom and least use of force. Articles on struggling with illness, keeping health, and making use of supplements, exercises will be given to you here.
[アンチ怠け 実践!]
Varicose Veins
Venous blood flowing in the veins contains carbon dioxide (CO2), which returns to the heart and is then transported to the lungs, where CO2 is exchanged for oxygen in the alveoli of the lungs, and then to various parts of the body as oxygenated arterial blood. The alveoli of the lungs are an important place to blood flow in this process, and the kidneys, where blood flowing through the arteries is filtered, are another important place to blood flow, where necessary substances are reabsorbed, with waste products and unneeded salt discharged as urine.
While arterial blood flows at high speeds, sometimes up to 200 km/h, due to the powerful pumping force of the heart, venous blood, especially from the lower extremities, returns slowly due to the weak pumping force of the calf muscles and the upward movement against gravity. Therefore, if one is engaged in standing or seated work, the veins of the lower extremities become tortuous or knobbly. This suggests that blood vessels are regenerated, not only veins, but also arteries, even in obstructive disease, can be regenerated by walking, for example.
静脈瘤は重症な場合、歩行に影響を及ぼす。筆者も長年苦労している。静脈瘤の治療は、静脈をレーザーなどで焼き切ったり、切ったものを引っこ抜いたりしてきれいに整理する外科的手法が取られるようだ。いわゆる塗り薬はない。塗る薬はない。しかし、塗るクリームならある。筆者はVaricose Vein Creamというそのまんまの名前の237ml入り大チューブのものを使って見かけ上瘤的にきれいにすることができたようだ。早く確実にきれいにしたい場合は手術という選択肢が一番なのだろう。
In severe cases, varicose veins can affect walking. The author has had difficulty with them for many years. The treatment of varicose veins seems to be a surgical technique in which the veins are cleaned up and organized by burning off the veins with a laser or other means or pulling out the cut ones. There is no so-called ointment for it. There are no drugs to apply. But there are creams that can be applied. The author seems to have been able to clean up an apparent mass by using Varicose Vein Cream, a large 237 ml tube of which the name is exactly the same. Surgery is probably the best option for a fast and reliable cleanup.
It seems that veins and arteries are connected by a loophole. Normally, the barrier is closed, but it can open at any moment and arterial blood can flow into the vein as Dr. Sato says. The doctor recommends wrapping tape around the artery. Wrapping it certainly improves the effectiveness of the treatment.
It seems that arterial and venous blood are usually exchange themselves through capillaries, not through loopholes. Capillaries account for more than 90% of the blood vessels in the body, so they are very important organs for human beings.
Arteries and veins seem to be connected via capillaries, but the author does not know if they are really connected. It can be said that waste products go from the tissues to the veins via capillaries, and nutrients go from the arteries to the tissues via capillaries. At this point, do the capillaries form a single mass with each other? Capillaries account for more than 90% of all blood vessels in the body, making them an extremely important organ for human beings.
Farewell to Gymnema!
I began to use Gymnema in 2017, seven years ago. Here are some documents from that time.
身長&nb29; Height &
nbsp; 164体重 Weight 61.8
体脂肪率 Body fat percentage 20.7
皮下脂肪率 Subcutaneous fat percentage 16.5
内臓脂肪率 Visceral fat ratio 10.0
基礎代謝 Basal metabolism 1330
BMI 23
筋肉レベル Muscle level 5
骨レベル Bone level 5
体年齢 Body Age 65
身長 163.5
体重 53.0
体脂肪率 13.1
皮下脂肪率 10.2
内臓脂肪率 6.5
基礎代謝 1261
BMI 19.7
筋肉レベル 4
骨レベル 5
体年齢 58
Of the above, the body age is incorrect because the actual age is set incorrectly, but the Panasonic composition analyzer that I am using usually evaluates me much younger than my actual age(^^.
Aside from that, I lost 8.8 kg. My fat percentage is down about 5 to 7%. Not as much as Tsuru-chan, but a lot less.
Gymnema suppresses the absorption of carbohydrates in the small intestine. The components of gymnema cause carbohydrates to adhere to themselves and be expelled. This means that even if you eat a lot of carbohydrates, you will not have eaten any.
It seemed like an ideal diet, but after recently experiencing a high blood sugar level of 500, I reflected on it. I thought about it a lot. What went wrong?
The conclusion was that the pancreas' production of insulin had also decreased to match the decrease in absorbed carbohydrates, and as a result, if I took a break from taking gymnema when I was losing a lot of weight, my body would not be able to produce insulin in time, which could lead to very high blood sugar levels.
This made sense. I should not have rested. I now believe that I should have continued to take 1 grain instead of the more extreme 3 grains, so that I would not have suffered significant weight loss.
However, it is a very difficult adjustment, so I have decided to give up gymnema now that I am on diabetes medication and insulin injections.
Japanese readings
For foreigners who are involved in Japanese-related work or studying Japanese as a learner, the reading of kanji, hiragana and katakana in romaji would be key data. I believe that few attempts have been made in the past to add romaji readings to the Japanese sentences.
Therefore, software to convert kanji, hiragana and katakana to romaji would be very valuable, and it is. This software is called kakasi, which I recently installed for my blog. My regular operating system is linux xubuntu, and I usually do most of my work in an editor called emacs, which can easily read long sentences in outline mode, is pleasant to use because it can colourise, and has various macros to make it easy to work with.
In emacs, if you have a Japanese section selected and issue the command romaji-region, the romaji reading will appear nearby. Not everything can necessarily be converted with kakasi, but it is somewhat easier than typing by hand.
I think kakasi works on Windows. I'm on ubuntu because my productivity drops to about 10% on Windows.
Yoshiko hit Waruo
The sentence "Yoshiko hit Waruo." is here now. This is a sentence from a report of an event in the real world. Yoshiko did it, and Waruo was beaten. If we were to express this "who and whom" relationship in a Japanese sentence, it would be expressed by combining the case particle "who ga whom wo". The semantic relation ”who hit and who was hit" is expressed by the combination of particles, ga and wo.
英語ではこの意味関係は語順で表される。Yoshiko hit Waruo.では、やったのはYoshiko、やられたのはWaruo。語順を入れ替えてWaruo hit Yoshiko.とすると「やった・やられた」の関係が逆転する。やったのはWaruo、やられたのはYoshiko。
In English, this semantic relationship is expressed in word order: Yoshiko hit Waruo. If the word order is switched to Waruo hit Yoshiko, the "did it, got it" relationship is reversed. Waruo hit her, Yoshiko was hit by Waruo.
In Japanese, this semantic reversal is not done by switching the word order, but by switching the case particle. Let's switch "wo" and "ga". Waruo hit Yoshiko --> Yoshiko wo Waruo ga becomes Waruo hit Yoshiko. The order can also be changed to "Waruo hit Yoshiko," but this change in order makes no difference to the basic semantic relationship.
The real activiteis in Japanese and English language are very different. That is why it is difficult for native Japanese speakers to learn English. However, it is not difficult to learn both languages together from birth and switch between them in one's head. The brain does it for you.
Wobbly teeth
Wobbly teeth
Teeth become wobbly when they are attacked by gum disease, a bacteria that is extremely bad for teeth. Wobbly teeth are more likely to fall out.
However, the angle of wobble matters, and in some cases, depending on the angle, a dying tooth can be saved.
If the angle is very small, finger pressure on the gums can eliminate the wobble and make the tooth stronger and more secure in a few days. I have been able to confirm this with a rather small tooth on the left side of my upper teeth, which is shorter than others in length. Presumably, the pressure on this tooth fended off the attack by the periodontal bacteria.
Shiatsu is a technique that Mr Tokujiro Namikoshi used to show on TV, saying: ‘The heart of shiatsu is the mother's heart. If you press, the fountain of life will spring forth’, followed by “Wa ha ha ha ha ha”, which led to the establishment of a shiatsu school. That shows it is indeed a powerful method to keep health.
Many doctors have pointed out that acupressure on the blood vessels produces nitric oxide in the blood vessels and that this gas works to repair the inner walls of the blood vessels. This is a credible physiological fact, magic, that many doctors on the internet say.
So, if you have wobbly teeth, but not so much yet, I urge you to try it.
Floaters, Photopsia, Blue Field Entoptic Phenomenon, with a new enemy added
I have already mentioned about the eye floaters that I have been experiencing, in which black garbage that looks like giant logs and lumbers were rolling around in my field of vision. And now a new enemy has appeared in front of me, so I am adding this article. This time, I have not yet seen a doctor, although I am very afraid of it because of my aging condition.
That first happened right after I rubbed my eye over my eyelid. If you don't like creepy stories, stop reading immediately.
The situation occurred on the highway, in the passenger seat of my wife's car, who is a licensed driver marked with a maple leaf symbol. Several purple polka dot patterns appeared above and at the breaks in the white lines on the center and side lines. Had they been red, I might have been more surprised. They were annoying, obtrusive, and made me difficult to see. However, their appearance and disappearance only repeated a few times and then became less common. Since it is only visible when the sky is very clear, perhaps it is caused by some mechanism that warns of an increase in the brightness of the surroundings.
When I had log-rolling floaters in the eyes, I would also get these sickening psychedelic lights that would run and glow in the corners of my vision. I noticed this phenomenon some times in the middle of the night when I was trying to get up from my bed for some reason. I said psychedelic. I meant in terms of color. The colors were blue, green, and red, overlapping each other in a crescent shape. I later learned that this was a symptom of photopsia, a condition that occurs when the retina is pulled and stretched.
The blue field entoptic phenomenon is one in which everyone experiences discomfort, but does not usually seek medical help because it is painless and short-lived. This is somewhat different for everyone, but in my case, it turned into a flaming, silvery, flipping, peeling theater that made me think that the films in my eyes were peeling off. It often occurred when I stood in front of the washbasin to wash my face or brush my teeth. This flaring up is caused by the visible flow of white blood cells. Since it is not a disease, it does not have a syndrome or symptom in its name. Tinnitus is an internal sound, but sometimes you can see something inside.
These phenomenons of light are caused by the structure of the eye, and stem from the tremendous fate of our heartbeat, which is initiated by an electrical signal and continues and sustains itself for hundreds of millions of times. The human body is a tremendous infrastructure with electricity, running water, and gas.
Anti-Laziness, Practice!
practices have a natural enemy: "Easier said than done." Even though I
know that light exercise is fine even if it is not sports, I always find
a reason to evade practice, which is shameful.
You can do a little bit every day, whether it's a heel drop or standing on one leg. Just do it, I always say to myself.
Small hiragana in Japanese
Small hiragana in Japanese
日本語の小さなひらがなは9個ある:「ぁぃぅぇぉ ゃゅょ っ」。
There are 9 small hiragana characters in Japanese: "ぁぃぅぇぉ ゃゅょ っ".
Editor)を使い、IMEをオンの状態で「kya」と打つと「きゃ」となり、「syo」または「sho」と打つと「しょ」となる。「ゃ」とか「ょ」を単独で1個ずつ入れたい場合は「x」を使う。IMEをオンにして日本語モードにして「xa」と打つと「ぁ」が出てくる。「xya」とすると「ゃ」となる。If you use the Japanese IME (Input Method Editor) on a Japanese keyboard and type "kya" with the IME turned on, you will get "きゃ"; if you type "syo" or "sho", you will get "しょ". If you want to put "ゃ" or "ょ" by itself, use "x." If you type "xa" in Japanese mode with the IME turned on, you will get "ぁ." If you type "xya", you will get "ゃ".
The dog's cry, "きゃいん" means "I give up, it hurts, I'm done," but "きゃいん" still has energy left in it. More pitiful would be "きゃぃん."
A crow cawing "かあ" is a normal state of mind. "かぁ" means a crow is a newborn child or a dying crow.
"ぐああああ" is the scream of a young male who has been beaten. "ぐあああぁぁぁぁぁ" is a fading scream of despair.
"はい" is a good response, and "はぃ" is a bad or sullen response.
A cat's "にゃああ" is scary and "にゃぁぁ" is cute. Does a cat who is a native English speaker say "mew"?
Let's write it out poetically.
Magical Pellet
Today, I realized that I can walk in the way that I used to do about ten years ago.
have continued to massage my legs and to do the ebizori exercise,
arching your body backwards like a shrimp, in bed during my waking
hours. While the exercise seemed like a great idea to me, it was hard to
imagine that it would bring about any sudden dramatic changes.
So what is it?
fact, last night I found a very small grain of pills lying around in my
bed. A grain about 3 mm in diameter. I wonder if you would understand
if I told you that they were the grains of Ontake-san's Hyakusogan. When
I took some of them out of the bottle and swallowed them for my reflux
stomach, one of them seemed to have spilled into the bedclothes. When I
found it, I rolled it around with the sole of my foot and played with
I followed the grain with my sole, my foot made various movements. Such
foot movements were rare these days. During the process, the leg on the
same side almost cramped up. Avoiding such a situation, I rolled and
played with it for a while. It did not feel bad.
only possibility was, just as the morning after I did the ebizori, the
sciatica that had kept me awake and aching for a week had disappeared,
my leg came to life again. There is an outdoor gym in a nearby park, and
I used to stretch my legs on the treadmill, but today the aspect of my
movements there changed completely. I was able to do it with the
strength of an athlete, and I had no problem with it. This was something
I had never seen before.
It's nice when something magical happens. To celebrate, I bought a bottle of whiskey and boiled octopus at a nearby co-op.
Make friends, Leftsy and Rightsy
ベッドで寝ているときに急に半分覚醒した場合、左足の「レフト」と右足の「ライト」が良き友となることがある。どちらの足の指もカウンターパートの鍵盤をさっとなぞり、曲を引くことができる。これは名曲とはいかないが、左から右、あるいは右から左に、甲側の表と足の裏側のどちらでも、5指から成る鍵盤を簡単に探り当ててかき鳴らすことが誰にでもできる。When you get unexpectedly half-awake while you are in bed, Leftsy, your left foot and Rightsy, your right foot, can be good friends. The toes of either foot can quickly trace the keys of the counterpart and make a tune. This is not a masterpiece, but anyone can easily explore and strum on the keyboard consisting of five toes, from left to right or right to left, either on the front of the instep or the back of the foot.
When this is done, to my surprise, a certain reaction occurs quite a bit higher up in the mouth. The teeth begin to slide out on their own. The upper and lower teeth slide sideways and take on a movement that matches the key stroking, attracting saliva and moistening the mouth suffering from dry mouth. In other words, toe keyboard play can improve dry mouth. I have no idea of the mechanism, but perhaps the similarity of the alignment between the toe keys and the teeth might be a trigger.
The foot has a very complex structure. There are 27 bones on each side of the foot, and 1/4 of all the bones in the body, that is 54 in number, are in the feet. The toes, like the fingers, consist of two bones in the thumb and three bones in the other toes. Since it is difficult to bend a finger with only one long bone, God made more bones and connected them with joints. Because of this large number of bones, they feel like a keyboard. The fingers don't move much when rubbed together, but the toes make music when rubbed together. The feet have an advantage in this regard.
Just as the hands have carpal tunnel, the feet have tarsal tunnel. These are not bones but tubes, with nerves and blood vessels running through them. If water or other substances leak from the blood vessels, the nerves are compressed, causing numbness in the sole of the foot and a feeling of discomfort, as if a rice cake is sticking to the back of the foot. Walking is also affected.
The long history of suffering from tarsal tunnel syndrome is probably due to bad veins. After continued massaging to relieve the lumps on the outside of the calves and shins, my legs have cleared up.
The most impressive massage, however, was the arch massage. This arch is called "tsuchi-fumazu" in Japanese, and it is unique to humans, who walk on two legs, and cannot be seen in other primates.
According to AI information, the arch is composed of three parts: the medial arch, the lateral arch, and the transverse arch. Each of these arches is composed of metatarsals, ligaments, and muscles, but the important thing is not so much as that, but rather that the ceilings of these arches are unexplored regions.
Therefore, when the left and right foot work together to massage the unexplored area, it feels great, and of course, it is healthy.
If you have bad feet, the ceiling may hurt. But if you carefully rubbing them together, it will get better.
After this massage, a long and slow massage between the right and left instep will take you to heaven.
Cinnamon is good for the flu virus
クロレラを毎日食後に飲んでいるおかげで、インフルエンザとは無縁だと信じていた。しかし、この3日間、喉の痛み、鼻水、軽い咳などのインフルエンザの症状に悩まされた。クロレラで風邪にかからなくなるとは言えないことがわかった。I believed I was flu-free thanks to taking Chlorella every day after meals. However, for the past three days, I have suffered from flu symptoms such as sore throat, runny nose, and mild cough. It turns out that Chlorella doesn't make you immune to the flu.
believe that the cause of the flu symptoms was that I unexpectedly
inhaled a piece of tangerine in the direction of my airway, coughing it
up and damaging the junction of the airway and esophagus in my throat,
allowing the virus to enter through the wound.
have been away from influenza for more than 10 years. I have no
experience with the new coronavirus. I had forgotten what kind of
symptoms the flu can cause, but I remembered that the runny nose and
cough were very bothersome.
did not take any medicine. I half won out by applying essential oil
frankincense to the entrance of my nasal passages, peppermint oil,
squalene oil, and patience. I was surprised that my favorite herbal
remedy, cinnamon, worked against this virus. As soon as I licked half a
teaspoonful of cinnamon powder and swallowed it down with water, I
noticed I felt excellent immediately. Is cinnamon a panacea? I licked
honey, whisky, and Japanese sake, and slept well. They gave me a
complete victory.
About the aftereffects:
The cold symptoms subsided in three or four days, but the aftereffects
lingered. The immune system's function to keep viruses at bay caused a
sticking of low-moisture mucus in the airways at the back of the nose.
That could happen at a moment's notice, even if you don't have a cold.
In some cases, it could be scary because you might choke to death.
my long life, however, this has happened at least once or twice a year
since I was over 30 years old. In total, it has happened about 80 to 150
times. Since I have somehow managed to survive them, I may not have to
be afraid of
technique I have developed this time was to stick a roll of tissues in
my mouth and wipe away the phlegm that had appeared in the danger zone.
Anything that lightens the effort to expel the phlegm is good.
Currently, I don't mind tinnitus much anymore. I indeed have tinnitus, but it is not so bad that it becomes painful.
In the past, I have suffered from tinnitus until it became painful. I have even tried tinnitus medication. If you start worrying about it, there will be no end.
I have actually developed a technique for such a situation.
Use the plastic case that contains the pills. A plastic case for lozenges will do good. Take some of the cases containing one or two of these pills apart and stroke them with fingertips close to the eardrum. You will hear a pleasant chitter-chitter-chitter-chitter sound. As you listen to it, the painful sound of tinnitus will subside. It's a trick. It's a Mutekatsu-ryu.
The key is to stop worrying about internal sounds because it is an unnecessary thing: Turn your attention to external sounds. With this change in awareness, tinnitus becomes less painful.
Dermatitis Congestiva
左脚のくるぶし近くの足首のインステップ、サッカーでインステップキックをするあたりに、しばらくの間、皮膚炎が続いていたことがあった。 このスポットは直径約10ミリメートルで丸くて赤い。症状が最悪になったときは、しめっぽくて赤い潰瘍のようだった。
once had a dermatitis that lasted for a while on my left leg near the
ankle instep, the area where I do instep kicks in soccer. This round,
red spot was about 10 mm in diameter and looked like a clammy, red ulcer
when the symptoms were at their worst.
Upon further study, it turned out to be a congestive dermatitis caused by stagnation of the surrounding venous blood.
the right leg was affected by arteriosclerosis of the lower extremities
(ASO). Recently, however, he had no pain or numbness at all in the
right leg, but had ASO-like symptoms on the opposite leg, the left leg,
along with varicose vein-like symptoms, and after a while of walking,
his legs and feet became painful, numb, and heavy. And it has stayed for
an incredibly long time. Maybe this is an area where MUTEKATSU is out
of reach. It may be my fatal disease.
left leg had been my pivot leg for a long time before that. My right
leg is my dominant leg and has been assisting my axis leg. Whenever the
left leg wobbled, the right leg immediately adjusted the angle and
supported it.
left leg had once suffered a severe sprain. I was about to cross the
driveway to the sidewalk after buying a roast pig at the butcher shop
across the street from our house when a car making a sharp left turn
from a nearby intersection forced me to make a hasty jump over a shrub,
failing to land and badly twisting my left leg. Eventually, the entire
area from the ankle down swelled up, and I had a lot of trouble sleeping
with my leg up, walking with a limp, and so on. During this time, my
right leg took the role of the pivot leg, and I dragged the other side
of my leg to keep going.
sprain healed within a year or so without a doctor's visit, but it may
have been the cause of long-term problems with my left leg.
few years after the sprain, my left leg problems began with what is
called intermittent claudication. After a short walk, it would become
painful and I would limp. I had experienced this symptom when I had ASO
in my right leg, so I actually had an optimistic outlook that it would
go away if I walked. However, something was different from the right leg
wondered what it was. It wouldn't be surprising if I had scoliosis as
my age progressed, or it could be varicose veins or ASO. It could also
be tarsal tunnel syndrome. All sorts of diseases rush in to kill the
host. That is life.
It's no good. This is no way to survive for the mutekatsuryu.
I would often sit on the bench and count the years, wondering how long I have left to die. This is Mutemake-ryu as it is.
Quitting Smoking
Dermatitis Congestiva
左脚のくるぶし近くの足首のインステップ、サッカーでインステップキックをするあたりに、しばらくの間、皮膚炎が続いていたことがあった。 このスポットは直径約10ミリメートルで丸くて赤い。症状が最悪になったときは、しめっぽくて赤い潰瘍のようだった。
once had a dermatitis that lasted for a while on my left leg near the
ankle instep, the area where I do instep kicks in soccer. This round,
red spot was about 10 mm in diameter and looked like a clammy, red ulcer
when the symptoms were at their worst.
Upon further study, it turned out to be a congestive dermatitis caused by stagnation of the surrounding venous blood.
the right leg was affected by arteriosclerosis of the lower extremities
(ASO). Recently, however, he had no pain or numbness at all in the
right leg, but had ASO-like symptoms on the opposite leg, the left leg,
along with varicose vein-like symptoms, and after a while of walking,
his legs and feet became painful, numb, and heavy. And it has stayed for
an incredibly long time. Maybe this is an area where MUTEKATSU is out
of reach. It may be my fatal disease.
left leg had been my pivot leg for a long time before that. My right
leg is my dominant leg and has been assisting my axis leg. Whenever the
left leg wobbled, the right leg immediately adjusted the angle and
supported it.
left leg had once suffered a severe sprain. I was about to cross the
driveway to the sidewalk after buying a roast pig at the butcher shop
across the street from our house when a car making a sharp left turn
from a nearby intersection forced me to make a hasty jump over a shrub,
failing to land and badly twisting my left leg. Eventually, the entire
area from the ankle down swelled up, and I had a lot of trouble sleeping
with my leg up, walking with a limp, and so on. During this time, my
right leg took the role of the pivot leg, and I dragged the other side
of my leg to keep going.
sprain healed within a year or so without a doctor's visit, but it may
have been the cause of long-term problems with my left leg.
few years after the sprain, my left leg problems began with what is
called intermittent claudication. After a short walk, it would become
painful and I would limp. I had experienced this symptom when I had ASO
in my right leg, so I actually had an optimistic outlook that it would
go away if I walked. However, something was different from the right leg
wondered what it was. It wouldn't be surprising if I had scoliosis as
my age progressed, or it could be varicose veins or ASO. It could also
be tarsal tunnel syndrome. All sorts of diseases rush in to kill the
host. That is life.
It's no good. This is no way to survive for the mutekatsuryu.
I would often sit on the bench and count the years, wondering how long I have left to die. This is Mutemake-ryu as it is.
I once had a dermatitis that lasted for a while on my left leg near the ankle instep, the area where I do instep kicks in soccer. This round, red spot was about 10 mm in diameter and looked like a clammy, red ulcer when the symptoms were at their worst.
Upon further study, it turned out to be a congestive dermatitis caused by stagnation of the surrounding venous blood.
以前は右脚に下肢動脈硬化症(ASO)の障害があった。しかし、最近では、右脚には痛みやしびれはまったくなく、反対側の脚、左脚に、静脈瘤のような症状とともにASOのような症状が出ていて、歩いてしばらくすると足や脚が痛くなったりしびれたり重苦しくなったりする。 しかもそれが信じられないくらい長期間滞在している。無手勝流が及ばない領域なのかもしれない。私の命取りになる病気なのかもしれない。
Previously, the right leg was affected by arteriosclerosis of the lower extremities (ASO). Recently, however, he had no pain or numbness at all in the right leg, but had ASO-like symptoms on the opposite leg, the left leg, along with varicose vein-like symptoms, and after a while of walking, his legs and feet became painful, numb, and heavy. And it has stayed for an incredibly long time. Maybe this is an area where MUTEKATSU is out of reach. It may be my fatal disease.
My left leg had been my pivot leg for a long time before that. My right leg is my dominant leg and has been assisting my axis leg. Whenever the left leg wobbled, the right leg immediately adjusted the angle and supported it.
The left leg had once suffered a severe sprain. I was about to cross the driveway to the sidewalk after buying a roast pig at the butcher shop across the street from our house when a car making a sharp left turn from a nearby intersection forced me to make a hasty jump over a shrub, failing to land and badly twisting my left leg. Eventually, the entire area from the ankle down swelled up, and I had a lot of trouble sleeping with my leg up, walking with a limp, and so on. During this time, my right leg took the role of the pivot leg, and I dragged the other side of my leg to keep going.
The sprain healed within a year or so without a doctor's visit, but it may have been the cause of long-term problems with my left leg.
A few years after the sprain, my left leg problems began with what is called intermittent claudication. After a short walk, it would become painful and I would limp. I had experienced this symptom when I had ASO in my right leg, so I actually had an optimistic outlook that it would go away if I walked. However, something was different from the right leg event.
I wondered what it was. It wouldn't be surprising if I had scoliosis as my age progressed, or it could be varicose veins or ASO. It could also be tarsal tunnel syndrome. All sorts of diseases rush in to kill the host. That is life.
It's no good. This is no way to survive for the mutekatsuryu.
I would often sit on the bench and count the years, wondering how long I have left to die. This is Mutemake-ryu as it is.
Quitting Smoking
今から13年前のある日、急に思い立って、タバコを吸うのをすっぱりやめた。咳が頻繁に出て喉の排出物が非常に多くなり、気道のあたりが楽でなかったこともあったが、最大の理由は「ずっと吸っていること=ずっと吸わないこと」という等式が頭の中にできたことだった。One day, 13 years ago, I suddenly had the idea to quit smoking cigarettes once and for all. Partly because I was coughing frequently, my throat discharge was very high, and I was not feeling comfortable around my airways, but the biggest reason was the equation that formed in my brain: "Smoke all the time = Not smoke at all."
equation, at first glance, seems illogical. However, you may find at
least a little room to think, "If you are constantly puffing on a
cigarette at every waking moment, is it the same as not puffing at all?"
Moreover, you may have a chance of succeeding in quitting smoking.
cigarettes has many positive effects, such as giving one a pleasant
sensation, relieving drowsiness and fatigue, as well as increasing
concentration. Many people continue to smoke because of these benefits.
Although these effects are temporary, they are quite attractive.
if you continue to smoke and start to worry about respiratory problems
and cerebrovascular shrinkage, you should consider taking up the
equation above for your health and money.
should start a non-smoking savings account. Write down the total amount
of cigarettes you have not smoked every day in a notebook, for example,
+800. Your savings will increase dramatically in a week or so.
A rapid growth of neural circuits in the language area of the brain cortex
私自身の英語力について分析すると、中学3年の時に、英語の先生から朗読コンテストに参加しないかと勧められ、声の良さで選ばれたと思われる他の一人とともに教科書のあるページの朗読をしたことから英語力が上向き始めたのではないかと思われる。Sojo was a little boy in India.で始まる、当時の教科書に載っていた文章のBBC朗読レコードを安物のレコードプレーヤーで繰り返し聴いた。
I think my ability in English started to improve when my English teacher encouraged me to participate in a reading contest in my third year of junior high. Two students, including me, were chosen presumably because of having a great voice. I repeatedly listened to the BBC reading of the text on a cheap record player, which began with the words "Sojo was a little boy in India."
After that, as anyone would normally do, I continued to study English grammar and tried to increase my ability in reading and vocabulary until the day before the university entrance exam. I remember I had a hard time remembering English words in particular. I made word cards and memorized them with conscious effort.
When I first entered college, my English teacher in the liberal arts program adopted as a textbook a very boring book in The Penguins Books written by a British author named Cyril Connolly. What I was overwhelmed was the overwhelming lack of vocabulary of mine and felt that I had had enough of English.
大学は最初法学部に進学したが、すぐにいやけがさして文学部に転学部した。転学部には1年間の休学部が制度上必要だった。最初は国文学を選んだ。主には担当教授の専門により大伴家持や蕪村などを勉強したが、満足できず、英語英米文学に移った。その後、Sherwood Andersonの Winesburg, OhioやFaulknerのThe Sound and the Furyなどを読みつつアメリカ文学に足を踏み入れ、そのほかイギリスのTom JonesやPride and Prejudice、Shakespeareも読み、次第に英語力が身についてきた。
When I proceeded to school, I first entered the Faculty of Law, but soon became disenchanted and transferred to the Faculty of Arts and Letters. The system required a one-year leave of absence to transfer. I chose Japanese literature at first and studied Otomo no Yakamochi and Buson mainly according to my professors' specialty, but without satisfaction, I moved on to English and English-American literature. After that, I came across Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, Faulkner's Sound and Fury, and other works of American literature. I also read Tom Jones, Pride and Prejudice, and Shakespeare. Gradually, my English language skills began to improve.
卒論のために勉強したのは、当時の生成文法のNoam ChomskyやJackendoffの著作だった。生成文法の勉強には理系の要素も若干必要で、その分むずかしかったが英語力は飛躍的に高まった。
For my thesis, I studied the works of Noam Chomsky and Jakendoff, who were the generative grammarians of their day. Studying generative grammar required some elements of science and engineering, which made it more difficult to study for me, but my English skills improved dramatically.
卒業時の面接時にアメリカ文学と英語学のそれぞれの教授が「さてどうしましょうかね」と卒業後の心配をしてくれた。就職先である。しかし、私は啖呵を切ってしまった。「いえ、けっこうです。自分でやっていきます」。「小説を書きたい」と言ったら、アメリカ文学の教授が「それじゃ僕と同じだね」とおっしゃったのはおもしろかった。この方は授業でWayne C. BoothのThe Rhetoric of Fictionを学生に読ませたと記憶している。
When I was interviewed for graduation, my professors in American Literature and English Language respectively said to me, "Well, what are you going to do?" I knew I was worried about my job prospects. But I dared them to say, "No, thank you. I will do it by myself." When I told them I wanted to write novels, the professor of American literature said, "Then you are just like me." He had his students read 'The Rhetoric of Fiction' by Wayne C. Booth in class.
After graduation, I earned my living by writing books on English for entrance examinations and exam questions, and my vocabulary naturally grew to the point where I no longer needed to refer to the thesaurus, which I had been referring to many times. I thought I might have gotten near to a bilingual, but this is actually an ego trip, and I think that my English proficiency is about 80 points out of 100.
When I first entered college, my English teacher in the liberal arts program adopted as a textbook a very boring book in The Penguins Books written by a British author named Cyril Connolly. What I was overwhelmed was the overwhelming lack of vocabulary of mine and felt that I had had enough of English.
大学は最初法学部に進学したが、すぐにいやけがさして文学部に転学部した。転学部には1年間の休学部が制度上必要だった。最初は国文学を選んだ。主には担当教授の専門により大伴家持や蕪村などを勉強したが、満足できず、英語英米文学に移った。その後、Sherwood Andersonの Winesburg, OhioやFaulknerのThe Sound and the Furyなどを読みつつアメリカ文学に足を踏み入れ、そのほかイギリスのTom JonesやPride and Prejudice、Shakespeareも読み、次第に英語力が身についてきた。
When I proceeded to school, I first entered the Faculty of Law, but soon became disenchanted and transferred to the Faculty of Arts and Letters. The system required a one-year leave of absence to transfer. I chose Japanese literature at first and studied Otomo no Yakamochi and Buson mainly according to my professors' specialty, but without satisfaction, I moved on to English and English-American literature. After that, I came across Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, Faulkner's Sound and Fury, and other works of American literature. I also read Tom Jones, Pride and Prejudice, and Shakespeare. Gradually, my English language skills began to improve.
卒論のために勉強したのは、当時の生成文法のNoam ChomskyやJackendoffの著作だった。生成文法の勉強には理系の要素も若干必要で、その分むずかしかったが英語力は飛躍的に高まった。
For my thesis, I studied the works of Noam Chomsky and Jakendoff, who were the generative grammarians of their day. Studying generative grammar required some elements of science and engineering, which made it more difficult to study for me, but my English skills improved dramatically.
卒業時の面接時にアメリカ文学と英語学のそれぞれの教授が「さてどうしましょうかね」と卒業後の心配をしてくれた。就職先である。しかし、私は啖呵を切ってしまった。「いえ、けっこうです。自分でやっていきます」。「小説を書きたい」と言ったら、アメリカ文学の教授が「それじゃ僕と同じだね」とおっしゃったのはおもしろかった。この方は授業でWayne C. BoothのThe Rhetoric of Fictionを学生に読ませたと記憶している。
When I was interviewed for graduation, my professors in American Literature and English Language respectively said to me, "Well, what are you going to do?" I knew I was worried about my job prospects. But I dared them to say, "No, thank you. I will do it by myself." When I told them I wanted to write novels, the professor of American literature said, "Then you are just like me." He had his students read 'The Rhetoric of Fiction' by Wayne C. Booth in class.
After graduation, I earned my living by writing books on English for entrance examinations and exam questions, and my vocabulary naturally grew to the point where I no longer needed to refer to the thesaurus, which I had been referring to many times. I thought I might have gotten near to a bilingual, but this is actually an ego trip, and I think that my English proficiency is about 80 points out of 100.
I had never lived in an English-speaking country. I was a self-taught person, so to speak, who really only studied in Japan. However, as I continued my studies, I believe that I gradually developed an English-language cranial nerve circuit, which seems to have a period of rapid growth by the providence of nature. If you continue to work hard, one day you will unexpectedly suddenly be rewarded.
I had never lived in an English-speaking country. I was a self-taught person, so to speak, who really only studied in Japan. However, as I continued my studies, I believe that I gradually developed an English-language cranial nerve circuit, which seems to have a period of rapid growth by the providence of nature. If you continue to work hard, one day you will unexpectedly suddenly be rewarded.
Abnormal Electrocardiographic T-wave
医療を受けることにおいて最も落ち込んだのは「T波異常」というゴム印をカルテに押されたときだった。書き込むのではなく、ゴム印でぺたりと押される。これはやばいかもしれない。The most depressing experience in receiving medical care was when I had a "T-wave abnormality" stamped on my medical record. Instead of writing it down, the doctor just put a stamp of it on the paper. That suggested a bad thing.
This abnormality, which is called "T-wave abnormality", shows the waveform that should normally rise upward on an EKG becomes concave and negative. Normally, T-waves should rise in the positive direction, and a negative concavity is considered abnormal. However, after having lived with this ECG for 77 years, it is not good to be branded as a T-waver.
In Japan, it is said that being fair-skinned hides seven disadvantages, but all of my classmates and relatives of the same age who died of heart disease while young were fair-skinned. A girl in my junior high school class who died of a heart condition was always worried by her close classmates. Her condition must have been that bad. She died suddenly, and all her classmates attended her funeral. Looking at her in the coffin, everyone wiped tears.
A fair-skinned, baseball-loving boy who had inherited fairness from his mother also died suddenly. And, according to my mother, one of my cousins, my mother's brother's son, a fair-skinned boy, had also died of a heart disease. If you are Japanese and strikingly fair-skinned, you may have a bad heart condition.
The black colored cat that died of a heart attack was our cat, Pitch. This black and gold-haired feline had one of the kidneys atrophied and became very sick. At the time of her death, she was on my lap, but as soon as I put her down, she passed away after she had her tail puffed out in terror. She might have been in great pain from being taken off my lap, or she might have had a myocardial infarction.
As for me, as you can see from the fact that I have been nicknamed sometimes "white pig" and sometimes "our bride" by my classmates, I was rather pale, but I did not die young, and have survived to be 77 years old. Therefore, the question arises about whether the T-wave abnormality is true or not in my case.
According to doctors on the Web, T-wave abnormalities can be benign. One medical center stated that it is too early to be pessimistic about such a finding, as ST-T changes and T-wave abnormalities may not be pathological. T-wave abnormalities can also occur in the absence of problems. Reading ECGs seems to be difficult even for experts.
Floaters & Posterior Vitreous Detachment
begin at a very young age, in one's twenties. Almost every member of
the human race becomes aware of a visual abnormality, such as mosquitoes
flying in the eye or a few tiny frog eggs floating in the air. Since
almost all members of human beings become aware of this visual
abnormality, this is hardly called a disease; more akin to human
large portion of the eye is filled with a jelly-like substance called
vitreous. This gel, according to my ophthalmologist, turns into sol as
we get older. In this mixture, when something like debris floats
around, it can interfere with our vision depending on the light.
time there was a change in my flying mosquitoes. Trash perceived as
huge, gigantically large, drifted into my field of vision. It was as if
large, black pieces of lumber were rolling around on the right and left
sides of my eyeballs. I knew it was bad.
went to see my ophthalmologist. She said it was a posterior vitreous
detachment. In other words, the back part of the vitreous is detached
from the retina. This was, however, also a common occurrence, especially
in nearsighted people, and could be called a physiological condition
caused by aging.
for the large debris, my ophthalmologist said, "it will be absorbed,"
but it did not go away soon and remained there. However, when I noticed
it, it was gone. If you wait a very long span of time, it is indeed
absorbed. Currently, the sky is cloudy with about 20 frog eggs and one
misty gray cloud floating.
the end, the two most common eye-related visual abnormalities that
should be a problem are the black curtain pulling wide due to the
retinal detachment and the retinal detachment due to the retinal
rupture. Because they cause a loss of part of the visual field and a
significant change in vision, both are easily recognizable. When this
happens, you have no choice but to rush to the hospital because you will
lose by mutekatsu-ryu.
A rapid growth of neural circuits in the language area of the brain cortex
私自身の英語力について分析すると、中学3年の時に、英語の先生から朗読コンテストに参加しないかと勧められ、声の良さで選ばれたと思われる他の一人とともに教科書のあるページの朗読をしたことから英語力が上向き始めたのではないかと思われる。Sojo was a little boy in India.で始まる、当時の教科書に載っていた文章のBBC朗読レコードを安物のレコードプレーヤーで繰り返し聴いた。
I think my ability in English started to improve when my English teacher encouraged me to participate in a reading contest in my third year of junior high. Two students, including me, were chosen presumably because of having a great voice. I repeatedly listened to the BBC reading of the text on a cheap record player, which began with the words "Sojo was a little boy in India."
After that, as anyone would normally do, I continued to study English grammar and tried to increase my ability in reading and vocabulary until the day before the university entrance exam. I remember I had a hard time remembering English words in particular. I made word cards and memorized them with conscious effort.
When I first entered college, my English teacher in the liberal arts program adopted as a textbook a very boring book in The Penguins Books written by a British author named Cyril Connolly. What I was overwhelmed was the overwhelming lack of vocabulary of mine and felt that I had had enough of English.
大学は最初法学部に進学したが、すぐにいやけがさして文学部に転学部した。転学部には1年間の休学部が制度上必要だった。最初は国文学を選んだ。主には担当教授の専門により大伴家持や蕪村などを勉強したが、満足できず、英語英米文学に移った。その後、Sherwood Andersonの Winesburg, OhioやFaulknerのThe Sound and the Furyなどを読みつつアメリカ文学に足を踏み入れ、そのほかイギリスのTom JonesやPride and Prejudice、Shakespeareも読み、次第に英語力が身についてきた。
When I proceeded to school, I first entered the Faculty of Law, but soon became disenchanted and transferred to the Faculty of Arts and Letters. The system required a one-year leave of absence to transfer. I chose Japanese literature at first and studied Otomo no Yakamochi and Buson mainly according to my professors' specialty, but without satisfaction, I moved on to English and English-American literature. After that, I came across Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, Faulkner's Sound and Fury, and other works of American literature. I also read Tom Jones, Pride and Prejudice, and Shakespeare. Gradually, my English language skills began to improve.
卒論のために勉強したのは、当時の生成文法のNoam ChomskyやJackendoffの著作だった。生成文法の勉強には理系の要素も若干必要で、その分むずかしかったが英語力は飛躍的に高まった。
For my thesis, I studied the works of Noam Chomsky and Jakendoff, who were the generative grammarians of their day. Studying generative grammar required some elements of science and engineering, which made it more difficult to study for me, but my English skills improved dramatically.
卒業時の面接時にアメリカ文学と英語学のそれぞれの教授が「さてどうしましょうかね」と卒業後の心配をしてくれた。就職先である。しかし、私は啖呵を切ってしまった。「いえ、けっこうです。自分でやっていきます」。「小説を書きたい」と言ったら、アメリカ文学の教授が「それじゃ僕と同じだね」とおっしゃったのはおもしろかった。この方は授業でWayne C. BoothのThe Rhetoric of Fictionを学生に読ませたと記憶している。
When I was interviewed for graduation, my professors in American Literature and English Language respectively said to me, "Well, what are you going to do?" I knew I was worried about my job prospects. But I dared them to say, "No, thank you. I will do it by myself." When I told them I wanted to write novels, the professor of American literature said, "Then you are just like me." He had his students read 'The Rhetoric of Fiction' by Wayne C. Booth in class.
After graduation, I earned my living by writing books on English for entrance examinations and exam questions, and my vocabulary naturally grew to the point where I no longer needed to refer to the thesaurus, which I had been referring to many times. I thought I might have gotten near to a bilingual, but this is actually an ego trip, and I think that my English proficiency is about 80 points out of 100.
When I first entered college, my English teacher in the liberal arts program adopted as a textbook a very boring book in The Penguins Books written by a British author named Cyril Connolly. What I was overwhelmed was the overwhelming lack of vocabulary of mine and felt that I had had enough of English.
大学は最初法学部に進学したが、すぐにいやけがさして文学部に転学部した。転学部には1年間の休学部が制度上必要だった。最初は国文学を選んだ。主には担当教授の専門により大伴家持や蕪村などを勉強したが、満足できず、英語英米文学に移った。その後、Sherwood Andersonの Winesburg, OhioやFaulknerのThe Sound and the Furyなどを読みつつアメリカ文学に足を踏み入れ、そのほかイギリスのTom JonesやPride and Prejudice、Shakespeareも読み、次第に英語力が身についてきた。
When I proceeded to school, I first entered the Faculty of Law, but soon became disenchanted and transferred to the Faculty of Arts and Letters. The system required a one-year leave of absence to transfer. I chose Japanese literature at first and studied Otomo no Yakamochi and Buson mainly according to my professors' specialty, but without satisfaction, I moved on to English and English-American literature. After that, I came across Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, Faulkner's Sound and Fury, and other works of American literature. I also read Tom Jones, Pride and Prejudice, and Shakespeare. Gradually, my English language skills began to improve.
卒論のために勉強したのは、当時の生成文法のNoam ChomskyやJackendoffの著作だった。生成文法の勉強には理系の要素も若干必要で、その分むずかしかったが英語力は飛躍的に高まった。
For my thesis, I studied the works of Noam Chomsky and Jakendoff, who were the generative grammarians of their day. Studying generative grammar required some elements of science and engineering, which made it more difficult to study for me, but my English skills improved dramatically.
卒業時の面接時にアメリカ文学と英語学のそれぞれの教授が「さてどうしましょうかね」と卒業後の心配をしてくれた。就職先である。しかし、私は啖呵を切ってしまった。「いえ、けっこうです。自分でやっていきます」。「小説を書きたい」と言ったら、アメリカ文学の教授が「それじゃ僕と同じだね」とおっしゃったのはおもしろかった。この方は授業でWayne C. BoothのThe Rhetoric of Fictionを学生に読ませたと記憶している。
When I was interviewed for graduation, my professors in American Literature and English Language respectively said to me, "Well, what are you going to do?" I knew I was worried about my job prospects. But I dared them to say, "No, thank you. I will do it by myself." When I told them I wanted to write novels, the professor of American literature said, "Then you are just like me." He had his students read 'The Rhetoric of Fiction' by Wayne C. Booth in class.
After graduation, I earned my living by writing books on English for entrance examinations and exam questions, and my vocabulary naturally grew to the point where I no longer needed to refer to the thesaurus, which I had been referring to many times. I thought I might have gotten near to a bilingual, but this is actually an ego trip, and I think that my English proficiency is about 80 points out of 100.
I had never lived in an English-speaking country. I was a self-taught person, so to speak, who really only studied in Japan. However, as I continued my studies, I believe that I gradually developed an English-language cranial nerve circuit, which seems to have a period of rapid growth by the providence of nature. If you continue to work hard, one day you will unexpectedly suddenly be rewarded.
I had never lived in an English-speaking country. I was a self-taught person, so to speak, who really only studied in Japan. However, as I continued my studies, I believe that I gradually developed an English-language cranial nerve circuit, which seems to have a period of rapid growth by the providence of nature. If you continue to work hard, one day you will unexpectedly suddenly be rewarded.
A rapid growth of neural circuits in the language area of the brain cortex
私自身の英語力について分析すると、中学3年の時に、英語の先生から朗読コンテストに参加しないかと勧められ、声の良さで選ばれたと思われる他の一人とともに教科書のあるページの朗読をしたことから英語力が上向き始めたのではないかと思われる。Sojo was a little boy in India.で始まる、当時の教科書に載っていた文章のBBC朗読レコードを安物のレコードプレーヤーで繰り返し聴いた。
I think my ability in English started to improve when my English teacher encouraged me to participate in a reading contest in my third year of junior high. Two students, including me, were chosen presumably because of having a great voice. I repeatedly listened to the BBC reading of the text on a cheap record player, which began with the words "Sojo was a little boy in India."
After that, as anyone would normally do, I continued to study English grammar and tried to increase my ability in reading and vocabulary until the day before the university entrance exam. I remember I had a hard time remembering English words in particular. I made word cards and memorized them with conscious effort.
When I first entered college, my English teacher in the liberal arts program adopted as a textbook a very boring book in The Penguins Books written by a British author named Cyril Connolly. What I was overwhelmed was the overwhelming lack of vocabulary of mine and felt that I had had enough of English.
大学は最初法学部に進学したが、すぐにいやけがさして文学部に転学部した。転学部には1年間の休学部が制度上必要だった。最初は国文学を選んだ。主には担当教授の専門により大伴家持や蕪村などを勉強したが、満足できず、英語英米文学に移った。その後、Sherwood Andersonの Winesburg, OhioやFaulknerのThe Sound and the Furyなどを読みつつアメリカ文学に足を踏み入れ、そのほかイギリスのTom JonesやPride and Prejudice、Shakespeareも読み、次第に英語力が身についてきた。
When I proceeded to school, I first entered the Faculty of Law, but soon became disenchanted and transferred to the Faculty of Arts and Letters. The system required a one-year leave of absence to transfer. I chose Japanese literature at first and studied Otomo no Yakamochi and Buson mainly according to my professors' specialty, but without satisfaction, I moved on to English and English-American literature. After that, I came across Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, Faulkner's Sound and Fury, and other works of American literature. I also read Tom Jones, Pride and Prejudice, and Shakespeare. Gradually, my English language skills began to improve.
卒論のために勉強したのは、当時の生成文法のNoam ChomskyやJackendoffの著作だった。生成文法の勉強には理系の要素も若干必要で、その分むずかしかったが英語力は飛躍的に高まった。
For my thesis, I studied the works of Noam Chomsky and Jakendoff, who were the generative grammarians of their day. Studying generative grammar required some elements of science and engineering, which made it more difficult to study for me, but my English skills improved dramatically.
卒業時の面接時にアメリカ文学と英語学のそれぞれの教授が「さてどうしましょうかね」と卒業後の心配をしてくれた。就職先である。しかし、私は啖呵を切ってしまった。「いえ、けっこうです。自分でやっていきます」。「小説を書きたい」と言ったら、アメリカ文学の教授が「それじゃ僕と同じだね」とおっしゃったのはおもしろかった。この方は授業でWayne C. BoothのThe Rhetoric of Fictionを学生に読ませたと記憶している。
When I was interviewed for graduation, my professors in American Literature and English Language respectively said to me, "Well, what are you going to do?" I knew I was worried about my job prospects. But I dared them to say, "No, thank you. I will do it by myself." When I told them I wanted to write novels, the professor of American literature said, "Then you are just like me." He had his students read 'The Rhetoric of Fiction' by Wayne C. Booth in class.
After graduation, I earned my living by writing books on English for entrance examinations and exam questions, and my vocabulary naturally grew to the point where I no longer needed to refer to the thesaurus, which I had been referring to many times. I thought I might have gotten near to a bilingual, but this is actually an ego trip, and I think that my English proficiency is about 80 points out of 100.
When I first entered college, my English teacher in the liberal arts program adopted as a textbook a very boring book in The Penguins Books written by a British author named Cyril Connolly. What I was overwhelmed was the overwhelming lack of vocabulary of mine and felt that I had had enough of English.
大学は最初法学部に進学したが、すぐにいやけがさして文学部に転学部した。転学部には1年間の休学部が制度上必要だった。最初は国文学を選んだ。主には担当教授の専門により大伴家持や蕪村などを勉強したが、満足できず、英語英米文学に移った。その後、Sherwood Andersonの Winesburg, OhioやFaulknerのThe Sound and the Furyなどを読みつつアメリカ文学に足を踏み入れ、そのほかイギリスのTom JonesやPride and Prejudice、Shakespeareも読み、次第に英語力が身についてきた。
When I proceeded to school, I first entered the Faculty of Law, but soon became disenchanted and transferred to the Faculty of Arts and Letters. The system required a one-year leave of absence to transfer. I chose Japanese literature at first and studied Otomo no Yakamochi and Buson mainly according to my professors' specialty, but without satisfaction, I moved on to English and English-American literature. After that, I came across Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, Faulkner's Sound and Fury, and other works of American literature. I also read Tom Jones, Pride and Prejudice, and Shakespeare. Gradually, my English language skills began to improve.
卒論のために勉強したのは、当時の生成文法のNoam ChomskyやJackendoffの著作だった。生成文法の勉強には理系の要素も若干必要で、その分むずかしかったが英語力は飛躍的に高まった。
For my thesis, I studied the works of Noam Chomsky and Jakendoff, who were the generative grammarians of their day. Studying generative grammar required some elements of science and engineering, which made it more difficult to study for me, but my English skills improved dramatically.
卒業時の面接時にアメリカ文学と英語学のそれぞれの教授が「さてどうしましょうかね」と卒業後の心配をしてくれた。就職先である。しかし、私は啖呵を切ってしまった。「いえ、けっこうです。自分でやっていきます」。「小説を書きたい」と言ったら、アメリカ文学の教授が「それじゃ僕と同じだね」とおっしゃったのはおもしろかった。この方は授業でWayne C. BoothのThe Rhetoric of Fictionを学生に読ませたと記憶している。
When I was interviewed for graduation, my professors in American Literature and English Language respectively said to me, "Well, what are you going to do?" I knew I was worried about my job prospects. But I dared them to say, "No, thank you. I will do it by myself." When I told them I wanted to write novels, the professor of American literature said, "Then you are just like me." He had his students read 'The Rhetoric of Fiction' by Wayne C. Booth in class.
After graduation, I earned my living by writing books on English for entrance examinations and exam questions, and my vocabulary naturally grew to the point where I no longer needed to refer to the thesaurus, which I had been referring to many times. I thought I might have gotten near to a bilingual, but this is actually an ego trip, and I think that my English proficiency is about 80 points out of 100.
I had never lived in an English-speaking country. I was a self-taught person, so to speak, who really only studied in Japan. However, as I continued my studies, I believe that I gradually developed an English-language cranial nerve circuit, which seems to have a period of rapid growth by the providence of nature. If you continue to work hard, one day you will unexpectedly suddenly be rewarded.
I had never lived in an English-speaking country. I was a self-taught person, so to speak, who really only studied in Japan. However, as I continued my studies, I believe that I gradually developed an English-language cranial nerve circuit, which seems to have a period of rapid growth by the providence of nature. If you continue to work hard, one day you will unexpectedly suddenly be rewarded.
A rapid growth of neural circuits in the language area of the brain cortex
私自身の英語力について分析すると、中学3年の時に、英語の先生から朗読コンテストに参加しないかと勧められ、声の良さで選ばれたと思われる他の一人とともに教科書のあるページの朗読をしたことから英語力が上向き始めたのではないかと思われる。Sojo was a little boy in India.で始まる、当時の教科書に載っていた文章のBBC朗読レコードを安物のレコードプレーヤーで繰り返し聴いた。
I think my ability in English started to improve when my English teacher encouraged me to participate in a reading contest in my third year of junior high. Two students, including me, were chosen presumably because of having a great voice. I repeatedly listened to the BBC reading of the text on a cheap record player, which began with the words "Sojo was a little boy in India."
After that, as anyone would normally do, I continued to study English grammar and tried to increase my ability in reading and vocabulary until the day before the university entrance exam. I remember I had a hard time remembering English words in particular. I made word cards and memorized them with conscious effort.
When I first entered college, my English teacher in the liberal arts program adopted as a textbook a very boring book in The Penguins Books written by a British author named Cyril Connolly. What I was overwhelmed was the overwhelming lack of vocabulary of mine and felt that I had had enough of English.
大学は最初法学部に進学したが、すぐにいやけがさして文学部に転学部した。転学部には1年間の休学部が制度上必要だった。最初は国文学を選んだ。主には担当教授の専門により大伴家持や蕪村などを勉強したが、満足できず、英語英米文学に移った。その後、Sherwood Andersonの Winesburg, OhioやFaulknerのThe Sound and the Furyなどを読みつつアメリカ文学に足を踏み入れ、そのほかイギリスのTom JonesやPride and Prejudice、Shakespeareも読み、次第に英語力が身についてきた。
When I proceeded to school, I first entered the Faculty of Law, but soon became disenchanted and transferred to the Faculty of Arts and Letters. The system required a one-year leave of absence to transfer. I chose Japanese literature at first and studied Otomo no Yakamochi and Buson mainly according to my professors' specialty, but without satisfaction, I moved on to English and English-American literature. After that, I came across Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, Faulkner's Sound and Fury, and other works of American literature. I also read Tom Jones, Pride and Prejudice, and Shakespeare. Gradually, my English language skills began to improve.
卒論のために勉強したのは、当時の生成文法のNoam ChomskyやJackendoffの著作だった。生成文法の勉強には理系の要素も若干必要で、その分むずかしかったが英語力は飛躍的に高まった。
For my thesis, I studied the works of Noam Chomsky and Jakendoff, who were the generative grammarians of their day. Studying generative grammar required some elements of science and engineering, which made it more difficult to study for me, but my English skills improved dramatically.
卒業時の面接時にアメリカ文学と英語学のそれぞれの教授が「さてどうしましょうかね」と卒業後の心配をしてくれた。就職先である。しかし、私は啖呵を切ってしまった。「いえ、けっこうです。自分でやっていきます」。「小説を書きたい」と言ったら、アメリカ文学の教授が「それじゃ僕と同じだね」とおっしゃったのはおもしろかった。この方は授業でWayne C. BoothのThe Rhetoric of Fictionを学生に読ませたと記憶している。
When I was interviewed for graduation, my professors in American Literature and English Language respectively said to me, "Well, what are you going to do?" I knew I was worried about my job prospects. But I dared them to say, "No, thank you. I will do it by myself." When I told them I wanted to write novels, the professor of American literature said, "Then you are just like me." He had his students read 'The Rhetoric of Fiction' by Wayne C. Booth in class.
After graduation, I earned my living by writing books on English for entrance examinations and exam questions, and my vocabulary naturally grew to the point where I no longer needed to refer to the thesaurus, which I had been referring to many times. I thought I might have gotten near to a bilingual, but this is actually an ego trip, and I think that my English proficiency is about 80 points out of 100.
When I first entered college, my English teacher in the liberal arts program adopted as a textbook a very boring book in The Penguins Books written by a British author named Cyril Connolly. What I was overwhelmed was the overwhelming lack of vocabulary of mine and felt that I had had enough of English.
大学は最初法学部に進学したが、すぐにいやけがさして文学部に転学部した。転学部には1年間の休学部が制度上必要だった。最初は国文学を選んだ。主には担当教授の専門により大伴家持や蕪村などを勉強したが、満足できず、英語英米文学に移った。その後、Sherwood Andersonの Winesburg, OhioやFaulknerのThe Sound and the Furyなどを読みつつアメリカ文学に足を踏み入れ、そのほかイギリスのTom JonesやPride and Prejudice、Shakespeareも読み、次第に英語力が身についてきた。
When I proceeded to school, I first entered the Faculty of Law, but soon became disenchanted and transferred to the Faculty of Arts and Letters. The system required a one-year leave of absence to transfer. I chose Japanese literature at first and studied Otomo no Yakamochi and Buson mainly according to my professors' specialty, but without satisfaction, I moved on to English and English-American literature. After that, I came across Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio, Faulkner's Sound and Fury, and other works of American literature. I also read Tom Jones, Pride and Prejudice, and Shakespeare. Gradually, my English language skills began to improve.
卒論のために勉強したのは、当時の生成文法のNoam ChomskyやJackendoffの著作だった。生成文法の勉強には理系の要素も若干必要で、その分むずかしかったが英語力は飛躍的に高まった。
For my thesis, I studied the works of Noam Chomsky and Jakendoff, who were the generative grammarians of their day. Studying generative grammar required some elements of science and engineering, which made it more difficult to study for me, but my English skills improved dramatically.
卒業時の面接時にアメリカ文学と英語学のそれぞれの教授が「さてどうしましょうかね」と卒業後の心配をしてくれた。就職先である。しかし、私は啖呵を切ってしまった。「いえ、けっこうです。自分でやっていきます」。「小説を書きたい」と言ったら、アメリカ文学の教授が「それじゃ僕と同じだね」とおっしゃったのはおもしろかった。この方は授業でWayne C. BoothのThe Rhetoric of Fictionを学生に読ませたと記憶している。
When I was interviewed for graduation, my professors in American Literature and English Language respectively said to me, "Well, what are you going to do?" I knew I was worried about my job prospects. But I dared them to say, "No, thank you. I will do it by myself." When I told them I wanted to write novels, the professor of American literature said, "Then you are just like me." He had his students read 'The Rhetoric of Fiction' by Wayne C. Booth in class.
After graduation, I earned my living by writing books on English for entrance examinations and exam questions, and my vocabulary naturally grew to the point where I no longer needed to refer to the thesaurus, which I had been referring to many times. I thought I might have gotten near to a bilingual, but this is actually an ego trip, and I think that my English proficiency is about 80 points out of 100.
I had never lived in an English-speaking country. I was a self-taught person, so to speak, who really only studied in Japan. However, as I continued my studies, I believe that I gradually developed an English-language cranial nerve circuit, which seems to have a period of rapid growth by the providence of nature. If you continue to work hard, one day you will unexpectedly suddenly be rewarded.
I had never lived in an English-speaking country. I was a self-taught person, so to speak, who really only studied in Japan. However, as I continued my studies, I believe that I gradually developed an English-language cranial nerve circuit, which seems to have a period of rapid growth by the providence of nature. If you continue to work hard, one day you will unexpectedly suddenly be rewarded.
Abnormal Electrocardiographic T-wave
Abnormal Electrocardiographic T-wave
医療を受けることにおいて最も落ち込んだのは「T波異常」というゴム印をカルテに押されたときだった。書き込むのではなく、ゴム印でぺたりと押される。これはやばいかもしれない。The most depressing experience in receiving medical care was when I had a "T-wave abnormality" stamped on my medical record. Instead of writing it down, the doctor just put a stamp of it on the paper. That suggested a bad thing.
医療を受けることにおいて最も落ち込んだのは「T波異常」というゴム印をカルテに押されたときだった。書き込むのではなく、ゴム印でぺたりと押される。これはやばいかもしれない。The most depressing experience in receiving medical care was when I had a "T-wave abnormality" stamped on my medical record. Instead of writing it down, the doctor just put a stamp of it on the paper. That suggested a bad thing.
This abnormality, which is called "T-wave abnormality", shows the waveform that should normally rise upward on an EKG becomes concave and negative. Normally, T-waves should rise in the positive direction, and a negative concavity is considered abnormal. However, after having lived with this ECG for 77 years, it is not good to be branded as a T-waver.
This abnormality, which is called "T-wave abnormality", shows the waveform that should normally rise upward on an EKG becomes concave and negative. Normally, T-waves should rise in the positive direction, and a negative concavity is considered abnormal. However, after having lived with this ECG for 77 years, it is not good to be branded as a T-waver.
In Japan, it is said that being fair-skinned hides seven disadvantages, but all of my classmates and relatives of the same age who died of heart disease while young were fair-skinned. A girl in my junior high school class who died of a heart condition was always worried by her close classmates. Her condition must have been that bad. She died suddenly, and all her classmates attended her funeral. Looking at her in the coffin, everyone wiped tears.
In Japan, it is said that being fair-skinned hides seven disadvantages, but all of my classmates and relatives of the same age who died of heart disease while young were fair-skinned. A girl in my junior high school class who died of a heart condition was always worried by her close classmates. Her condition must have been that bad. She died suddenly, and all her classmates attended her funeral. Looking at her in the coffin, everyone wiped tears.
A fair-skinned, baseball-loving boy who had inherited fairness from his mother also died suddenly. And, according to my mother, one of my cousins, my mother's brother's son, a fair-skinned boy, had also died of a heart disease. If you are Japanese and strikingly fair-skinned, you may have a bad heart condition.
A fair-skinned, baseball-loving boy who had inherited fairness from his mother also died suddenly. And, according to my mother, one of my cousins, my mother's brother's son, a fair-skinned boy, had also died of a heart disease. If you are Japanese and strikingly fair-skinned, you may have a bad heart condition.
The black colored cat that died of a heart attack was our cat, Pitch. This black and gold-haired feline had one of the kidneys atrophied and became very sick. At the time of her death, she was on my lap, but as soon as I put her down, she passed away after she had her tail puffed out in terror. She might have been in great pain from being taken off my lap, or she might have had a myocardial infarction.
The black colored cat that died of a heart attack was our cat, Pitch. This black and gold-haired feline had one of the kidneys atrophied and became very sick. At the time of her death, she was on my lap, but as soon as I put her down, she passed away after she had her tail puffed out in terror. She might have been in great pain from being taken off my lap, or she might have had a myocardial infarction.
As for me, as you can see from the fact that I have been nicknamed sometimes "white pig" and sometimes "our bride" by my classmates, I was rather pale, but I did not die young, and have survived to be 77 years old. Therefore, the question arises about whether the T-wave abnormality is true or not in my case.
As for me, as you can see from the fact that I have been nicknamed sometimes "white pig" and sometimes "our bride" by my classmates, I was rather pale, but I did not die young, and have survived to be 77 years old. Therefore, the question arises about whether the T-wave abnormality is true or not in my case.
According to doctors on the Web, T-wave abnormalities can be benign. One medical center stated that it is too early to be pessimistic about such a finding, as ST-T changes and T-wave abnormalities may not be pathological. T-wave abnormalities can also occur in the absence of problems. Reading ECGs seems to be difficult even for experts.
According to doctors on the Web, T-wave abnormalities can be benign. One medical center stated that it is too early to be pessimistic about such a finding, as ST-T changes and T-wave abnormalities may not be pathological. T-wave abnormalities can also occur in the absence of problems. Reading ECGs seems to be difficult even for experts.
Floaters & Posterior Vitreous Detachment
begin at a very young age, in one's twenties. Almost every member of
the human race becomes aware of a visual abnormality, such as mosquitoes
flying in the eye or a few tiny frog eggs floating in the air. Since
almost all members of human beings become aware of this visual
abnormality, this is hardly called a disease; more akin to human
large portion of the eye is filled with a jelly-like substance called
vitreous. This gel, according to my ophthalmologist, turns into sol as
we get older. In this mixture, when something like debris floats
around, it can interfere with our vision depending on the light.
time there was a change in my flying mosquitoes. Trash perceived as
huge, gigantically large, drifted into my field of vision. It was as if
large, black pieces of lumber were rolling around on the right and left
sides of my eyeballs. I knew it was bad.
went to see my ophthalmologist. She said it was a posterior vitreous
detachment. In other words, the back part of the vitreous is detached
from the retina. This was, however, also a common occurrence, especially
in nearsighted people, and could be called a physiological condition
caused by aging.
for the large debris, my ophthalmologist said, "it will be absorbed,"
but it did not go away soon and remained there. However, when I noticed
it, it was gone. If you wait a very long span of time, it is indeed
absorbed. Currently, the sky is cloudy with about 20 frog eggs and one
misty gray cloud floating.
the end, the two most common eye-related visual abnormalities that
should be a problem are the black curtain pulling wide due to the
retinal detachment and the retinal detachment due to the retinal
rupture. Because they cause a loss of part of the visual field and a
significant change in vision, both are easily recognizable. When this
happens, you have no choice but to rush to the hospital because you will
lose by mutekatsu-ryu.
Floaters & Posterior Vitreous Detachment
begin at a very young age, in one's twenties. Almost every member of
the human race becomes aware of a visual abnormality, such as mosquitoes
flying in the eye or a few tiny frog eggs floating in the air. Since
almost all members of human beings become aware of this visual
abnormality, this is hardly called a disease; more akin to human
large portion of the eye is filled with a jelly-like substance called
vitreous. This gel, according to my ophthalmologist, turns into sol as
we get older. In this mixture, when something like debris floats
around, it can interfere with our vision depending on the light.
time there was a change in my flying mosquitoes. Trash perceived as
huge, gigantically large, drifted into my field of vision. It was as if
large, black pieces of lumber were rolling around on the right and left
sides of my eyeballs. I knew it was bad.
went to see my ophthalmologist. She said it was a posterior vitreous
detachment. In other words, the back part of the vitreous is detached
from the retina. This was, however, also a common occurrence, especially
in nearsighted people, and could be called a physiological condition
caused by aging.
for the large debris, my ophthalmologist said, "it will be absorbed,"
but it did not go away soon and remained there. However, when I noticed
it, it was gone. If you wait a very long span of time, it is indeed
absorbed. Currently, the sky is cloudy with about 20 frog eggs and one
misty gray cloud floating.
the end, the two most common eye-related visual abnormalities that
should be a problem are the black curtain pulling wide due to the
retinal detachment and the retinal detachment due to the retinal
rupture. Because they cause a loss of part of the visual field and a
significant change in vision, both are easily recognizable. When this
happens, you have no choice but to rush to the hospital because you will
lose by mutekatsu-ryu.
Floaters & Posterior Vitreous Detachment
begin at a very young age, in one's twenties. Almost every member of
the human race becomes aware of a visual abnormality, such as mosquitoes
flying in the eye or a few tiny frog eggs floating in the air. Since
almost all members of human beings become aware of this visual
abnormality, this is hardly called a disease; more akin to human
large portion of the eye is filled with a jelly-like substance called
vitreous. This gel, according to my ophthalmologist, turns into sol as
we get older. In this mixture, when something like debris floats
around, it can interfere with our vision depending on the light.
time there was a change in my flying mosquitoes. Trash perceived as
huge, gigantically large, drifted into my field of vision. It was as if
large, black pieces of lumber were rolling around on the right and left
sides of my eyeballs. I knew it was bad.
went to see my ophthalmologist. She said it was a posterior vitreous
detachment. In other words, the back part of the vitreous is detached
from the retina. This was, however, also a common occurrence, especially
in nearsighted people, and could be called a physiological condition
caused by aging.
for the large debris, my ophthalmologist said, "it will be absorbed,"
but it did not go away soon and remained there. However, when I noticed
it, it was gone. If you wait a very long span of time, it is indeed
absorbed. Currently, the sky is cloudy with about 20 frog eggs and one
misty gray cloud floating.
the end, the two most common eye-related visual abnormalities that
should be a problem are the black curtain pulling wide due to the
retinal detachment and the retinal detachment due to the retinal
rupture. Because they cause a loss of part of the visual field and a
significant change in vision, both are easily recognizable. When this
happens, you have no choice but to rush to the hospital because you will
lose by mutekatsu-ryu.
begin at a very young age, in one's twenties. Almost every member of
the human race becomes aware of a visual abnormality, such as mosquitoes
flying in the eye or a few tiny frog eggs floating in the air. Since
almost all members of human beings become aware of this visual
abnormality, this is hardly called a disease; more akin to human
large portion of the eye is filled with a jelly-like substance called
vitreous. This gel, according to my ophthalmologist, turns into sol as
we get older. In this mixture, when something like debris floats
around, it can interfere with our vision depending on the light.
あるとき、私の飛蚊に変化があった。巨大なと意識されるゴミ、ギガ的に大きなゴミが視界に漂った。まるで大きな黒い材木が眼球内の右側と左側にごろんごろんころがっているような光景になった。やばいと思った。One time there was a change in my flying mosquitoes. Trash perceived as huge, gigantically large, drifted into my field of vision. It was as if large, black pieces of lumber were rolling around on the right and left sides of my eyeballs. I knew it was bad.
I went to see my ophthalmologist. She said it was a posterior vitreous detachment. In other words, the back part of the vitreous is detached from the retina. This was, however, also a common occurrence, especially in nearsighted people, and could be called a physiological condition caused by aging.
As for the large debris, my ophthalmologist said, "it will be absorbed," but it did not go away soon and remained there. However, when I noticed it, it was gone. If you wait a very long span of time, it is indeed absorbed. Currently, the sky is cloudy with about 20 frog eggs and one misty gray cloud floating.
the end, the two most common eye-related visual abnormalities that
should be a problem are the black curtain pulling wide due to the
retinal detachment and the retinal detachment due to the retinal
rupture. Because they cause a loss of part of the visual field and a
significant change in vision, both are easily recognizable. When this
happens, you have no choice but to rush to the hospital because you will
lose by mutekatsu-ryu.
Bleeding in the White of the Eye
Bleeding in the White of the Eye
Bleeding in the White of the Eye
looks extremely serious because a significant portion of the white of
the eye is stained red with fresh blood from the hemorrhage, and your
look becomes greatly frightening. The bleeding occurs in the sclera,
which appears white under the conjunctiva, the transparent mucous
membrane that covers the surface of the eye, and spreads as if red ink
had just dripped into the very narrow space between two glass plates. It
cannot be removed with the fingers, nor can it be washed away with
are several membranes in and around the eye that perform important
functions. The retina is of exceptional importance because it is a
screen at the innermost part of the eye. The cornea of the black eye
covers a lens-like object called the crystal lens. The cornea is
transparent, and it has no blood vessels. The conjunctiva, as its name
implies, primarily serves to connect the eye to the eyelid, and although
it can become bloodshot due to conjunctivitis and other conditions, it
does not bleed. The white of the eye, however, has blood vessels and can
bleed in some cases.
my case, my internist prescribed a drug called cilostazol, which makes
the blood thinner. This caused bleeding in the whites of my eyes during a
period of increased bleeding to the point where blood oozed from the
surface of my tongue. Startled, I went to my doctor's office.
ophthalmologist, the daughter of the father internist, said something
frightening: "You must have broken a blood vessel." She seemed to want
to say that she was glad it was not a blood vessel in the brain.
The doctor went off to the internal medicine section of the clinic. I did not know what the outcome of the discussion was.
disease is not related to massive bleeding. The amount of bleeding is
usually negligible. Therefore, a hasty visit to the ophthalmologist
would not result in any treatment. No mydriatic drops were placed in the
eye to look at the fundus. No eye drops are given.
"The bleeding blood will be absorbed in time," she said.
Mutekatsu-ryu: Meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD)
As I get older, my meibomitis glands on the edges of the upper and lower eyelids tend to become blocked, causing uncomfortable symptoms. A meibomitis gland is a type of sebaceous gland that normally produces oil on the surface of the eye to prevent evaporation of tears. However, due to aging and other factors, as early as the age of 50, people will be faced with the problem of the clogging of the meibomian glands' outlets by the hardened oil. When you press your eyelids, you may find a round, white mass of oil appear. This mass is getting bigger and bigger. I believe it has something to do with the look in my eyes and other aspects of my appearance.
The major glands in the human body are the thyroid gland, tonsils, lymph glands, digestive glands, and prostate gland. Each of these can harbor serious diseases.
Even if a serious disease could be avoided, there are so many glands in the body that can cause malfunctions.
In my case, I suffer from a great self-contradiction: the fat from the meibomitis glands attacks my eyes. The fat hardens like a needle, and sticks to my pupils and the white of my eyes as if it were an inverted eyelash. When a stabbing incident with an inverted meibomian fat needle occurs, I can't prevent tears from overflowing and can't stand the pain.
The other sebaceous glands seem to have hairs, but the meibomian glands do not. So it is not due to an inverted hair, but a fatty needle.
The lady doctor at the nearby ophthalmologist, the daughter of the man who used to be my family physician, used an instrument with a magnifying glass to pull it out with tweezers. It would be the best ophthalmological method.
She said, "This is cut in half, isn't it? This is a problem, so please let us take care of them instead of pulling them out by yourself."
It is true that if I use a hair plucking tool while looking in the mirror, I sometimes end up with a cut in the middle and the rest of the hair remaining. Doing it by myself, I pull it out forcefully as my enemy. It hurts.
待ち時間はがまんして通院するしかないかな? 女医さんだし、ふだんの健康診断と称して病気でもないのに女医さんに会いに来るおっさんもいる。
I have to go to see the doctor, enduring the long waiting time? Some old men, even though they are not sick, come to see the female doctor, calling it a regular physical checkup.
But if you do it yourself, it's free and it works quickly. I'm in a dilemma.
A measure to prevent grease from hardening would be to warm the area around the eyes. Grease melts with heat. For this purpose, it would be normal to apply a hot compress (a treatment method in Chinese medicine, in which a part of the body is warmed to improve the condition of the patient). If you believe in the power of the Japanese word "teate" (hand treatment), in addition to commercially available products such as hot eye masks, the method of applying the palms of your hands on your eyes will be the most effective and inexpensive method next to steamed towels.
Mutekatsu-ryu: Exercize
What surprised me about the exercises was that the sciatica I suffered, which was so numbing and painful that I could not sleep at night, went away the next day after I watched a video of an exercise and tried it once. This made me fall in love with the exercises. I downloaded the video somewhere on my computer, but I can't find it now.
The sciatica I experienced made my left leg tingle and pain in the thigh area. I don't think this went on for up to a week, but I had nights when I would wake up with a nagging pain for several days. The sciatic nerve is a thick nerve that extends from the area around the hips, where the sciatic bone is located, to the feet. This nerve can become painful when cartilage in the spine around the lower back pops out or is pushed by it. The reason my symptoms disappeared so quickly was probably because it was an acute, not a chronic, spike.
The specific exercise I tried was to lie on my back with my painful left leg bent at the knee, bend my right leg under the bent left leg, leverage the right leg, stretch from the left leg to the lower back, and bend my backward. My lower back was effectively stretched. In the next morning, the dreaded sciatic pain completely disappeared (I searched for something similar and found it at Takeyauchi Clinic. They seem to do it on all fours like a cat).
I recommended this to a friend who had sciatica. After he tried it, he said his symptoms got worse. Perhaps it was not sciatica, but scoliosis. The recommended exercise for the latter does not include back stretching. Oppositely, a rounded style with the knees held up is recommended.
These exercises are not hard ones, but just light ones and they are so languid as to be called light exercises. However, once you get into it, it works. It may be similar to yoga.
試してきたのは片足立ち、つまさきだち、ねっころがって手足ブラブラ、下半身の横揺らしなどです。片足立ちは歩く動作が、分解するとつまりは片足立ちですから、同じような効果かそれ以上が期待できるようです。つまさきだちはふくらはぎが伸び、そのへんの筋肉が強くなります。それにより静脈瘤に効くかもしれません。ねっころがって手足ブラブラは静脈血を心臓に戻します。下半身の横揺らしは、やると片足立ちの持続時間が伸びます。秒単位ですが。 I have tried standing on one leg, standing on my toes, lying on my back on the floor with arms and legs dangling in the air, and rocking my lower body sideways. As for standing on one leg, the same or better effect can be expected as walking, since walking is, in essence, standing on one leg. Standing on your toes stretches your calves and strengthens the muscles in that area. This may help with varicose veins. Lying down and swinging your limbs brings venous blood back to the heart. Side-to-side rocking of the lower body increases the duration of standing on one leg. It may only increase time on the second time scale.
There are many interesting things like yoga and tai chi. Formal ones may be difficult to learn, so you may want to aim for something that is a bit like yoga or a bit like tai chi, which is easier and more casual.
"The bleeding blood will be absorbed in time," she said.
Mutekatsu-ryu: Meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD)
Mutekatsu-ryu: Meibomian gland dysfunction(MGD)
As I get older, my meibomitis glands on the edges of the upper and lower eyelids tend to become blocked, causing uncomfortable symptoms. A meibomitis gland is a type of sebaceous gland that normally produces oil on the surface of the eye to prevent evaporation of tears. However, due to aging and other factors, as early as the age of 50, people will be faced with the problem of the clogging of the meibomian glands' outlets by the hardened oil. When you press your eyelids, you may find a round, white mass of oil appear. This mass is getting bigger and bigger. I believe it has something to do with the look in my eyes and other aspects of my appearance.
The major glands in the human body are the thyroid gland, tonsils, lymph glands, digestive glands, and prostate gland. Each of these can harbor serious diseases.
Even if a serious disease could be avoided, there are so many glands in the body that can cause malfunctions.
In my case, I suffer from a great self-contradiction: the fat from the meibomitis glands attacks my eyes. The fat hardens like a needle, and sticks to my pupils and the white of my eyes as if it were an inverted eyelash. When a stabbing incident with an inverted meibomian fat needle occurs, I can't prevent tears from overflowing and can't stand the pain.
The other sebaceous glands seem to have hairs, but the meibomian glands do not. So it is not due to an inverted hair, but a fatty needle.
The lady doctor at the nearby ophthalmologist, the daughter of the man who used to be my family physician, used an instrument with a magnifying glass to pull it out with tweezers. It would be the best ophthalmological method.
She said, "This is cut in half, isn't it? This is a problem, so please let us take care of them instead of pulling them out by yourself."
It is true that if I use a hair plucking tool while looking in the mirror, I sometimes end up with a cut in the middle and the rest of the hair remaining. Doing it by myself, I pull it out forcefully as my enemy. It hurts.
待ち時間はがまんして通院するしかないかな? 女医さんだし、ふだんの健康診断と称して病気でもないのに女医さんに会いに来るおっさんもいる。
I have to go to see the doctor, enduring the long waiting time? Some old men, even though they are not sick, come to see the female doctor, calling it a regular physical checkup.
But if you do it yourself, it's free and it works quickly. I'm in a dilemma.
A measure to prevent grease from hardening would be to warm the area around the eyes. Grease melts with heat. For this purpose, it would be normal to apply a hot compress (a treatment method in Chinese medicine, in which a part of the body is warmed to improve the condition of the patient). If you believe in the power of the Japanese word "teate" (hand treatment), in addition to commercially available products such as hot eye masks, the method of applying the palms of your hands on your eyes will be the most effective and inexpensive method next to steamed towels.
Mutekatsu-ryu: Exercize
What surprised me about the exercises was that the sciatica I suffered, which was so numbing and painful that I could not sleep at night, went away the next day after I watched a video of an exercise and tried it once. This made me fall in love with the exercises. I downloaded the video somewhere on my computer, but I can't find it now.
The sciatica I experienced made my left leg tingle and pain in the thigh area. I don't think this went on for up to a week, but I had nights when I would wake up with a nagging pain for several days. The sciatic nerve is a thick nerve that extends from the area around the hips, where the sciatic bone is located, to the feet. This nerve can become painful when cartilage in the spine around the lower back pops out or is pushed by it. The reason my symptoms disappeared so quickly was probably because it was an acute, not a chronic, spike.
The specific exercise I tried was to lie on my back with my painful left leg bent at the knee, bend my right leg under the bent left leg, leverage the right leg, stretch from the left leg to the lower back, and bend my backward. My lower back was effectively stretched. In the next morning, the dreaded sciatic pain completely disappeared (I searched for something similar and found it at Takeyauchi Clinic. They seem to do it on all fours like a cat).
I recommended this to a friend who had sciatica. After he tried it, he said his symptoms got worse. Perhaps it was not sciatica, but scoliosis. The recommended exercise for the latter does not include back stretching. Oppositely, a rounded style with the knees held up is recommended.
These exercises are not hard ones, but just light ones and they are so languid as to be called light exercises. However, once you get into it, it works. It may be similar to yoga.
There are many interesting things like yoga and tai chi. Formal ones may be difficult to learn, so you may want to aim for something that is a bit like yoga or a bit like tai chi, which is easier and more casual.
Mutekatsu-ryu: Autogenic Training Method
Mutekatsu-ryu: Autogenic Training Method
In the Autogenic Training Method, you will use self-hypnosis as a way of therapy. In order to succeed in it, you will need a quiet environment without any disturbance. If there is a hindrance, the hypnosis will be obstructed.
To achieve a hypnotic state, you lie down and tell yourself that you feel calm.
After that, give yourself a suggestion that "the right foot is heavy and warm" or "the left foot is heavy and warm".
What you must note is the choice of words to put yourself in the hypnotic state. Instead of the word "Calm yourself" or "Calm down", you should tell yourself "I'm calm", the words of suggestions to put yourself in a calm state. And neither "Make your feet heavy" nor "Make your feet warm", you must use the implication of "heavy and warm" as you are already in the midst of that state.
Perhaps "heavy" and "warm" are connected. You can see that the legs are getting warmer when you grab the kids.
I bought a thick book whose title, "Autogenic Training Method", was printed with gold letters on its red cover when I was a university student. It was a Japanese translation of a book written by a German psychiatrist, Johannes Heinrich Schultz.
I once received regularly mental health consultations from a doctor in the university campus. One afternoon, when I told the psychiatrist that I was trying the autogenic training method, he definitely said, "It isn't so effective, is it?"
So I thought the method was not a major one as a therapy. But I did it at least for 10 years. I was eager to do that in the beginning. After that, I gradually reduced the frequency of doing it and at last stopped doing it.
Recently, I'm thinking more and more that this training method is to give a comfortable experience rather than to serve as a training method. In other words, I have reached a recognition that by the hypnosis you can ensure the parasympathetic nervous system more dominant in the autonomic nervous system.
When the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, you will become sleepy and fall asleep even in a hypnotic state. However, once you fall asleep, the hypnosis is unravelled with no problem. Normally, in order to break out of self-hypnosis and wake up, you are recommended to take a deep breath and open your eyes.
It may be good for those who are suffering from coldness of legs and feet.
About this training method, I once said it intervenes in the function of the autonomic nervous system by self -hypnosis, but I think it was too exaggerated. I should have said the the method eventually may have some effects on the nervous system.
In my case, the vein slightly raised on the side of my shin on my left leg broke and bled a little. I also found redness in the surrounding area.
Around the affected area, engorgement of the veins was generally observed. The varicose veins intensified in the surrounding area.
Because of my sitting job, I have varicose veins in my legs. My weakness in veins is inherited from my mother. When getting an injection, it is difficult for the nurses to determine the right position to insert the needle.
There are two types of veins: those deep in the body, and those superficial near the surface of the body. If a blood clot forms in a deep vein, it can lead to the well-known traveller's thrombosis (economy class syndrome), which is a serious condition with swollen legs and discoloured skin. If this clot clogs an artery in the lungs, it can be fatal. Very dangerous.
On the other hand, thrombophlebitis, which I suffered from, has a scary name but seems to have a good prognosis. The clots disappear spontaneously and there are no aftereffects.
I used, surprisingly, Oronine ointment and olive oil for the treatment. I tried them alternately. Olive oil, like cinnamon introduced in "Aerophagia", has a strong astringent effect and is good for the vascular and skin systems. Oronine originally contains olive oil.
Periodontal bacteria are sometimes named as a cause of thrombophlebitis. These are not confined to the teeth and their surrounding areas but travel to many places through the bloodstream at the maximum speed of about 200 kilometers per hour and play tricks.
When targeted, the inner walls of blood vessels weaken, which can lead to blood clots and atherosclerosis.
Blood vessels seem to do better when pressed. It seems that nitric oxide (NO) is generated in blood vessels when pressed with a finger, palm, foot, etc. Of course, I have never seen it before, but it is said that when this occurs, damaged areas in the inner walls of blood vessels are repaired.
It is a wonder of the human body.
To achieve a hypnotic state, you lie down and tell yourself that you feel calm.
After that, give yourself a suggestion that "the right foot is heavy and warm" or "the left foot is heavy and warm".
What you must note is the choice of words to put yourself in the hypnotic state. Instead of the word "Calm yourself" or "Calm down", you should tell yourself "I'm calm", the words of suggestions to put yourself in a calm state. And neither "Make your feet heavy" nor "Make your feet warm", you must use the implication of "heavy and warm" as you are already in the midst of that state.
Perhaps "heavy" and "warm" are connected. You can see that the legs are getting warmer when you grab the kids.
I bought a thick book whose title, "Autogenic Training Method", was printed with gold letters on its red cover when I was a university student. It was a Japanese translation of a book written by a German psychiatrist, Johannes Heinrich Schultz.
I once received regularly mental health consultations from a doctor in the university campus. One afternoon, when I told the psychiatrist that I was trying the autogenic training method, he definitely said, "It isn't so effective, is it?"
So I thought the method was not a major one as a therapy. But I did it at least for 10 years. I was eager to do that in the beginning. After that, I gradually reduced the frequency of doing it and at last stopped doing it.
Recently, I'm thinking more and more that this training method is to give a comfortable experience rather than to serve as a training method. In other words, I have reached a recognition that by the hypnosis you can ensure the parasympathetic nervous system more dominant in the autonomic nervous system.
When the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant, you will become sleepy and fall asleep even in a hypnotic state. However, once you fall asleep, the hypnosis is unravelled with no problem. Normally, in order to break out of self-hypnosis and wake up, you are recommended to take a deep breath and open your eyes.
It may be good for those who are suffering from coldness of legs and feet.
About this training method, I once said it intervenes in the function of the autonomic nervous system by self -hypnosis, but I think it was too exaggerated. I should have said the the method eventually may have some effects on the nervous system.
In my case, the vein slightly raised on the side of my shin on my left leg broke and bled a little. I also found redness in the surrounding area.
Around the affected area, engorgement of the veins was generally observed. The varicose veins intensified in the surrounding area.
Because of my sitting job, I have varicose veins in my legs. My weakness in veins is inherited from my mother. When getting an injection, it is difficult for the nurses to determine the right position to insert the needle.
There are two types of veins: those deep in the body, and those superficial near the surface of the body. If a blood clot forms in a deep vein, it can lead to the well-known traveller's thrombosis (economy class syndrome), which is a serious condition with swollen legs and discoloured skin. If this clot clogs an artery in the lungs, it can be fatal. Very dangerous.
On the other hand, thrombophlebitis, which I suffered from, has a scary name but seems to have a good prognosis. The clots disappear spontaneously and there are no aftereffects.
I used, surprisingly, Oronine ointment and olive oil for the treatment. I tried them alternately. Olive oil, like cinnamon introduced in "Aerophagia", has a strong astringent effect and is good for the vascular and skin systems. Oronine originally contains olive oil.
Periodontal bacteria are sometimes named as a cause of thrombophlebitis. These are not confined to the teeth and their surrounding areas but travel to many places through the bloodstream at the maximum speed of about 200 kilometers per hour and play tricks.
When targeted, the inner walls of blood vessels weaken, which can lead to blood clots and atherosclerosis.
Blood vessels seem to do better when pressed. It seems that nitric oxide (NO) is generated in blood vessels when pressed with a finger, palm, foot, etc. Of course, I have never seen it before, but it is said that when this occurs, damaged areas in the inner walls of blood vessels are repaired.
It is a wonder of the human body.
Mutekatsu-ryu: Frequent urination
Mutekatsu-ryu: Frequent urination
I was in my twenties when I was suffering from the symptom. For example, what to do if I was in a college classroom and needed to go to the bathroom was a big problem back then. It is not easy to raise your hand and say, "Excuse me, sir, I need to go to the restroom," because you are not in elementary school. But what I want to get out, I want to get out; what I wanted to let out I wanted to let out.
Why were other people so unconcerned? I was greatly troubled.
I went on a trip to Tohoku with a friend. We visited Lake Tazawa and took a bus from there. I don't remember where we were going. The bus took us on an endless mountain road. Eventually, the vibrations made me aware of the condition of my bladder.
Unable to resist, I walked to the front of the bus and told the driver, "I have to go to the bathroom."
The driver stopped the bus.
After peeing and standing up at a certain spot in the mountains, I returned to the bus.
I thought it was a perfectly normal thing to do, but my friend said, "Wow, you stopped the bus. That's great." But then again, I wondered if this was a great thing to do.
Even if I went to the bathroom before getting on the bus or entering the classroom, I would still feel the need to go again soon. I wanted to rant about how should this kind of person live on.
After a long time, I have learned to forget about the proximity to the bathroom. It was mainly due to the information that what was lodged in my bladder would be collected by my body for recycling if I left it there. Knowledge was power. Then I thought I should just let it go. I cursed why neither my parents nor my teachers had taught me such a thing.
In this case, I think that anticipatory anxiety has a lot to do with it. If a person tends to panic, frequent urination is more likely to occur. Women seem to urinate more frequently with age.
Aerophagia & Intestinal Gas
Aerophagia & Intestinal Gas
Recently my symptoms have disappeared and I'm getting out of the air or gas troubles.
For some time in early summer I have been troubled by the severe symptoms due to the air or gas in my body, including burping, farting, or accumulation and swelling of air or gas. Occurring only about once every three years, the severe symptoms torture me especially when the stressful conditions last. In other cases, it continues like a continuous bass.
The cause of these symptoms is swallowing air consciously or unconsciously, as well as the possibility of the irritable bowel syndrome.
As for air swallowing, you should stop taking in air consciously. You must tell yourself that it never benefits you. A ball of air is felt very hard in your abdomen. Moreover, it swells when your body is warming up. It affects the small and large intestines.
Even If you don't have a habit of swallowing air consciously, air is taken into your body unconsciously during your meals, and gas is generated in your intestines, and you are not perfectly free from the swelling gas. The gas will be generated. If merged with aerophagia and the disorder due to the irritable bowel syndrome, the symptom will be severer.
In my case, if my body temperature rises, I sometimes feel pain in the side. When that happens during sleep , I get up and massage my flank, improve my posture, and remove gas out of the gastrointestinal tract.
I found recently powdered cinnamon bark is surprisingly effective to this disorder. The powder is a natural astringent, and it can be expected that the stomach capillaries will be contracted and the stomach itself will become better in condition. It is not clear why aerophagia is curable by the astringent effect, but it works. The powder can also be found at the supermarket in the confectionery ingredients selling space.
Lower limb rteriosclerosis(ASO)
Lower limb rteriosclerosis(ASO)
I was once a high school teacher for a while.
One day, while giving afternoon lesson on the platform in front of the blackboard of a classroom, I noticed that my legs were tight and uncomfortable. I thought what was the matter with them. I went on my speech, because I felt neither pain nor itch and perceived no numbness, either. However, the early days began at the time as just beginning.
After about 10 years, I went to see the doctor at a nearby clinic for the treatment of hypertension. I had consultations a few times, and during that time I told of the coldness of my right foot. Then I was encouraged to have an inspection at a larger hospital.
The hospital recommended by the doctor had a device for blood pressure measurement at ankles. It was placed where the corridor is ending, as it might have few demands.
Lying on the bed, I was mounted measuring gadgets. The result was immediately turned out that there was a clear difference in blood pressure on the ankles on the left and right. The MRI test was ordered by the alleged arteriosclerosis of the lower limb.
Arteriosclerosis, called ASO in short, is the desease in which vessels become hardened. Smokers often suffer ASO in later years. If merged with diabetes, and especially when a gangrene, decay in body parts due to stoppage of blood supply, occurs on the toes, severe illnesses would develop that might lead to the cutting of the lower limb. I was not a heavy smoker but consumed mildly 2 boxes of 1mg Kent a day.
MRI means that the inside is shot in a dome-shaped device. In addition to the lower limbs, three cardiac muscles were also targeted this time. Therefore, a β-blocker was taken on the morning of the shooting that loosens the speed of the heart expansion and contraction before I came to the hospital.
But, I was very worried. Because the β-blocker issued by the hospital was 3.5mg. It was a big tablet. I usually took 2.2mg, Moreover, because I thought it was a drastic medicine I only took a quarter to half at one time by splitting them. The tablet of 3.5mg was about 1.5 times bigger than 2.2mg.
On the morning of MRI, I still thought that a whole tablet would be too much. But, on the other hand, if I took only half of it, and if it might make MRI shooting useless, I would regret the outcome. So I took it as a whole without cutting it into half.
I arrived at the hospital by bus, and while sitting on the bench in the waiting place, I realized that I was unable to articulate properly. It was, off course, because of the dangerous drug. What would happen to me, I wonder. I was very much worried about suffering cerebral infarction.
In any way, the MRI ended. After a few days, I was given an explanation from the doctor in charge. All three coronary arteries seemed to have no problem. About the arteriosclerosis of the legs, however, he told me not to leave it uncontrolled and to place the stent in the affected part, showing the image of the lower limb blood vessel model.
The stent is a metal cylindrical net to spread a blood vessel, and is often left in a place where blood vessels are clogged. I tried hard to gather related information on the net. As a result, I concluded that if you put a stent in the part below the knee, it would not be so good and sometimes it would need second surgery. Therefore, I didn't take surgery and chose to treat it with medicine from the physician. I walked about 3 kilometres everyday. As a result, I'm getting better. Two of the four brothers have a stent in the coronary artery, and they appear to be healthy. The stent seems good for your heart.
By the way, I've found out a strange thing. That is, when you rub your right leg's shin or calf, the skin of the opposite leg, in this case the skin of your left leg, will be reddish in colour and vice versa. I don't know from what kind of mechanism the event comes, and that may be one of the mysteries of the human body, but the vessel is only branching to the let and the right, and that's no wonder.
After all, ASO would be treated and remission would be achieved by walking a long distance. The vessels are remade and renewed by doing that. If you suffer diabetes, take care of yourself and try not to develop gangrene in your toes.
Panic Disorder
Panic Disorder
The strongest of all the illnesses I have had is a group of panic disorder signs. The worst symptoms appeared at Takadanobaba station on the Seibu Shinjuku line. I was in my mid-thirties at the time.
1. 高田馬場事件
1. The Takadanobaba Incident
It was the evening rush hour when everyone was heading home. From Oji, where Sundai Gakuen High School is located, after finishing a remedial class, I went to Tabata, Ikebukuro, and Takadanobaba. I proceeded to Tabata, Ikebukuro, and Takadanobaba, and as soon as I looked up the stairs at Takadanobaba Station on the Seibu Shinjuku Line after transferring from the JR line, I thought, "Oh, no, I can't. I'm in pain."
What was wrong with me was that my heart was pounding. And it never stops.
It's not the heart. It's the pounding.
I ran into the stall of the restroom at the station. I tried to calm down and get back to my normal state anyway.
But my heart would not return to normal beat for any length of time. Time went on and on. When will I be able to return to a real human being? I suffered in the small space.
At the end of my agony, I went outside. My heart was still pounding and I didn't feel alive. I asked an older man, who seemed to be a salaried man, to help me. He told me to ask the station staff.
I went to what looked like a station clerk's office in the middle of the station stairs and complained that I was not feeling well. There was a tatami room where I rested for a while. My heart was still pounding.
Eventually, perhaps because I did not come back to life too soon, one of the station attendants asked me if I wanted to call an ambulance. I said yes.
The ambulance came immediately. I was put on a stretcher, which rattled through the station yard. "What's that?" I heard a child asking his parents. I got into the ambulance and was taken to the Tokyo Medical University Emergency Center. I was lying alone in a dark place with the lights dimmed.
At first, when I was asked for my address, name, and phone number I somehow managed to answer. But later on, when the woman doctor asked me, "How did this happen?" I could not answer at all.
The doctor ran her hand over my lower abdomen. She seemed to palpate my lower abdomen to see if I had colon cancer.
Soon after, my wife and child, who had been summoned by phone. They came from faraway Saitama by car. I felt like I was finally saved. On the way home, I was so shocked that I did not say much at all.
2. 病気への対策
2. countermeasures against the disease
The panic syndrome was treated with beta-blockers and alcohol.
The beta-blockers were first prescribed by a local doctor who himself had throat cancer and had a toilsome last years of life. He prescribed them as an antihypertensive for people who were easily agitated. It was a very effective and great drug. With one shot of the drug, the pounding of my heart would subside, though not immediately.
However, I found that alcohol was just as effective as the beta-blocker. I put sake in miniature whiskey bottles, and I decided on my own that I would carry them around with me as a countermeasure.
It worked great. The number of times I was forced to confine myself to a private restroom at train stations was drastically reduced. When I opened the lid of the miniature bottle on the train, everyone smelled it and became restless as if they would like to say, "What is it?" But, I was not concerned about it, I didn't mind. I could close the lid in a second.
Gradually, I outgrew my panic disorder.
3. パニックになる局面
3. phases of panic
I did not know when to panic.
I avoided, as much as possible, situations that could cause panic attacks. As a result, I did not go out much or at all.
However, I often visited Yamada electronics store in the city, and one day, on my way home from there, I panicked at a roadside at McDonald's. I went into the shop, told one of the waitresses that I was sick, and took a seat on the far side to rest. I had not ordered anything but the waitress gave me a glass of water.
I had my cell phone with me at the time and called my daughter to come over. When my daughter came, I was able to manage.
By the way, although traveling by train was painful, traveling by car driven by my wife was comfortable.
However, I noticed that when I got stuck in traffic on the highway, panic returned.
Although I did not have to be aware of the eyes of others as I was on the train, there was no escape from the car in the traffic jam.
At this point, I used the distraction medication.
In this case, it would be claustrophobia with no escape. However, the fear of wide open spaces that I experienced at Seibu Stadium was also a type of panic disorder.
The stadium was a large place as far as the eye could see. Just like in a car in a traffic jam, there was no escape.
I felt like a cat worrying about escape, but when a friend of my wife's visited our house shortly after we were married, she commented that I was like a cat. A good observation.
4. パニック障害の症状
4. Symptoms of panic disorder
In my case, the main symptom was a pounding heart.
I became so focused on it that I began to suffer from a vicious cycle of wondering why it kept going on and on.
Some people also suffer from breathing difficulties, dizziness, nausea, etc., but for me, it was mainly heart palpitations.
I thought I could force myself to overcome the symptoms with a little help from drinking alcohol, but mentally, I was not able to do so. I think it is important not to worry about how you look to others or what others think of you too much.
When I was a student, I received mental health care at an on-campus institution for other disorders. I was told to shrug things off. Those two points have much in common with what I was instructed to do.
画期的! 変身!
Gymnema is a very good supplement of plant origin, from southern and central India and Sri Lanka.
Gymnema research seems to be ongoing at the University of Tokyo and the Kyushu University, being partipated by several researches including Assistant Professor Toshiaki Imoto of the Tottori University School of Medicine. I personally started in 2017 and have been taking the supplement, and conducting my own research for about 6 years now. I have been working as an experimental subject on behalf of you all(~~);.
As a result, I have lost weight from 61.8Kg on September 23, 2017 to 55.5Kg on August 15, 2023 (about -6Kg). No side effects have been appeared, I think. In addition to weight loss, it also lowers your blood sugar levels. It is believed to be effective against diabetes in India. My symptoms caused by hypertension have disappeared, just as the doctor at the local clinic said, "Patients will see their blood pressure go down as their metabolic syndrome is cured."
I did not fully understand how Gymnema worked. I read Dr. Imoto's paper ("Sugar Acceptance in the Living Body and the Plant Glycoside Gymnemic Acid": https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/biophys1961/30/3/30_3_146/_pdf), but it was too difficult for me to understand. Now, after re-reading it, I have come to a conclusion that the supplement made from the leaves of the gymnema prevents the absorption of sugar in the small intestine by binding the ingredient to sugar.
The glycosides (bindings) that have not been absorbed are also supposed to have some weight. If it holds true, the gymnema seems to increase the amount of defecation.
I was afraid of side effects from takin in something like herbal medicine, so I, at first, limited the amount I took. At that time, I did not see much effect. But later, when I doubled the dosage from the initial one, I started to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, which made me sometimes worried that maybe I had a cancer somewhere. However, when I stopped taking it, I returned to my original weight and realized that there was nothing to worry about.
One of my favorite herbal medicines of plant origin includes Mt. Ontake's Hyakusogan. Plants have mysterious effects.
Never eat the leaves or flowers of hydrangea. They contain cyanide glycosides.
Gymnema is a very good supplement of plant origin, from southern and central India and Sri Lanka.
Gymnema research seems to be ongoing at the University of Tokyo and the Kyushu University, being partipated by several researches including Assistant Professor Toshiaki Imoto of the Tottori University School of Medicine. I personally started in 2017 and have been taking the supplement, and conducting my own research for about 6 years now. I have been working as an experimental subject on behalf of you all(~~);.
As a result, I have lost weight from 61.8Kg on September 23, 2017 to 55.5Kg on August 15, 2023 (about -6Kg). No side effects have been appeared, I think. In addition to weight loss, it also lowers your blood sugar levels. It is believed to be effective against diabetes in India. My symptoms caused by hypertension have disappeared, just as the doctor at the local clinic said, "Patients will see their blood pressure go down as their metabolic syndrome is cured."
I did not fully understand how Gymnema worked. I read Dr. Imoto's paper ("Sugar Acceptance in the Living Body and the Plant Glycoside Gymnemic Acid": https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/biophys1961/30/3/30_3_146/_pdf), but it was too difficult for me to understand. Now, after re-reading it, I have come to a conclusion that the supplement made from the leaves of the gymnema prevents the absorption of sugar in the small intestine by binding the ingredient to sugar.
The glycosides (bindings) that have not been absorbed are also supposed to have some weight. If it holds true, the gymnema seems to increase the amount of defecation.
I was afraid of side effects from takin in something like herbal medicine, so I, at first, limited the amount I took. At that time, I did not see much effect. But later, when I doubled the dosage from the initial one, I started to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, which made me sometimes worried that maybe I had a cancer somewhere. However, when I stopped taking it, I returned to my original weight and realized that there was nothing to worry about.
One of my favorite herbal medicines of plant origin includes Mt. Ontake's Hyakusogan. Plants have mysterious effects.
Never eat the leaves or flowers of hydrangea. They contain cyanide glycosides.