




The most prominent feature of this site

本サイトの特徴は表記。全般的に日英併記または英日併記のスタイル。外国語を学ぼうとする人々にとって最善のスタイルと考えている。日本語を学ぼうとする英語話者は、英語から日本語を眺めるうちに日本語がわかってくる。逆も真、英語を学ぼうとする日本語話者は、日本語から英語を眺めるうちに英語がわかってくる。<br />
The most prominent feature of this site is the notation. We have adopted a style of writing that arranges Japanese above English, or,  in a few cases, both side by side. We do this because we believe it is the best style for people who want to know and learn a foreign language. We believe that English speakers who wish to learn Japanese will eventually understand Japanese if they can view Japanese sentences from the perspective of English, a language they understand. And vice versa, Japanese speakers who want to learn English will eventually understand English if they can view English sentences from the perspective of Japanese, a native language of their own.


Most Recents
I think it has become somewhat clear that a blog is not an archive, not a book, not a warehouse, not a container, not a folder, not a souvenir, not a corporate website, but actually just this. That's why I set up these articles. In essence, if I just do this, it's a blog. I was born in the ancient Showa period, so it's hard to get my head around.

After a certain amount of time, it will be moved to the archive. The archives are the longer articles with their respective titles. It will be added at the end.

 The City of Ashikaga
About my childhood in Ashikaga, a city that has become a distant memory, taking care to be as objective and fair as possible without being vulgar. I write in English so that I can write about things that would be embarrassing in Japanese. If I receive a complaint from a model, I will rewrite it. In the case of people who are already deceased, such as my parents, I will ask them to give up.


The City of Ashikagaの日本語版。これまでnoteに場所をお借りして掲載していましたが、今回サイトを増強するために移転しました。
The Japanese version of The City of Ashikaga. We have been borrowing a place to post it on NOTE, but have now moved here to augment the site.

There will be more articles about overcoming illnesses, taking supplements, performing exercises, using editors, English, and so on. Mutekatsu-ryu is the style of Bokuden Tsukahara, who tried to survive by tact and wisdom, avoiding the use of force as much as possible.

On Prepositions

This is a major rewrite of a series of articles I wrote for a year for a magazine called "High School English Studies" published by Kenkyusha Publishing Co.


The 150 Most Important Syntaxes
This book, originally published by Kenkyusha Publishing, attempts to clarify the shape of English sentences by introducing applied forms called developmental form to the five sentence patterns concept.

English☆Cool Quotes
This was published as an e-mail magazine from "Magmag" at the time of the Great Recession of the Heisei era. In addition to the beginner's edition, an advanced edition is also planned for the future. I am adding little by little as quotes of the day.

This section contains rules and contact methods for the contact of the readers and the site operator. There is a privacy policy, terms of use, and a contact form.

Report Misconduct
サイドにあるリンクで、読者の方が不正な行為を本サイトに見つけてBloggerに報告するためのものです。お手柔らかに。Bloggerは本サイトが利用しているGoogleの無料サーバーです。This is a link on the right side of the page for readers to report fraudulent activity they find on this site to Blogger. Please be gentle; Blogger is a free server from Google that this site uses.

For the operation of the site and our family's finances, we wanted to place advertisements on the site as an alternative means of receiving money from you. But it doesn't work now. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.





This article.

About Copyright

辞書や教科書の仕事で某出版社にお世話になっていた頃、『クールな名言』の出版の可能性についてスタッフの方に尋ねたところ、こういうものは著作権絡みのために出版社で出版することは難しいという即答が返ってきた。私はPenguine Booksなどから出ているQuotationの本をイメージしながら、著作権といっても片言隻語の引用句ばかりだからお金はそうかからないんじゃないかと思ったものの、即答ぶりからして無理なことと判断した。おそらく手続きが煩雑なのだろう。
When I was working on dictionaries and textbooks for Shogakukan,  I asked a man there about the possibility of publishing my Cool Quotes.  He immediately replied that it would be difficult for a publisher to put forth such a plan due to copyright issues. I was thinking of the Quotation books published by Penguin Books and others, and thought that it would not cost much money because the contents consisted of a few words, but from the way he immediately replied, I judged that it would be impossible. Perhaps the procedure is much complicated.

When quotations are used to study foreign languages, the original texts have to be there. If you quote even a little bit, then the issue of copyright always comes up. For lyrics, many websites have been designed to make it impossible to copy them. But this is too late. Much earlier, at the time they were put up, the copyright issue already had begun.

Copyright is the author's right and should be protected. However, on the other hand, if the free use of the material were to be prohibited, further development in education and research at the level of humanity as a whole would be completely lost. There should be a balance between the two, and at least Japanese copyright law also takes this into account.

In the event of copyright-related problems on this website, we intend to deal with them by deleting the articles, as it is difficult to solve them financially.

Although the text-based illustrations are of my own making, most of the illustrations used on this site are gratefully received from service sites that provide free illustrations.   All of them are very good works, and they add excellent color to this site. I hope to return the favor someday.