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足利 The City of Ashikaga]
[英語☆クールな名言 プレミアム版

The City of Ashikaga

エピソード44: 桜餅

I asked my father, a Japanese confectioner, how sakura mochi (cherry blossom cake) was made, since it did not feel much like a rice cake.

He replied, "No, sakura mochi, kusa mochi, and kashiwa mochi are not actually rice cakes. They are made from ordinary rice powder called Uruchi.

"Oh, they are not rice cakes. Then what are they actually?"

"Well, they're mocks. We often use a type of flour called joshinko."

"Hmmm, will you try it sometime?"

A few days later, in the afternoon, my father invited me to his work place for a special visit.

"This is how you mix the Joshinko powder with water."

He Put the flour in a bowl, added water, and stirred with a bamboo whisk.

"On the back street, an old man sells rabbit and cat shinko crafts at his stall."

"Yes, the powder is the same, but the stalls may not be very hygienic."

"I've never bought one before."

"Now I will add some sugar and a tiny bit of red food coloring."

He scooped out a tiny bit with the tip of a toothpick from the small bottle of which label says Red No.2, put it into the melted mixture, and stirred again. The color became like cherry blossoms.

"Red is poisonous," I said.

"It's a poison."


"It's poisonous in large quantities, just like medicine is poisonous. It's the same thing, but in small doses it's useful instead of poisonous."

"I see."

All that was left to do was to cook them on a hot copper plate on a gas stove.

"Copper conducts heat easily, so it cooks well. If you roll it out with a ladle like this, it will cook right away. Try it."

"Yes, it's good. It doesn't have red bean paste or leaves, but I don't need them."

"Then, you can burn the rolls like this."

The freshly made sakura mochi was indeed delicious.

「桜餅って簡単だろう? 粉をこねない分、すぐに出来上がる」
"Sakura mochi is easy, isn't it? It's so easy to make because you don't have to knead the flour."

"Thanks for the meal. I'm going to play on the back road now."

エピソード45: 桜餅の思いの丈
How does Sakura Mochi feel about?

Sakura Mochi claims itself as a crepe. Therefore, it is doubtful whether it is a rice cake and something strange including glamorousness wafts from whereabouts. Domyoji, a pink rice cake in the Kansai region, is a true rice cake that flaunts its chunkiness as itself. Therefore, calling it a crepe would be a complete lie. There is no other way but for them to part ways with each other.

Sakura Mochi has no intention of claiming itself to be a rice cake. As it bakes, if you think that the burning of the cake is so pitiful,
your wish is very good and to the point. Because it is a crepe, spread it out as large and thin as possible as my father did. When you eat it as it is, a taste of crepe with cherry leaf  wrapped around will make you feel pity for it.

The Sakura Mochi will transform once again when burnt. There is no other crunchy and tasty rice cracker like it.  Have a piece in your mouth, or eat it with the bean jam lightly wrapped in it. With or without the leaf as you like. The roasted Sakura Mochi is exceptionally good when eaten as soon as it got burnt.

Photos Taken in Memory of 753

We had two black-and-white photos taken at a photo studio in Yukiwa-cho in order to commemorate the Shichi-Go-San (the 7th, 5th, and 3rd birthdays). The studio had a hall at the first floor, a dressing room on top of the stairs, and the studio directly next door.

Deciding on outfits was easy. It had a limited selection of outfits. The younger brother, with just a few fuzzy hairs on top of his head and no feet visible as he climbed into a toy miniature car, wore a white sweater. His brother a black satin cape-like top and bottom. He had a pair of shiny black leather shoes, too expensive for a kindergartener, that he had recently had made at a shoe store on the main street.

"When I say yes, I'm going to flash you, so don't be surprised, " a phototaker said.

すぐさま撮影開始、合図の「はい」が2, 3回言われ、写真はまたの日のお受け取りとなった。
A couple of “yeses” were given as a cue, and the pictures would  be picked up for another day.

"The flashes were interesting, " said the elder brother on the saidewalk of the street.

It was a bit of a surprise,” said my brother.

Thus, my mother now had two photos that she would treasure more than her life.

But to tell the truth, there were also two pictures taken at the same studio two years later to also commemorate Shichi-Go-San, and my mother seemed to have enjoyed them twice in the past two years, albeit in a small way.

Now at the second time, my brother's outfit was similar to the one his brother had chosen two years earlier. I, the elder brother, was in shorts and a normal shirt, and it was charming that a tuft of my hair popped out of the head like Atom's. For some reason, there was no help to correct it. My mother was sure it would have been possible if she had asked, but she might have realized at that point that the brilliance of two years ago was no longer available to her.

I had found and seen what looked like the arranged photos of my parents on one occasion. Each of them had been so well corrected that they looked like a pair of beautiful man and woman. However, the natural brilliance of a 5-year-old and a 3-year-old belongs to a realm unrelated to the artificial correction or anything.

エピソード42: 路地の行く末 II
Where the Alley Leads to II

It's about five minutes walk from school through the residential area. With the stone monument on my left that reads “No garlic and wine allowed to enter the mountain gate,” I turn right at the corner of the clinic's Oyaishi wall, and just a few more steps away was the entrance of the alley. Glancing sideways at the earthen floor of the milk store, where brass tanks filled with milk and cases full of empty glass bottles are piled up, I enter the open space with a slick, slick appearance.

The asphalt changes to black soil underfoot. A slight smell of bare earth wafts through the air. The wind that blows through carries that smell with it.

I would like to be the wind also and change myself. Wish I could run through as fast as possible.

On the left is a house with a board fence. To the right is a series of shoulder-high polished-glass windows, apparently the workshop of the milkmen's. And after it disappears, the alley intersects with the other, and then there is another house with a normal wooden fence, and then the black fence of the girl's house.

Is it that I hold my breath, or is it that the breath chokes me, probably both. The fence breaks up and becomes a gate. Just inside the gate seems to be the front door. But it's closed, so I can't look in. If she should suddenly appear, I would suffocate. She has never shown herself.

After passing through the gate, the house once again has a black wall. This time it is shorter. It suddenly breaks off, exposing the wainscoting and the window of the kitchen. Only the topmost is a lattice window of plain glass. The tap is open. Water gushes out. The dishes are being washed. There is the sound of water scrubbing. There is also the sound of talking. An adult woman. Her voice is muffled, and I cannot understand what she is saying. Who is she talking to?

I passed by, feeling relieved.

Chic black wall, pine tree foreboding, bewitching figure of washed hair; You should have been dead, Otomi-san, I didn't know you were alive, even the Buddha...  Passing by another house black-walled.

I had something to do, visiting the similar house that came next.

 “Hello,” I said. And someone
in kimono who looked like the missus of the house immediately came out from the back, sitting down gracefully on the planks of the front porch one step higher.

"I've brought some bread for school lunch."

Snatching a paper bag of koppe-pan bread out of my bag, I tossed it to her, leaving a voice “Oh, thank you,” and quickly popping out of the hall.

Yukie often misses school. Every time she misses a day of school, my teacher asks me if I can deliver a lunch bread roll to
her. That's why I often go by this alley.

As I stepped out onto the street, I saw Sugata-kun walking by on his way home from school. As usual, he was walking silently, as if to say all things are boring, showing no expression on his face.
Only for a moment, however, he looked at me and grinned a ghastly smile. I only thought like that, or not.


White and Purple

According to the results of my research so far, the combination of colors, white and purple, have something to do with human color vision. I have not seen the show, but it was mentioned on Tamori's program that many elderly people dye their hair purple when they dye their gray hair. This is because of the color relationship between white and purple. It is said that when a small amount of purple, which has a shorter wavelength, is mixed with white, which has a longer wavelength, the white color stands out more. This is why many elderly people use the dye purple.

According to the research, this may be related to Rayleigh scattering, a phenomenon in which light is scattered by particles or fluctuations that are smaller than the wavelength of light. I am not sure if this is really the case, but it may be that purple particles in the air scatter over white guardrails and white lines indicating sidewalks, which have longer wavelengths, causing the annoyance. Or, perhaps, it may be the purple color of flying mosquitoes, like the eggs of frogs with flying mosquito syndrome in my eyes, that are reflected on the white of a street under the condition of clear day. I say that because it is a phenomenon with my right eye which has more mosquitoes in it.

In any case, I have come to the tentative conclusion that since I am color blind, there is no need to go to a doctor to have the fundus of my eye examined.



One-man Bon Odori Dance Festival

The days are getting colder and colder. For those for whom rehabilitation is a matter of life and death, if they can walk in a large indoor space, which is fine, but if they cannot and do not want to walk in the cold, I recommend a one-man Bon Odori dance festival. It is enough if you can secure a space as small as a tatami mat. You can do it there. You will dance.

ある歌手のチャーシューの歌や民謡の会津磐梯山や花笠音頭などをYouTubeで調達し、VLCなどで連続再生して、 ひたすら踊る。すると、こたつでじっとしてTVやビデオばかり観ていた日々とはおさらばして、健康な日々よ、こんにちはとなれる。
You can get some singer's chashu song or folk songs such as Aizu Bandaisan or Hanagasa Ondo from YouTube, play them continuously on VLC, etc., and just dance. Then I can say goodbye to the days of sitting under the kotatsu and watching TV and videos all the time, and say hello to a healthy life.

I don't mean to threaten you, but if you stay still at the kotatsu, your heart will weaken and decline. I have a relative who have died in this way. That is why we should have Bon Odori even in winter.


Urinary Retention and Drainage

Oh, no, I've gotten an enlarged prostate and I couldn't pee anymore.

It was a few years ago that my brother in Gunma Prefecture, who is three years older than me, lamented over the phone. At the time, I thought nothing like that would ever happen to me, and I had been happy to the fact during all these years.  Finally, however, as Paul sang, yesterday came suddenly.

I've been thirsty these days. The water in my canteen has been very tasty. And the last night's big shot of Maker's Mark with ice and water I had prepared in a tall metal cup was also good. But when I went to the bathroom after lunch, I couldn't get a good result. What happened? I thought.

In the evening, it came out. I was able to do so normally and vigorously, standing up.

So I wasn't worried, but that was just another yesterday in the past. Today I've changed greatly, feeling uneasy so much.

I'll call an ambulance for myself, I told my wife.

I can't pee.

Wait, I'll take you in the car.

She called the emergency center and asked what to do.  The person at the center told her that even with her own car, she would have to pay 7,500 yen for the first visit.

While waiting in front of the emergency room, a male nurse interviewed me about my first visit. A short time later, the door opened and a young female nurse called my name.

The urethra is sometimes too narrow and difficult to enter. If too difficult, you will not be treated here.

I see.

I was urged to lie down on the bed, and my jeans were pulled down.

Oh, it's wet.

The nurse looked at the back of my jeans or and pointed out so.

Oh, that's not water. It's a mark from the dye.

That's what happens when you dye with spray dye stuff.

Eventually, the underpants were pulled down and everything was exposed.

I asked her, “Does it hurt?"

"Yes, It hurts,” She replied as I expected, when another girl came in to help.

A tube was inserted through the opening.


This was an inhuman act that went beyond torture. I was writhing more than choking.

The tube stopped halfway through.

Could you put in some jelly?

Another nurse seemed to have inserted the jelly.

Finally, it went in.

Something warm came out into the clear bag. I was relieved.

There was quite a lot in there.

About 500 cc.

The liquid was sent for inspection. Another bag was newly attached to me. I went home with the bagged tube on the body.

How you can pass water or how you cannot

To some extent, we can understand why we sometimes become unable to urinate if we understand how urine is produced and discharged. Urine accumulates in the bladder, and there are sensors that keep an eye on whether the bladder wall has stretched or contracted, and the stretching and contracting of the wall muscles is transmitted to the urination center in the brainstem, which issues a command to be done. If the muscles of the bladder wall stretch considerably, the brain will issue a command to urinate. This causes the bladder to contract, and the discharge door opens to drain the urine safely.

Urinary retention occurs when this mechanism does not work properly. One is that the bladder may not be able to function properly because the nerve circuit itself is inoperative, or because of a herniated disc, diabetes, etc. Another is that the urinary tract may be blocked due to an enlarged prostate gland.

In my personal experience, the urinary tract may have been obstructed by an abscess caused by an infection in the prostate area, or by hemorrhoids, which cause a fecal impaction near the anus, which also obstructs the opening of the urinary tract, or perhaps by acute diabetes, as was later discovered at the time of admission. The causes of the disease were a combination of unfortunate events.

Once you have urinary retention, you should not leave it untreated. There are some ways to make it easier to urinate. The next time I have urinary retention, I would like to try stimulating with warm water and pressing slowly on the lower abdomen; I was too upset to make these efforts when I had the disease in August.

Blood glucose level of 500 mg/dl

Looking at the test results at the time of admission to the hospital, the letter H, which indicates a high value, is lined up in a row. Among them, the blood glucose level of 500 stands out.

It is said that a blood glucose level over 500 causes nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, and coma, but I did not experience any of these dangers. I am sure it was 500 when they inspected about it. I did not remember when the blood sample was taken, but it must have been done amid the confusion.

It all started with a quake on Sunday, September 1, after lunch, just as my wife was about to go out to attend at a cello concert. I felt myself to quake all over the body, never to stop. I had been like a prisoner with a urinary catheter attached to myself for the past 10 days or so. I no longer drink, which I have been doing for decades, but my hemorrhoids were not getting any better.

"Have to quit going to the concert. Must take you to the hospital.”

Seeing her husband shaking himself uncontrollably, my wife must have made up her mind to hospitalize him.

We visited the emergency room again for the first time since August. With the process for hospitalization going on, I lay down in bed with an IV drip in my arm till the hospital room was ready.

After the CT scan, I was placed in a bed in one of the four-person rooms that had been made. Since I had been waiting for so long, I assumed it was late at night. However, it was only about 6:00 pm. It was time for the dinner trays to be brought to each hospital room. My shaking had subsided, and I was hungry, so I wondered if I would be served.

I asked a nurse passing by, “What about my dinner?"

“Oh, you came in today, didn't you? Then there may not be any.”

A sense of helplessness plunged me into darkness.

But soon after, the female nurse in charge of me appeared with a tray in her hands.

She said, “Your meal is ready."

I was relieved. But I wondered if it was possible to have a blood glucose level of 500 and be eagerly waiting for food.

I was appalled later.



The disease name was prostate abscess and type II diabetes mellitus (hospitalization notes #4)

Initially, the name of the disease was urinary tract infection. It was assumed that the urethral catheter had caused a wound in the urinary tract, from which a bacterial infection had developed. Later, however, based on the results of CT scans and other tests, the name of the disease was changed to prostate abscess. The abscess was caused by a bacterial infection around the prostate gland. I was told that it was a troublesome abscess that would not go away soon.

Unfortunately, the catheterization, which was very difficult and painful, had to be continued. An intravenous infusion of antibiotics was started with the aim of eliminating the abscess. In addition, insulin injections and medication were also started to deal with high blood sugar.

The morning basically began with a blood glucose test around 6 am. A small amount of blood is drawn from a needle inserted into the belly of a finger disinfected with alcohol cotton and aspirated into a sensor to measure the blood glucose level. Depending on that value, the dose of insulin is determined and injected subcutaneously into the abdomen. All of this is done by a nurse. On my first day in the hospital, my blood sugar was 500, but the next day it was in the 200s, and it stayed around that level for a couple of days.



Stopped Drinking

When I stopped drinking that lasted for many years after this hospitalization, I experienced the same kind of food reinstatement that I experienced when I quit smoking at age 64. That's already about 15 years ago (April 19, 2008, 3:00 p.m.).  I suddenly had the idea to stop smoking any cigarettes, which I used to smoke two packs a day. The only thing that changed was that I no longer had to spend the money I used to smoke. The amount of money that I have been recording as my “non-smoking savings account” has been growing rapidly and steadily.

And the taste of food changed drastically. In addition, the bronchial problems gradually disappeared. Little by little, I became free of cough and phlegm.

Taking this hospitalization as an opportunity, I stopped drinking every night, just like I did with cigarettes. I am not sure what will happen to me in the future because drinking is very tempting, but I continue to feel surprisingly good.

Food used to be not the chief customer:  Snacks are to enhance sake taste and nuts to make whiskey taste better. In short, alcohol was main. However, when it is removed, the unique flavor of each food comes to you directly as its own thing, not through sake. I began to gobble up the food in an attempt to capture that flavor.


I have not kept a record of my sobriety savings because I am still somewhat undecided, but if I had, I would have known that I have accumulated quite a bit.

Inpatient Wards and Privacy

When I was first admitted to the hospital, my room seemed to be in the digestive ward, not the urology ward. It was summer and many of the rooms had open windows, so the sound of ambulances arriving on the first floor could be heard incessantly outside the window, and the electronic noise associated with the opening and closing of the elevator doors was frequently heard. These are noises we do not want. At the windows, the noises associated with the air conditioning system also seemed to be heard frequently. The man at the window of the first room was overtly uncomfortable with these noises and did not want to be there.

This man did not necessarily want to be hospitalized. However, he was sent here, probably by his wife, perhaps because he was exhibiting severe symptoms. Like many husbands, he is the target of moral harassment, but since he has been with his wife for so long, it is probably safer for her for him to be hospitalized, I think.

In fact, it seems that he had already decided to enter an endowment care facility and was in the process of signing a contract in the near future. It is common in a hospital room shared by several people for such information to come in on its own, even if you don't try to ask. They had a heated discussion one evening about whether or not to discharge the patient, including the attending physician and his wife. I could hear everything and I was so bored that I listened.

A few days later, I moved to the urology ward. This time it was quieter in a secluded area, with curtains separating each section of four-person rooms, each with its own bed, TV, and refrigerator. There was a lavatory next to each room, so it was never crowded, but the
plumbing near the entrance was after meals. When you watch TV, you listen to the sound with earphones. I watched sumo wrestling while lying down on the bed. All the meals were brought to the patients. The quality of the meals improves as blood sugar levels drop and the patients get better.

It gets
uncomfortable especially at night. Some people are in the habit of staying up late and others go to bed early, so they don't mesh well with each other. Some patients are so anxious that they talk frequently and rant around the nurses' station.

After moving to a new hospital room, I found myself next to the former president of a large corporation. As expected, he has interesting things to say, and I never get tired of listening to his interactions with the nurses. However, his condition is not good at all. I wondered if he had been playing or working too much. He can hardly walk, his lungs are filled with water, he has difficulty breathing, and his kidneys have deteriorated to the point where he has to undergo dialysis. The company's performance suggests that he has done great things, but it must not be very interesting for him to end up like this. I got the strong impression that I do not want to walk down a path that would lead to dialysis.

Hospitalized and rooming together, you will know necessarily all this kind of privacy.




五月の朝の新緑と薫風は私の生活を貴族にする。                              ―萩原朔太郎
The fresh green and fragrant breeze on a May morning make my life aristocratic.                     ―Sakutaro Hagiwara




             The fresh green and fragrant breeze
                           On a May morning
                      Make my life aristocratic.

                          Under the window,
                           Full of sky-blue
                   That drips and drops overflowing
                     I would like to sit at table
                        With the woman I love,
              Sterling silver knife and fork in hand.

                      Once in my life sometime,
                  I would like to eat larks' dish of love
                      Shining above in the sky.

萩原朔太郎(Sakutaro Hagiwara: 1886-1942) 日本の詩人、評論家。大正時代に近代詩の新しい地平を拓いた。



☆「私の愛する女」the woman I loveは、朔太郎が『愛憐』において「蛇のやうなあそびをしよう」と呼びかけた女性のことかもしれない。当時、当該詩は過激だったため検閲により発禁とされた。当該詩はここではちとはじかわしいので取り扱わない。

☆「純銀のふおうく」sterling silver fork。純銀とは言っても食器には純度92.5%のスターリングシルバーを使う。また、ヨーロッパの貴族は毒をもられるのを防ぐために銀食器を使ったらしい。銀食器がヒ素と反応して変色するかららしい。

☆「雲雀料理の愛の皿」larks' dish of love。朔太郎の生家の近くに利根川の河原があり、そこに棲む雲雀(ヒバリ)が彼の散文を含めてよく出てくる。「雲雀料理」はヒバリの一家の料理と解釈される。同じ『月に吠える』の中に以下がある。







                  イムジン河 水清く
            水鳥自由に むらがり飛びかうよ
                   我が祖国 南の地
                  イムジン河 水清く
Over the purity and richness of the water body of the Imujin River,
           Birds are flying freely in many flocks.
              Our wishes are from far away,
          Over the river's purely rich water,
            Towards the south to our homeland.

           飛びゆく鳥よ 自由の使者よ
            From the northern land
                  To the south sky,
            Birds fly as free messengers.
            Who has divided ours into two?
        Who has separated us from each other?

                  イムジン河 空遠く
              河よ おもいを伝えておくれ
                  イムジン河 水清く
High above over the Imujin, please be a rainbow bridge!
         Please the river, convey our wishes!
           We(ll never forget our homeland,
           Till the end of the water flow.


A very good piece of music looking down on politics far below.

イムジン河 水清くとうとうと流る 水鳥自由に むらがり飛びかうよ
According to Wikipedia, the *Imujing River is pronounced “Limujin-gang” in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, while the Korean-derived “Imujing River” is usually used in Japan. This river begins in the mountainous central part of the Korean Peninsula and empties into the Yellow Sea. There is a protected area with a very large number of migratory birds.

I often enjoy myself listening to The Folk Crusaders' version of “Imujing River.” It seems that Takeshi Matsuyama of Sadistic Mika Band wrote the Japanese lyrics and passed them on to Kazuhiko Kato of The Folk Crusaders. The whole of the lyrics seems to be a bit longer.

春の海ひねもすのたりのたりかな  ―与謝蕪村
Ah, calm spring sea! All day long repeats again and again the movement of waves dull and slow. ―Buson Yosa

                 Ah, calm spring sea!
                     All day long
               Repeats again and again
         The movement of waves dull and slow.

与謝蕪村(Buson Yosa: 1716-1784) 俳人、画家。

☆「春の海」はthe spring sea。calmをつけた理由はspring seaではほぼ2音だからちょっと意味を保持するには短すぎる、つまり英語にならない。そのためにつけた。しかし、思い返すとそうでもないかもしれない。呼びかけ的にするためにtheはとった。
The phrase “notari notari” is a mimetic phrase of pseudo onomatopoeic words, a language form that symbolically expresses something without sound by imagining as if it had sound.

☆「のたりのたり」に1対1で対応する英語の表現はないだろう。そこで意訳してdull and slowとした。

In this case, the sea would be quite distant, such that the sound of the waves would not be heard. This quote is like the crystallization of Buson's haibun/haiga talent.


アメリカ合州国:改めて「合衆国」を考えてみると衆はpeopleに通じ、あたかもさまざまな人民、さまざまな民族がひとつにとけあった理想社会であるかのような誤解を与える。しかし、現在は「弱肉強食」が自由にできる典型的社会である。  ―本多勝一

                     Once again,
               consider the “合衆国”.
     The word “衆” is connected to “people”,
            So, the name tends to give us
            as if it were an ideal society
      in which various peoples and ethnic groups
            were mixed and united as one,
                   However, today,
                they live in a society
            where people typically observe
    the principle of the survival of the fittest,
            “the strong eat up the weak."

本多勝一(Katsuichi Hoda: 1932年 - ) 新聞記者・ジャーナリスト・作家。


☆アメリカ合「州」国はこの著者独自の発想によるもの。ただし、stateは「国」であり、州ではないから、アメリカ連邦共和国としたほうが訳として当たっているだろう。現在日本で使われている「アメリカ合衆国」のほうは、幕末に幕府の役人が中国古典を参照しつつ考え出した訳語らしい。「合」はUnitedにあたり、「衆国」は君主国でない民主主義の国を意味する。共産圏によくあるpeople's republicがこれ。

アメリカ合州国: Once again,  consider the “合衆国”.  The word “衆” is connected to “people”.

So, the name tends to give us misunderstanding as if it were an ideal society in which various peoples and ethnic groups were mixed and united as one,

However, today, they live in a society  where people typically observe the principle of the survival of the fittest, "the strong eat up the weak."



鐘つけば銀杏散るなり建長寺   ―漱石
柿くへば鐘が鳴るなり法隆寺   ―子規
When the bell tolls, the gingko trees scatter their leaves at Kenchoji Temple.   ―Soseki
When you take a bite out of a persimmon, the bell tolls at Horyuji Temple.    ―Shiki

Soseki and Shiki, who were classmates at Tokyo Imperial University, are known for their friendship through their creative activities based on the magazine “Hototogisu” and their participation in haiku gatherings. The two haiku above are the product of such friendship. Soseki's is the original poem and Shiki's is the equivalent of a reply poem.

Compareng the both, Shiki's is by far superior to Soseki's in terms of the value of being well known to the Japanese people. Soseki's first poem, “Kane tsukeba,” is a little appealing, but overall it can't be said very interesting. In contrast, Shiki's first phrase, “Kaki kuheba” itself is interesting and innovative. Shiki was said to be a great lover of persimmons.

The combinationss of the conditional phrase “〜すれば” and the consequentila pharase “〜するなり” are also interesting in that “Kaki kuheba kane ga naru” is more elegantly sounded than “Kane tsukeba icho chirunari." Also, “Kenchoji Temple” at the end would lose out to “Horyuji Temple.

Thus, a great difference was made in evaluation.


詩って小説にない小説の息みたいなものなのね。                 ―室生犀星
Poems are like the breathings for novels that do not have any.  ―Saisei Murou

                  Poems are
         the breathings for novels
           that do not have any.

室生犀星(1889 - 1962) 石川県金沢市出身の詩人・小説家。

These words were said by Enko, a character in the novel “Anzukko”. Enko seems to be the mistress of the main character Heishiro. It is a line from a scene where Enko is found writing something like a poem in her notebook and is asked to show it to him. Although these are the words of a character in the story, so they are considered separate from the author's thoughts, we may assume that they express the thoughts of Saisei, a poet and novelist.

☆「小説の息」は、「小説にない」ということから、「小説にとっての息」の意味と捉えるのがよいだろう。英語で考えるとbreath(ing)s of novelsではなく、breath(ing)s for novels、つまり、小説のために詩が代わりに息をしてくれるという関係。小説に息はない。代わりに詩が息をしてあげる。小説のための息こそ詩である。そう言いたいのではないかとあてずっぽうで言っておくが、当たっているかどうかはわからない。.
"Breaths of novels" are not said to exist in novels, so it is reasonable to take it to mean "breaths for novels." In English, the relationship is not breath(ing)s of novels, but breath(ing)s for novels, i.e., the poem breathes for the novels instead of them. Novels do not breathe. Instead, poetry breathes for them. Poetry breathes for novels. I am guessing that this is what she is trying to say, but I don't know if she is right or not. It is just a guess.

Poems are usually much shorter than novels. If poetry is the breath of the novel, then for the novel, poetry may be a kind of condensed essence that replaces it.



ふるさとは遠きにありて思ふもの そして悲しくうたふもの             ―室生犀星
Your hometown is the place to be thought of from far away and sung of sadly.     ―Saisei Murou

          Your hometown is the place
 to be thought of from far away and sung of sadly
                 Even if
      you have become a beggar in a foreign land
          you had better not go back there
               With the approach of dusk,
   you, alone in the metropolitan city, think of your hometown
                 with tears in your eyes
              Cherishing that thought
   you would like to go back to the distant metropolitan city
   you would like to go back to the distant metropolitan city

室生犀星(1889 - 1962) 石川県金沢市出身の詩人・小説家。

Although it is sometimes considered a poem of nostalgia, the poet's feelings are more complex, and he even goes so far as to say that it is not a place to return to.

ふるさとは遠きにありて思ふもの    そして悲しくうたふもの
The declaration that “hometown” is something to think about from far away and sing sad songs about, and nothing else. The word “もの” shows the declarative character of this phrase.
think of 〜、sing of 〜のofは思いと歌の対象を表すもの。
   Your hometown is the place to be thought of from far away and sung of sadly.

☆even ifと訳されていることからわかるとおり、「よしや」は「たとえ〜でも」の「たとえ」の意味。
   Even if you have become a beggar in a foreign land you had better not go back there

 With the approach of dusk you, alone in the metroplitan city, think of your hometown with tears in your eyes

そのこころもて遠きみやこにかへらばや 遠きみやこにかへらばや

 Cherishing that thought you would like to go back to the distant metropolitan city you would like to go back to the distant metropolitan city



東海の小島の磯の白砂にわれ泣きぬれて蟹とたはむる  ―石川啄木

It is me who is playing with a crab, shedding tears, against the white sand of the beach of the islet in the East Sea.  ―Takuboku Ishikawa

                   It is me
         who is playing with a crab,
                shedding tears,
     against the white sand of the beach
        of the islet in the East Sea.

[tokai-no kojima-no iso-no shirasuna-ni]
Where is the Tokai? According to the internet, there are various opinions, such as the sea around Oma Benten 1, Oma-cho, Shimokita-gun, Aomori Prefecture, or the sea at Omori-hama in Hakodate, etc. It does not seem to be the Tokai region where the JR Tokai railway runs. Takuboku's hometown is Hinomura, Minami-Iwate-gun (now Morioka City), Iwate Prefecture, and Jodogahama, Miyako City, near Morioka, may be also a candidate. Of course there must be islands. Anyway, the East Sea seems to be the Pacific Ocean.

The scene is zooming in on a series of no. The first Tokai can be considered a place name. After that, however, it becomes more materialized than a place name, with a small island, a rocky shore, and the white sand of the beach being the canvas for the composition in which Takuboku probably laid himself down, wept and played with a crab. The final ni is therefore difficult to grasp. This particle represents a canvas rather than a place.
   against the white sand of the beach of the islet in the East Sea

[ware nakinure-te kani-to tawamuru]
This big adult man playing with a crab will never be a sight you want to see, don't you? But this narcissistic poet has done it. It's not so good. As bad as adultery, I think.

☆啄木の自己愛を表すためにどのような英語にすればよいか迷ったが、結局It is ... who ...の強調構文にした。こうすることにより、「見てくれ、これが俺なんだ」といわんばかりの自己顕示欲が表せたら成功。
I wasn't sure how to describe his self-love, but in the end used the emphatic construction of the phrase, It is ... who ... .If, by doing this, I can express a sense of self-expression, as if to say ‘Look, this is me’, I have succeeded.
  It is me who is playing with a crab, shedding tears


英語☆クールな名言 プレミアム版


Sah ein Knab' ein Röslein stehn....              ―Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
 わらべはみたり 野なかのばら...



    わらべはみたり 野なかのばら
    清らに咲ける その色めでつ
    飽かずながむ くれないにおう

    たおりてゆかん 野なかのばら
    たおらばたおれ 思い出ぐさに
    君を刺さん くれないにおう

    わらべは折りぬ 野なかのばら
    折られてあわれ 清らのいろか
    とわにあせぬ くれないにおう



        Sah ein Knab' ein Röslein stehn,
              Röslein auf der Heiden,
         War so jung und morgenschön,
         Lief er schnell, es nah zu sehn,
           Sah's mit vielen Freuden.

        Röslein, Röslein, Röslein rot,
             Röslein auf der Heiden.

      Knabe sprach: ich breche dich,
          Röslein auf der Heiden!

      Röslein sprach: ich steche dich,
       Dass du ewig denkst an mich,
         Und ich will's nicht leiden.

      Röslein, Röslein, Röslein rot,
        Röslein auf der Heiden.

       Und der wilde Knabe brach
        's Röslein auf der Heiden;
      Röslein wehrte sich und stach,
     Half ihm doch kein Weh und Ach,
            Musst' es eben leiden.

      Röslein, Röslein, Röslein rot,
         Röslein auf der Heiden.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe(ヨハン・ウォルフガング・フォン・ゲーテ: 1749-1832)  ドイツの詩人、劇作家、小説家、自然科学者、博学者、政治家、法律家。

morgenschön[モルゲンシェーン] <- morning+beautiful ゲーテの造語らしい「朝っぽくきれい」

ich breche dich[イッヒ ブレッシェ ディッヒ]  <-  ich liebe dich[イッヒ リーベ ディッヒ]=I love you 

Half ihm doch kein Weh und Ach[ハルフィン ドフ カイン ヴィー ウント アフ]前から順に単語を訳すと「助ける・彼を・しかし・なし・悲しみ・痛み」語順転倒があるとみて「しかし痛みや悲しみは少年を助けることはなかった」とした。このihmはもとはihrだったが編集者がihmに替えた、その場合薔薇を指すことになるという説があるが、そう取ると意味的に面白くない。そこでihmでいくことにし、「少年は大いに苦しんだ」という方向を取った。昔々の英訳も読んだが、ihr説を取っていてつまらなかったし、古いものなのにコピーライトがしっかりあったので紹介は見合わせることにした。    




    童はみたり 野なかの薔薇
    清らに咲ける その色愛でつ
    飽かずながむ 紅におう

    手折りて往かん 野なかの薔薇
    手折らば手折れ 思出ぐさに
    君を刺さん 紅におう

    童は折りぬ 野なかの薔薇
    折られてあわれ 清らの色香
    永久にあせぬ 紅におう

近藤朔風(こんどうさくふう: 1880-1915) 日本の訳詞家。西欧歌曲の普及に貢献。『ローレライ』なじかは知らねど心わびて昔のつたえはそぞろ身にしむ...など

To be, or not to be, that is the question...       ―William Shakespeare
この世に在る、この世にいない、それが問題。                        ―ウィリアム・シェイクスピア

                To be, or not to be,
               that is the question:

                 Whether ’tis nobler
                in the mind to suffer
     The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
      Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
              And by opposing end them?

                  To die—to sleep,
                       No more;
                    and by a sleep
                    to say we end
                   The heart-ache,
           and the thousand natural shocks
                That flesh is heir to:
                 ’tis a consummation
               Devoutly to be wish’d.
                  To die, to sleep.
     But that the dread of something after death,
              The undiscover’d country,
                   from whose bourn
                No traveller returns,
                  puzzles the will,
     And makes us rather bear those ills we have
       Than fly to others that we know not of?

     Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
        And thus the native hue of resolution
                  Is sicklied o’er
            with the pale cast of thought,
      And enterprises of great pith and moment,
      With this regard their currents turn awry
             And lose the name of action.
                    それが 問題。






William Shakespeare(ウィリアム・シェイクスピア: 1564-1616)  劇作家、詩人。

この名言、To be, or not to be, that is the question
Hamlet, the earlier king of Denmark, was poisoned by his brother Claudius. Prince Hamlet's mother, Gertrude, became Claudius' wife. Prince Hamlet learned of the circumstances from the ghost of the previous king, and after much distress, he vowed revenge. This quote, To be, or not to be, that is the question, expresses that distress.

☆To be, or not to be, that is the question:の「:」(コロン)に注意したい。これはこのあとに具体的に説明を加えますという合図の役目をしている。ハムレットの独白として続く英語をとらえれば、王子の2者択一の大問題の中身がわかる。
Note the “:” (colon) in “To be, or not to be, that is the question:”. This serves as a signal that we will add a specific explanation after this. If you grasp the meaning of the following Hamlet's monologue, you will understand what the prince's big two-part question means. 

☆beは「である」の意味ではなく「〜にいる」。どこかは「この世」であると文脈からわかる。なお、後続のセリフにはbeよりもdoのグループに入る動詞が多い。その点も翻訳者泣かせとなっている。またなお、the questionのtheは「究極の一つ」を意味する。だから「大」問題。単なるa questionとは異なる。
Note that “be” does not mean “である,” but “いる、ある". Where is is understood as 'in this world' from the context. In the following lines, there are more verbs in the “do” group than “be”. This also makes translators embarrassed. “The” in “the question” means “the ultimate one,” so it is a BIG problem. It is different from only 'a question.'
The quoted long monologue was apparently read to mean that he believed the choice is “the great question of whether to live on as if nothing had happened or risk death in a bloody revenge drama". In other words, it is a great matter of life and death. This is plausible, since he lives in an age of sword fighting. Note that 'sleep' in the passage is a literary term, meaning “eternal sleep".

This line has nothing to do with philosophical ideas such as Sartre's “Being and Nothingness,” but is merely a line from a play, a line of entertainment. Therefore, there is room for a question such as "Is this a quote?"


My Bonnie lies over the ocean   ―Scottish Folk Song

            My Bonnie lies over the ocean
             My Bonnie lies over the sea
            My Bonnie lies over the ocean
            Oh bring back my Bonnie to me


Bonnie is a proper noun with the first letter capitalized. The adjective bonny, from which it is derived, is used in Scotland and means "beautiful, dainty, beloved." In English, adjectives are often used as nouns.

☆bring back 〜は「〜を連れ帰る」。だれに連れて帰ってと言っているのかは、もっとあとでわかる。海を渡る風にそう言っている。しかし、それより前に以下のリフレインがある。

                Bring back, bring back
          Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
                Bring back, bring back
              Bring back my Bonnie to me

切実な願いになっている。to meは「きちんと私のもとまで」という意味。

She sells seashells by the seashore.           ―Nursery Rhymes

         She sells seashells by the seashore.
      The shells she sells are surely seashells.
       So if she sells shells on the seashore,
         I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

☆Nursery Rhymes(ナーサリーライム)のうちの1篇。早口言葉でもある。









I don't like to eat snails. I prefer fast food.                            — Strange de Jim

 Hi! 『クールな名言』90号です。今週のテーマは Eat(食べる)。きょうのでまた読者が減るけどまあいいや。

             ■□- 英語☆クールな名言 -□■                     vol. 90
               Wednesday December 1, 1999

             I don't like to eat snails.
                  I prefer fast food.

James Riffe(ジェームズ・リフェ:  1942-2024) 別名Strange de Jim 元米陸軍大佐。

●フランス料理の食用エスカルゴやカエルはおいしい(^ ^;
●I don't like to do「〜することはしない、〜するのは好きじゃない」。I like to doは「〜するのが好きで、よくする」。
●prefer fast food (to snails)「(カタツムリより)ファーストフードのほうが好き」。fast foodはsnailに対するシャレ。

♡ちょっと古いかな(^ ^);

Edible (adj). Good to eat and wholesome to digest, as a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake, a snake to a pig, a pig to a man, and a man to a worm.        —Ambrose Bierce

今週のテーマは Eat(食べる)。お食事時またはその前後だったらもっと後で読

             ■□- 英語☆クールな名言 -□■             vol. 89
                Monday November 29, 1999

                      Edible (adj).

                      Good to eat
                  wholesome to digest,
        a worm to a toad, a toad to a snake,
          a snake to a pig, a pig to a man,
                and a man to a worm.
                   食べられる [形]


 Ambrose Bierce(アンブローズ・ビアス: 1842-1914?) 米国のジャーナリスト・作家。『悪魔の辞典』より。

●Anything is edible if it is chopped finely enough.        — Mrs. Weiler
とても細かく刻まれていればなんだって食べれますよ    — ワイラーさん

●edible「食べることができる、食用になる」。辞書的にはedibleには「おいしい」の意味はなく、たとえばpoisonous(毒がある) の反対、単に「食べられる」という意味。

●その edible を good to eat(おいしい) と定義し直した点に、この名言や『悪魔の辞典』全体の文学的価値・秘密がある。つまり、食用になるということは、種や場合などによってはおいしいんだと

●good to eat「おいしい」
●wholesome to digest「消化によい」
この 2 つの不定詞は、どうゆう方面において good なのか、wholesome なのかを示すもの。
●as 〜「〜のように」
●a worm to a toad のように to が使われていることから、A worm is edible to a toad. のように、to で誰にとってかを表している。




Actually, it only takes one drink to get me loaded.  Trouble is, I can't remember if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.                         —George Burns

Hi! 『クールな名言』 114 号です。今週のテーマは Drink です。お楽しみください。

┃                ━  英語☆クールな名言  ━                                               ┃
┃                 vol. 114  Wed, 9 Feb 2000                                                ┃

             it only takes one drink
                 to get me loaded.

                      Trouble is,
                  I can't remember
      if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.
               私は1 杯で酔う。


George Burns(ジョージ・バーンズ: 1896-1996)  アメリカのコメディアン、俳優。13 歳で歌手としてデビュー。"The Sunshine Boys"(1975)で、オスカー賞。

♡単なるジョーク(^ ^;
●it takes A to do「〜するのにAかかる」するのにかかる時間や労力を言う。ここでは one drink(1 杯)がAにきているから、おかわりの杯数を言っている。
●get me loaded「私を酔っ払わせる」loaded は「酔った」状態。get は後ろに人があれば「人をある状態にさせる」、なければ「ある状態になる」。

●trouble is, 〜「困ったことに〜だ」the trouble is that 〜 の the と that を落とした生粋の口語表現。コンマはisの後にpauseを置くしるし。これがthatの代わりになっている。

●if it's A or B「それがAなのかBなのか」Is it A or B? → if it is A or B


Middle age is whenever you go on holiday you pack a sweater.                                              — Denis Norden

Hi! 『クールな名言』 125 号です。今週のテーマは Aging(年とるこ

┃                ━  英語☆クールな名言  ━                  ┃
┃                 vol. 125 Mon, 6 Mar 2000                   ┃

                       Middle age
 whenever you go on holiday you pack a sweater.

Denis Norden(デニス・ノーデン: 1922-2018)  イギリスの脚本家。

●middle age「中年」cf. 「中年の男」=a man of middle age, a middle-aged man, a man in his middle age。

●A is whenever 〜.「Aというのは、決まって〜となる場合のことだ」
cf. A is when 〜.「Aというのは、〜のときのことだ」この形をとっている名言はいくつもある。たとえば

Middle age is when you've met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else. —Ogden Nash
中年とは、あんまりたくさんの人に出会っているので、新しく知り合いになる人ごとにだれかに似てると思う、そんな年代を言う     —オグデン・ナッシュ


  A panic is when my wife loses her job.        —Edgar Fiedler
 パニックってのは、女房が失業するときのことだな   —エドガー・フィードラー


The first sign of a nervous breakdown is when you start thinking your work is terribly important.         —Milo Bloom


A is whenever 〜は、文法的にはちょいと破格ながら、このA is when 〜 と似ている。

●Ogden Nash(オグデン・ナッシュ: 1902-1971)  アメリカの詩人・作家。Rye, N.Y. 生まれ。『ニューヨーカー』誌などにユーモラスな詩。

●Edgar R. Fiedler(エドガー・R・フィードラー: 1929–2003) アメリカの経済学者。

●Milo Bloom(ミロ・ブルーム) アメリカの漫画のキャラクター。




At represents one point.

atは「1点」を表します。「〜に到着する」を意味するarrive atは、arrive inに比較すると、場所は場所でもかなりずっと抽象的な場所、地図上の1点、あるいは他の地点から区別してのその1点、場所としてずいぶん概念的な場所、目的地、といったような抽象的な場所がatの後に来ます。それに対してarrive inのほうは、抽象性はまったくなく、場所は場所でも具体的な場所、広さやら奥行きやら幅やらが具体的に感じとれ、その内部を描写できるような場所がinの後に来ます。
At represents 'one point.' Therefore, compared to "arrive in," "arrive at" precedes a much more abstract place, a point on the map, a point distinguished from other points, a conceptual place, a destination, etc. In contrast, 'arrive in' is not followed by an abstract place at all. 'Arrive in' introduces a concrete place, a place where you can get a describable sense of size, depth, width, and so on.

たとえばThey arrived at the building.「その建物のところに到着した」は、buildingを地図上の目印、到着地点としてとらえます。この場合はbuildingの広さや内部にはまったく関心がいかず、むしろ「〜のところ」という日本語にあたるような、排他的、選択的な「位置」に関心がいきます。こういった場合にatが使われます。それに対して、arrive in 〜は、到着場所が視覚的なイメージとして具体的にぱーっと広がるそのまっただなかに到着するものとして区別できるでしょう。客観的に見て場所が広いか狭いかということで使い分けるのではなく,あくまでも話し手の主観の問題,場所のとらえ方,場所に対する感じ方の問題です。ことばの問題よりも意味論の問題になります。
For example, "They arrived at the building. Here, we are not interested in the size or interior of the building, but rather in the exclusive, selective "location," as in the Japanese phrase "〜のところ," which means 'at around,' shows. In such a case, 'at' is used. In contrast, 'arrive in 〜' can be distinguished as arriving in the midst of a concrete visual image of the place of arrival. It is not a matter of whether the place is objectively large or small, but rather a matter of the speaker's subjectivity, the way he perceives the place, and the way he feels about the place. It is more a matter of semantics than a matter of words. 

I bought this vitamine drink at the convenience store.

In this sentence, 'at' is used because the store is perceived as one point selected among others. In Japanese the meaning is represented by 'de.' 

He found a great many people in the supermarket.

と言うなら, スーパーの建物という具体的な内部を持つ大きな構造体の中に身を置いて状況をとらえたことになります。日本語でいうと「の中に入って」ということです。点的にとらえるかそうでないかの区別原理がここで働いています。
In this sentence, you are capturing the situation by placing yourself inside the supermarket building, which is a large structure with a describable interior. In Japanese, it means "inside of". The principle of distinction between pointwise and non-pointwise perception also comes into play here. 

時と原因 Time & Cause 

この原理は, at が「時」や「原因」を意味するときにもあてはまる共通原理です。 This principle is a common one under the categories of time and cause. 

at noon (正午に)
at the end of this month (今月末に)
at last(ついに)
at that time (そのとき)

どれも点的にとらえることのできる時間が後続しています。 In any of the sentences, 'at' is followed by the time expression that can be captured in terms of points. 

However, when it comes to time that can be perceived more psychologically broad,

in the year of 1993 (1993年に)
in the morning (午前中に)
on Monday (月曜日に)
on his birthday(彼の誕生日に)

のようにin や on などが使われます。
'in' or 'on' is used. 

at nightのnightについては、夜はかつて常に電気なしの暗闇の中にあったことを思い出してほしいと思います。そのような場合、人間は活動から遠ざかって寝る傾向がありました。そういう夜ならば、点と呼ばれる理由は十分にありました。だからatを使ったのでしょう。夜間の人間活動が盛んになるに連れ、in the nightの表現も増えてきているのだと思います。
As for 'night' in 'at night,' you should recall the night once was always in the dark without electricity. In such a case, human beings tend to go to bed away from any activities. If nights were so, nights have every reason to be referred as a point. So they used 'at', I think. As human activity at night increases, the expressions using in the night are also increasing, I think. 

He was tired from a long walk. (長く歩いたことで疲れていた)
Ms. Hepburn died of cancer. (ヘップバーンさんはガンで死んだ)
The accident was brought about through carelessness. (事故は不注意から起こった)

では「原因」を言うのに from や of が使われています。
In examples above, the cause is referred to by from or of. 


I was surprised at the news. (その知らせを聞いて驚いた)

のように使って「原因」を表します。 このとき at は「接触点」を表します。 人間とできごととの,人間と知らせとの,ぶつかりのあいの接点を at が表します。 その接点こそ,目や耳や知能にほかならないので,「〜を見て(聞いて・知って)」となります。
On the other hand, 'at' represents the "point of contact" between human beings and events or news. The point of contact is none other than eye, ear, and intellect, so we say, "to see/hear/ know) 〜". 





            - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   ★on が入るのはどっちやねん?
 a. There are a few Brazilians who play (   ) the soccer teams in Japan.
 b. I'm a member (  ) the team.


                  The answer is a.

★a. を in と考えたらあかん。チームの中でプレーすることになって試合に出れんかもしれん。on the team の on は、チームに参加して活躍中っていう意味。b.はめんばーだからふつうはof。

          There are a few Brazilians who play on the soccer teams in Japan.    (日本のサッカーチームでプレーするブラジル人が少しいる)
          I'm a member of the team.   (僕はそのチームのメンバーです)


つくったひと:        なぞの怪人
ちょさくけん:        なぞの怪人


            - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



   An abacus is still (a. for  b. on  c. in) use in Asia, especially in Japan (a. with  b. about  c. for) simple calculations.

               abacus って「そろばん」。


    The former is c, and the latter is also c.

★for は for personal use(個人で使うために) っていうふうに使う。of use(=useful)はあるけど、on use はない。in use「使われて」。
★for simple calculations の for は「用途」、つまり、「使い道」を表すんじゃ。

        An abacus is still in use in Asia,
   especially in Japan for simple calculations.

つくったひと:        なぞの怪人
ちょさくけん:        なぞの怪人
