Updates on recent developments on me
Feb 11 2025:ハーブ好きなのでつぎつぎによく買う。ローズヒップ&ハイビスカスの次はカレー粉にもたぶん入っているクローブ。これは粉末にしていない原形のもので、いっぺんに3つ食べると頭の中が真っ白になってやばい。2つならなんとか耐えられる。1つが理想的か。とにかく瓶の中にいっぱいあるので1年はもちそうだ。効果はネットで見ると万能みたいだけど、どーかーなー。
I like herbs, so I often buy them one after another. After rosehips and hibiscus, I bought cloves, which are probably also found in curry powder. Eat three pieces at once, you will be pure white in the head.I can tolerate two at a time, but one would be ideal. Anyway, I have a jar full of them, so they should last me at least one year. On the net, they seem to indicate that it's all-purpose, but I'm uuum not sure.
Feb 10 2025:1か月以上続いた長いバイトに一区切りがついた。足の方には区切りがつかない。洗濯板は浴室にあったすりこぎじゃない、おろし金みたいな器具で削ったらかなり減ってくれた。痛いけど。足指の裏の硬い部分とマメがなくなれば、かなり使い物になるかもしれない。
Now is a break in a long part-time job that lasted over a month. However, there is no break in my foot and leg. I scraped the washing board with a grater like tool that I found in the bathroom, and it reduced it a lot. It hurts, though. If I can get rid of the hard toes and blisters on my toes, they might be able to be used a lot more.
As for the varicose
veins, I decided to change my attitude of separating the legs and feet
and take them on as one. I'm going to slather on the cream and have
beautiful legs one of these days. Sciatica is no longer scary, as I was
told on YouTube. I just need to widen my hip area and get rid of stiffness there.
Feb 4 2025:水虫白癬菌に対するアルコールの効果のほどを報告すると、画期的劇的効果はなかった。水虫用の軟膏薬が効くのと同程度に効く。あるいは、水虫用の軟膏薬が効かないのと同程度にしか効かない。本格的アルコール漬けは試みてない。菌の居場所を示すと思われる赤いつぶつぶは、たしかに以前より数は減った。しかし、そこにまだ居座っている。
Reporting about the effectiveness of alcohol against athlete's foot ringworm, I found it not groundbreakingly dramatic. It worked about as well as athlete's foot ointments worked. Or, it worked as poorly as athlete's foot ointment worked. I have not attempted a full-blown alcohol soak. The red bumps, which are supposed to indicate the location of the fungus, are indeed fewer in number than before. But they are still there.
The washing board has also shrunk in size, but they are still there. This is the horny part that provides food for the fungus. I am on my second 20% urea cream for exfoliation reduction. It seems to work very differently depending on the manufacturer. The one with squalane or something seems to work better.
Feb 2 2025:以前、冬には夜間に起きることはなかったのに、退院後むくみのせいか、2時間置きくらいにトイレに行くようになっていた。それがいくらか間隔が延びるようになったのはむくみが減っているからだろうか。足や脚にむくみがある場合、その水分が夜間に排出されるのでトイレが近くなり、反対にむくみがない場合やむくみを下肢に溜め込まない場合はトイレは遠くなる。
Before, I never used to wake up at night in the winter, but after leaving the hospital, I started going to the bathroom every two hours or so, probably due to swelling. However, the interval now has become somewhat longer. I wonder if it is because the swelling is decreasing. If there is swelling in the feet or legs, the water is discharged during the night, so you should be near the toilet, whereas if there is no swelling or if swelling is not stored in the lower limbs, you are left away from the place.
I need to earn money to live, I am currently more enthusiastic about my
part-time job and have not been able to update my blog as much as I
would like. I feel somewhat sorry for that.
Jan 30 2025:なんと言っても足についての難関は、指の裏側にできてしまっているタコみたいな、マメみたいな、コーンの粒みたいなできものだな。これは糖尿病に合併して現れたものだろう。逆向きスパイクの大部分をこれらが占めている。水虫と関係があるのかどうかは不明。足裏に緩衝材をあてがうと歩行はいくらか楽になる。今日はロキソニンの大判のやつを貼って出かけた。
The most difficult thing about my foot, after all, is the callus-like, blister-like, corn kernel-like growths on the backs of my toes. These would appear as a complication of diabetes. These make up the majority of the inverted spikes. It is unclear if they are related to athlete's foot. Walking is somewhat easier if a buffer is applied to the sole. I went out today with a large dose of Loxonin on it.
Jan 29 2025:カビにアルコールが有効なのを思い出し、カビの一種である水虫の白癬菌をアルコール攻めにすることにした。これはいいようだ。足の裏を除菌ウェットティッシュで拭く。水虫の塗布薬より効き目があるのじゃないか。効果のほどはもうしばらく待ってて。手によるマッサージも続けている。これは押すようにして血管内にNO(一酸化窒素)を発生させる。押すと足は一時的にきれいになる。
Remembering that alcohol is effective against mold, I decided to attack athlete's foot ringworm, a type of mold, with alcohol. This seems to be a good idea. I wipe the soles of my feet with a sterile wet wipe. I think it works better than the athlete's foot application. Wait and see how well it works. I also continue to massage by hand. This is done by pressing to generate NO(nitric monoxide). The foot is temporarily cleaned by pressing.
Jan 28 2025:近くの公園のベンチまで歩いて行ってひなたぼっこして帰ってきた。我が家はエレベーターのない団地の3階なので、32段の急な階段でステアケースクライミングをしなければ室内に戻れない。手すりはあっても、これってかなりのエクササイズ。
Walked to a bench in the nearby park, basked in the sun, and returned home. We are on the third floor of an apartment complex with no elevator, so I have to do steep 32-step staircase climbing to get back inside. Even with handrails, this is quite an exercise.
Massage is done with the hands. Place the left foot on the right leg, hold the heel with the right palm, grasp the left palm roundly near the toes with the left palm, and bend and stretch the ankle from side to side and back and forth. The palm becomes an aid and does not put too much strain on the foot. If you don't take the strain, It is painful.
Jan 27 2025:歩かない分、暇を見つけて足をマッサージしたり、立って足裏をもみほぐす軽エクササイスをしたりする方向に向きを換えることにした。まず逆向きスパイクの症状だけでも消さないと、歩かない人間になってしまう。私はかつてから、作家の死に方などから、歩かないと人は死ぬという信念を抱いていた。合併している症状を挙げると、逆向きスパイク、洗濯板、カビの菌の感染、静脈瘤、むくみ、筋肉や骨のフレイル、全身のフレイル、とにかく品揃えがすごい。
I have decided to turn around and massage my feet in my spare time and do light exercises where I stand and rub my feet for the amount of time I don't walk. If I didn't first erase at least the symptoms of the reverse directional spike, I would become a person who doesn't walk. I once held the belief that if one does not walk, one will die. The complications are backwards spikes, washing board, fungal infections, varicose veins, swelling, muscle and bone flail, whole body flail; just a great assortment of symptoms.
Jan 26 2025:脚の不調は付き合って10年以上になる。めったに歩かないし、自然治癒力は衰えた。ここで負けを認めるか、よーく考えておこう。
I have been dealing with leg problems for over 10 years. I barely walk and my natural healing powers have diminished. I'll think hard whether I admit defeat now or not..
Jan 21 2025:長年仕事でパソコンを使っているのに、最近になってやっとわかったことってけっこうある。たとえば、ディスプレイのガンマ値を落とせば色が濃くなって見やすくなることは今日知った。linuxではxgamma -gamma 0.6とかとやると、衰えた目にも優しい濃さになってくれる。Mac OS Xではシステム環境設定のディスプレイから「カラー」を選んで「補正」を選択して変更するらしい。Windows 10の場合はWindows システムツール→コントロールパネル から [色の管理] → [詳細設定] → [ディスプレイの調整] を選んで色調整ウィザードでガンマを調整するらしい。ディスプレーはスマホのほうが見やすいかな。スマホは小型パソコンなのにキーボードがないからあまり使えない。
Even though I have been using computers for many years for work, there are many things that I have only recently learned. For example, I learned today that reducing the gamma value of the display can make the colors darker and easier to see with my deteriorating eyes; on linux, "xgamma -gamma 0.6" on the command line can do that. In Mac OS X, it is changed by selecting "Color" from "Display" in System Preferences and selecting "Correction". In Windows 10, go to Windows System Tools > Control Panel > Color Management > Advanced > Adjust Display and use the Color Adjustment Wizard to adjust the gamma. I think the display is easier to see on the phone. The phone is a small computer but doesn't have a keyboard, so it's not very useful.
I'm really glad I did this gamma correction. It made Monet's painting look fresh.
Jan 20 2025:足の甲は皮膚が薄いようだし、炎症があって赤かったためにVaricose Veinクリームをアプライしてこなかった。でも最近赤みが引いたので、むくみ対策として同クリームを思い切って適用したところ、むくみは一晩のうちに悪化した。ここであきらめてはならじ、今日もクリームを塗りたくった。少し良くなった。今後注視していく。お医者さんも患者の病気に対して試行錯誤していく感じってのはあると思う。素人の私ももちろん同じだ。
The skin on the top of my foot seemed thin and it was inflamed and red, so I did not appliy Varicose Vein cream there. But recently, the redness went down, so I used it to counteract the swelling, but it worsened overnight. Not wanting to give up, I tried that again today, and found it got a little better. Will keep a close eye on it. I think that doctors also have a sense of trial and error in dealing with their patients' illnesses. Of course, it is the same for me as a layperson.
Jan 19 2025:ほとんどお酒を飲まなくなったので禁酒貯金が実質的にすっごくたまっている。夏以来だから1ヶ月3万円としても貯金は18万円ほどになった。ただし、これはバーチャル貯金で現金ではないという点が惜しい(現金で貯金できればいいのだが、もちろん余裕はない)。お酒はほとんど1日も欠かさず20歳からずっと飲んでいた。
Since I hardly drink any alcohol any more, my sobriety savings has practically accumulated. As since the summer,, about 180,000 yen was accumulated in savings, if I spent 30,000 yen a month. However, regrettably this is a virtual savings, but not cash. It's great if I could save in cash, but needless to say, I cannot afford that. I have been drinking almost every day since I was 20 years old.
Jan 18 2025:xubuntuでemacsを使っている。この中の辞書引きソフトsdicというのが動かなくなってからだいぶたつので、動くようにさせた。結局defmacroをdefunに書き換え、arrayを全部saryに替えたら動いた。みなさん、ちんぷんかんぷんでしょうね。
I have been using emacs on xubuntu, and it has been long since sdic, the dictionary lookup software, stopped working, I tried to get it to work again. I rewrote defmacro to defun and replaced all arrays with sary, and it worked. I'm sure this is gibberish to you all.
As for my sick foot, I put loxonin on the front and back of the toes, and the redness which seemed to have been caused by inflammation subsided. I'm now able to rub oronine and athlete's foot medicine into them better. I will continue to do my best.
Jan 11 2025:洗濯板が平らになったような気がする。この3日間でこの板にあきらかに変化が出た。白癬菌が撤退を始めたのならうれしいんだが。
My old washing board seems to have slightly flattened out. There has been a definite change on this board for the last 3 days. I would be happy if the ringworm had started to withdraw.
Jan 11 2025:親指の付け根の出っ張り(A)と小指の付け根の出っ張り(B)は、だんびろの分、靴の内側にもろにぶつかっているようだ。AからBまでは足幅(そくふく、あしはば?、ワイズ、ウィドゥス、ウィトゥス、widthーうちワイズは和製英語)といい、私の場合、足長が24cm、足幅が9cm?、それから、ぐるっと回した足囲(そくい)というものが20cmくらい?、Android Pixel4aの横幅は7cmくらい。まだよく理解できていないが、フィットする感じfitnessは足囲によるらしい。その単位はAからFまであり、EはEEやEEEもある。とりあえずのメモ書きで、間違いもあるかもしれない。以上。
The protrusion at the base of the first toe (A) and the protrusion at the base of the fifth toe (B) seem to be running into the inside of the shoe In my case, the length of foot is 24cm, the width of my foot is 9cm, and the circumference of foot (sokui) is about 20cm. The width of Android Pixel4a is about 7cm. Though I have not grasped well yet, but it seems that the fitness feeling depends on the foot circumference. There are units of that from A to F, and E has also EE and EEE. This is just a note for now, and there may be some mistakes. That's all.
The adhesive tape is pretty good. I have had cotton bandages wrapped around my toes before, but I had never really put an adhesive tape on the swelling. And it turned out that it felt good on the swollen part of the instep along with the protruding toes. Why is that so?
I should add that it is a cloth bandage tape, not a Band-Aid.
Jan 9 2025:自分の足の表現としてピッタリの言い方があることを思い出した。ダンビロ甲高である。足の幅の測り方もわかった。親指の付け根の方の出っ張りから小指の付け根の方の出っ張りまで。アンドロイドPixel4aの幅より広かった。
I remember that there is a perfect way to describe my feet. It is Danbiro high instep. I've also grasped how to measure the width of my feet. From the protrusion at the base of the first toe to the protrusion at the base of the fifth toe. It is wider than the width of my Android Pixel 4a.
The washing board floated up. It floated up violently. I thought that my fingers were soaked, but the soaking of my soles was more amazing. Please, God, please.
Jan 8 2025:人間の足というものは馬などの足に似て奇妙に凸凹で、よくできているね。くるぶしが内外に2個づつあり、アーチが3つもあり、肉球も2つある。甲と土踏まずの部分は皮が薄い。甲のてっぺんに出っぱった骨があり、そのあたりの動脈の拍動で血が通っているかどうか判断できる。足首では血圧も測れる。動脈と静脈の秘密の通路もある。かかとやアキレス腱は頑丈で丈夫だ。しかし足根管というのが詰まりやすく、静脈血は戻りにくく、よくむくみ、坐骨神経痛は強烈に痛む。こういうものをどう判断し、評価するのかは難しいけれど、神業は神業だから、とやかくは言えないんだよね。
The human foot is strangely uneven and well-made, similar to that of a horse or other animals. They have two ankles, one on the inside and one on the outside, three arches, and two paw pads. The skin is thin on the instep and the arches of the foot. There is a protruding bone at the top of the instep, and the beating of the arteries in that area can be used to determine whether or not blood is flowing. Blood pressure can also be measured at the ankle. There are also secret passageways for arteries and veins. The heel and Achilles tendon are sturdy and strong. But the tarsal tunnel is easily clogged, venous blood has difficulty returning, it often swells, and sciatica is intensely painful. It is difficult to judge and evaluate these things, but I can't really say anything, because they are God's work.
Jan 6 2025:ぼぼ1ヶ月おきになっている診察の予約日だった。HbA1cは6.4。前回は7.1だったから、相撲を取るべき土俵の中になんとかまた収まりつつあるようだ。医師のお顔だけ見ているだけで病気が治りそうな、そういうクリニックと言えばおわかりいただけるだろうか。
My HbA1c was 6.4, which was 7.1 last time, so it seems that I am getting back into the ring where I should be wrestling. I guess you can understand if I say that this is the kind of clinic where you feel as if you can get well just by looking at the doctor's face.
Jan 5 2025:地球が温暖化して夏が耐え難い季節になりつつあるのは間違いないが、それでもなお、さむがりの身としては、せめてもう少々暖冬でないと割に合わないんじゃないかと思われる。けちくさいかもだが。
There is no doubt that the earth is warming up and summer is becoming an unbearable season, but still, as a person who feels cold easily, I think it is not worth it unless the winter is at least a little warmer. I may be being too stingy.
Jan 3 2025:相変わらずのお笑いでございます、本年もよろしくお願い申し上げます、ヴァリコーズヴェイン・クリームと水虫薬。静脈瘤は少々手抜きをしていたでしょうか。上の方はきれいになったのに下のくるぶし付近をさぼり、1から出直しになりました。足は長さが短くなったかな。水虫軟膏のほか、フランキンセンスなど、カビの菌が嫌うハーブがたくさんあって選択に困ります。
We wish you a happy new year. As always, Varicose Vein Cream and Athlete's Foot Medication. Have I been a little lazy with the varicose veins? The upper part was cleaned up but I skimped near the lower ankle area and had to start over from scratch. I wonder if the leg was shortened in length. In addition to athlete's foot ointment, there are so many herbs that the fungus hates, such as frankincense, that I am spoiled for choice.
Oh yes, the flu virus is gone.
Dec 26 2024:家人(いっしょに暮らしている女房)がインフルのワクチンを打ってきて、あまりにも簡単にこちらにウイルスが移った。ワクチンだから弱毒化したもののはずだった。しかし、その効き目たるや強力で4日間ただただ寝たきりにさせられた。
My wife, who lives with me, had been vaccinated against the flu, and the virus spread to me too easily. Since it was a vaccine, it was supposed to be a weakened version. However, the effect was so strong that I was bedridden for four days.
the second half of 2024 was a disaster. However, I am thankful to
various people because I have learned that humans are as surely social
as ants.
Dec 24 2024:只今インフルのためにダウン中。ちょうどイラストのような感じ。
Dec 19 2024:うれしいことに洗濯板が縮小した。赤みも薄れてきつつある。洗濯板の良い(?)点は、ガターにクリームを擦り込むと自然と閉じて薬を染み込ませてくれること。健康サンダル的イボイボとはもしかしたら共生することになるかも。オリーブオイル漬けはやめている。かえって足が痛くなったから。しかしスクワランオイルはベタつかないし、ピリピリに効くし、よさそうだ。
Happily, my washboard in foot has shrunk. The redness is also fading. The good (?) thing about the washboard is that when I rub cream into the gutter, it naturally closes and allows the medicine to soak in. Maybe I will live together with the health sandal-like warts. I have stopped soaking my feet in olive oil. It hurts my foot. But squalane oil is non-sticky, helps with tingling, and feels good.
Dec 17 2024:ふやけるとは何か? ふやけるとは「角質層に水が入ること」。角化型水虫は、角質水分が少ない場合は症状が見えにくく、水を含むと惨状が見えるようになるのだと思われる。角化型の表現として「蠣殻様」というものがある、これはカキの殻にあるような模様のこと。洗濯板だな、これは。ふやけて浮き上がる赤い紅色のポツポツは、ダニによる疥癬と同じ。
Blistering refers to “water entering the horny layer”. I think, in the keratinizing type, the symptoms are less visible when there is little water in the horny layer, and the devastation becomes visible when enough water is present. This type has an "oyster shell-like"appearance, which is what I call washboard. The red spots that blister and rise to the surface are the same as scabies caused by mites.
Dec 16 2024:テルビナフィン塩酸塩サワイ1%という処方薬の水虫の軟膏は、用法は1日1回だが、2回くらいはつけたくなる。ただし、薬は何でも副作用があるから、あまり増やすと効き目は同じで副作用出現率ばかり高まることになるかもしれない。この薬ではないが、高血圧の薬で横紋筋融解の副作用があるものをかつて処方され、1日でふくらはぎが強烈に痛くなり、別の薬に替えてもらったことを思い出した。横紋筋融解の副作用は人体への影響が甚大だから要注意だ。
A prescription athlete's foot ointment called terbinafine hydrochloride sawai 1% must be applied once a day, but you may want to put it on at least twice or more. However, since all medicines have side effects, increasing the appliance too much may increase the incidence of side effects while maintaining the same efficacy. Apart from this ointment, I was once prescribed a drug for high blood pressure that had the side effect of rhabdomyolysis and within a day my calf became so painful that I had to have it replaced by another drug. The side effect of rhabdomyolysis is enormous on the human body, so be careful.
Dec 15 2024:色々やってみるのは良いことだろうから自己流指圧も始めた。手の人差し指でかかとをグリグリやって痛いところを探し、重点的に指圧する。
It would be good to try different things, so I also started self-acupressure. I started to do acupressure with my index finger on my heel, looking for the sore spot and focusing on it.
However, the possibility of athlete's foot cannot be dismissed. Athlete's foot scleritis seems to follow a pathway that begins on the soles of the toes, expands to the area corresponding to a cat's paw pads, and then travels along the edges to the heels, which is exactly what it does on my foot. The redness of the foot remained, and still remains in the toes. The Roth page had the same idea as my style of softening with urea cream and then rubbing in athlete's foot medicine. It said it would be tricky to get tinea cruris, but my thumbnails are already quite white.
In addition, there is “petechial keratolysis,” which is said to be easily mistaken for athlete's foot. This also needs to be examined by me.
Dec 14 2024:健康サンダルを履くと健康サンダル角化症になる可能性があるとのこと。しかし、私のように、健康サンダルを履いたことがないのに自分の足が健康サンダルみたいになってしまう症例も実際にあるし、これは同類に入るな、きっと、と思っている。白癬は合併しないものがあるらしいから、もしかしたら水虫の薬はいらないかも。
They say that wearing health sandals can develop health sandal keratosis. However, there are actually cases like mine where I have never worn health sandals and yet my own foot looks like health sandal; I am sure this falls into the same category. I heard that in some cases ringworm is uncomplicated, so maybe I don't need athlete's foot medicine.
The washboard seems to have shrunk somewhat. The gutters carved into the board also seem to have expanded in width. The two layers of both washboard and warty health sandal. Surely you win. Oh, my left foot has been supporting my whole stall for years as my pivoting foot, and moreover he hasn't done anything wrong.
Dec 11 2024:意外と良くなるのが遅いので、もう少し手立てを追加することにした。一つはヒーターを引き離すこと。これは足がジンジンピリピリヒリヒリするのは低温やけどかもしれないと気づいたから。足もとにあった状態が長く続いていた。それでも数年間平気だったのだが、閉塞性下肢動脈硬化症の患者であることに加えて、ここにきて糖尿病患者にもなったから安全を考えなければいけないと思った。また、オリーブオイルによる治療も加えた。かつて静脈炎で内出血したときにこのやり方でうまくいった。オリーブオイルには解熱鎮痛剤のイブプロフェンと同じような成分が含まれているらしい。足に塗りたくりラップでくるんで完璧を期す。生のマグロをオリーブオイルに漬けると魚肉が変貌して味が変わる。人間の足の皮膚やらの細胞も変わるのじゃないか。いやまじで(^ ^);
A little surprisingly slow to get better, I decided to add a few more steps. One is to pull the heater away. This is because I realized that the zinging and tingling in my feet might be due to low temparature burns. It had been under my feet for a long time and so I had been fine for several years, but I knew I had to be on the safe side because in addition to being a patient with leg arteriosclerosis obliterans, I was now also a diabetic now. I also added treatment with olive oil. This approach had worked for me in the past when I had internal bleeding due to phlebitis. Apparently olive oil contains an ingredient similar to ibuprofen, an antipyretic painkiller. I smear it on my leg and wrap it in plastic wrap to make it perfect. When raw tuna is marinated in olive oil, the fish flesh is transformed and the taste changes. I wonder if it also changes the skin and other cells of human feet.
Dec 9 2024:水虫の薬は4日で効果が現れるということをすでに使用していた方が言っていた。また、静脈瘤クリームは5日で効果が現れるとされていた。まさにそのとおりだった。もしこの期間内に効果が現れなければ別の病気ということになる。尿素クリームの効き目はすぐに現れる。
One of the users of the athlete's foot medicine said that it takes 4 days to show effect. and as for the varicose vein cream it is said it takes 5 days. The information was exactly right. If the effect does not appear in this period, another disease would be suggested. The effect of urea cream appears immediately.
Dec 8 2024:群馬での家族会は皆参加して盛会だった。物価高のせいか年々料理の質が落ちてきているのは残念。あ、そうそう。ビールを飲んでしまった。ジョッキに4分1だけ残した。僅かに自重。
The family reunion in Gunma was a great success with everyone participating. It is a pity that the quality of food has been declining year by year due to the higher cost of living. Oh, yes. I drank beer. I left a quarter of it in the mug and slightly took care of myself.
My left leg has become thin and the skin more delicate. Thanks to urea and marronnier, It gets red and bumpy less frequently.
Dec 6 2024:水虫と静脈瘤についてはだいぶ見かけがきれいになってきつつある。ただ、左足裏の逆向きスパイクについては良くなる見込みがなく、まだ痛む。明日は兄弟会が群馬で開かれる。
As for the athlete's foot and varicose veins, they are looking much better. However, the reverse spikes on the sole of my left foot are not expected to get better and are still painful.
Tomorrow the brotherhood will meet in Gunma.
Dec 4 2024:ある一つの症状からこの疾病はこれと決めつけてしまうのは素人なのかもしれない。もっと合併し、複合していることは特に年寄りの場合よくあるだろう。水虫だけでなく、嚢胞とか脂肪腫とかいろんなものがほかにもあるかもしれない。すると長引く。
It may be amateurish to assume from one symptom what disease I'm suffering. More complications and combinations are common, especially in the elderly. Not only athlete's foot, but cysts, lipomas, and many other things may be present. Then cure surely comes prolonged.
My athlete's foot is of keratotic type, not itchy, and seems to predominate in winter rather than summer. Except for the ball of the foot, the lesions extend from the soles of the toes to the panel at the base of the toes, and then down the lateral side of the foot to the heel. Usually, I don't think much of the affected area as being hardened, and it looks normal. However, when I take a bath, the affected area blisters, revealing a washboard-like pattern of stiff skin. I haven't noticed this for long, probably because of diabetes.
People have never seen a washboard. But Amazon sells them for about 2,000 yen, so do a search to see what they look like. Seeing many kinds, is someone still using them?
Dec 3 2024:今朝も先程「テルビナフィン塩酸塩サワイ1%」という薬を足裏に塗った。足が小さくなったような気がする。白癬菌が大量に死滅してそうなったと信じたい。
Applied the drug “Terbinafine hydrochloride Sawai 1%” to my foot earlier this morning. My foot seems to have gotten smaller. Would like to believe that it did so by the killing of a lot of ringworm fungus.
Dec 2 2024:予約どおりクリニックで検査結果を知らされた。すべて問題なし。血糖値も低かった。ついでに水虫の塗薬も出してもらった。効き目がありますように。
I was informed of the test results at the clinic as per my appointment. Everything was fine. My blood sugar was also low. In addition, I was given a medicine for athlete's foot. I hope it will be effective.
Dec 1 2024:毎日このネタばかりですみません。本日は基本に帰って、みずむしから考えようと決め、そのようにしたらどうやらみずむしらしいのだった。「白癬菌は皮膚に付着すると24時間以上かけて皮膚の一番表面にある「角質層」に侵入し、角質層にあるケラチンというタンパク質の一種を栄養源にして増殖する」と検索で出た。しかもみずむしが広がると足裏全体が固くなるという情報もある。足指の裏にも侵入する。おそらく今日の同定、みずむしだは合っていると思う。したがって尿素クリームからオロナイン軟膏に転向した。
Sorry for all this stuff every day. Today I decided to go back to basics and start thinking about it in terms of ringworm, and when I did so, it appears to be ringworm. I found in a search that “ringworm, once attached to the skin, takes more than 24 hours to invade the stratum corneum, the top layer of the skin, and multiplies using keratin, a type of protein in the stratum corneum, as a source of nutrients.” Moreover, there is information that when the ringworm spreads, the entire sole of the foot becomes hardened. They also invade the soles of the toes. Perhaps today's identification, mizumushi, is correct. Thus, I turned from urea cream to Oronine ointment.
Nov 30 2024:今日も入浴中によく見たら、重症なように見えた。浴槽の水圧のためか手指の腹にシワが寄って水分が出たらしく見えることがあるが、おなじようなことが我が足裏にも起こり、見るとこわばって盛り上がり隆起した部分が異様に白く、その範囲内に硬い赤っぽいぶつぶつがたくさんできていて、鮫かクロコダイルの皮のように見えるのだ。皮膚科で診察を受ければ聞いたこともないようなへんてこな病名がきっとつくんだ(T T)。
Today, while taking a bath, I took a closer look at them again and found that they appeared to be very serious. The water pressure in the bathtub sometimes causes wrinkles on the belly of my fingers, which look as if they have lost moisture, and the same thing happened to my soles. If I go to see a dermatologist, I am sure he will give me a strange name for this disease, which I have never heard of before (T T).
Nov 30 2024:もういくつ寝るとお正月? なんとあと32回夜をやりすごすと来る。光陰矢のごとし。年取るわけだ。
How many more nights to go before New Year's Day? After 32 more nights. Time flies like an arrow. No wonder I am getting old.
we get older, our routines accumulate so as to be formalized and bring us more and more carelessness. We do all sorts of things without thinking.
This leads to a greater efficiency, but also to more errors. For example,
the possibility of a serious accident, such as an elderly person
mistakenly stepping on a car pedal instead of the other, also increases. They are not afraid to put on a horse or a jockey that would never come in a horse race.
foot, for all intents and purposes, is also the result of neglecting to
treat and care for the accumulation of the routines. I used to pay more
attention to keratinization before aging, but before long I had
come to think I had enough.
I know that keratin protects the skin. However, if it grows pathologically, it can be painful when walking. Keratin seems to be broken down by urea cream. After applying it, I rub it with my fingertips or palms a while, when it falls off in rags. You can tell that the protein is dissolved and falling off because this is the amount of more than just the dregs of the cream. Massaging afterwards after application feels good. However, you should not be too extreme or it will be counterproductive.
Nov 29 2024:本日発見したこと:入浴後に特にはっきりすることだが足裏の角質化した部分になんとスパイク状の突起が非常にたくさん並んでいた。これは天然の防御策だったのかもしれない。足がこういうものを作ってクッション代わりにしていた可能性がある。
Today's discovery: What a great number of spike-like protrusions lined on the callused areas of my feet! This is especially evident after bathing. This may have been a natural defense mechanism. It is possible that the foot made these things to serve as cushions.
it can be expected to heal once all of this callus is removed. However,
since it is the product of several years of walk, it is difficult to
remove even with an exfoliating tool.
The varicose veins have made remarkable progress. The meandering appearance was above Nikko's Irohazaka, but now there are more blood vessels extending in a straight line. I don't know why, but it was thanks to the medicinal properties of the marronnier.
Nov 29 2024:足首にできる茶色くて丸っぽいしみは、まだ医的な名前を突き止めてはいないけれど、けっこう数が多く、痛い左足にも痛くない右足にもある。これは我が弱点である血管と関係がありそうだ。血管からの内出血が、こうしたしみになっているのではないだろうか。内出血は鬱滞性皮膚炎ほどまでの大きなものにならないならば、つまり規模が小さければ、しみになるのではなかろうか。
I have not yet found the medical name for the brownish, roundish spots on my ankles, but they are quite numerous, both on my left foot, which is painful, and on my right foot, which is not painful. This may have something to do with blood vessels, my weak point. I suspect that internal bleeding from the blood vessels may be causing these blotches. If the internal bleeding is not as large as congestive dermatitis, in other words, if it is small in size, it may become a blotch.
then, there is one big problem.Note that this is visibly better seen
when the varicose vein cream is applied. The two relatively large brown spots situated slightly further up the ankle are both located in the middle of the
swelling, or in other words, there are swellings around the spots. The
circled, banked skin is a sign of swelling, though It may be just one set.
The feeling in the sole has changed a bit. Some of the hard areas have softened and now meet the floor a little better, I think.
Nov 28 2024:マロニエ(仏: marronnier)またはセイヨウトチノキ(英: horse chestnut)は日本のトチノキの仲間で、大木になる体質や、葉や実などの見かけもよく似ている。欧州では最初解熱剤として用いられ、その後静脈瘤やむくみなどに効き目がある血行関連の薬剤として用いられている、長い歴史のある植物だ。これを原料としているクリームはさすがによく効く。有毒なので生で食べるのはシカくらいしかいない。なお、飲んで服用するベルフェミンというむくみの薬の原料にもなっているようだ。その他これまでワタシ的に非常にお世話になっているものとしては、ギムネマという蔓草、キハダという木の皮、クロレラという藻類のなかまがある。この中にお茶という木の葉も入れたい。というのもほかが3字から4字なのに対してchaはほぼ1字だからえらい。
Marronnier or horse chestnut is a kin species of the Japanese tochinoki family. It has a long history of use in Europe, first as an antipyretic, and later as a drug for blood circulation that is effective for varicose veins and swelling. The cream made from it is indeed very effective. Since it is toxic, only deer eat it raw. It is also used as a raw material for a medicine for swelling called “Belfemin,” which is taken by mouth. Other ingredients that have been very helpful to me so far are Gymnema (a vine), Kihada (a bark of a tree), and Chlorella (a kind of algae). I would also like to add tea leaves to this list. For, while the others are 3-4 characters long, cha is almost 1 character long and that's a great thing.
Nov 27 2024:今日アテローム(粉瘤)というものを知った。これは皮膚の下に袋ができ、その袋の中に脂肪や角質がたまるものとのこと。人体は微視的に見ると宇宙のように広大で巨大だからいろんなものができる。
Nov 25 2024:左足は足の浮腫の画像検索の結果に見られるような、甲に赤みがあり、むくみもひどい状態だったが、赤みは指先の方に後退し、甲はふつうの色に近づいてきた。ジンジンしびれるのも指先に近い部分にだけしぼられるようになった。それはよいのだが、足底はよくない。
left foot had been severely swollen with redness on the instep, as seen
in the results of the image search for edema of the foot, but the
redness receded toward the fingertips and the instep has been approaching
normal color. This is good, but
the sole is not good.
It hurts when I walk. I have been describing it as spike-like, but it may be that the calluses are speckled. Maybe the hard parts rub against the ground and hurt. I have been giving the urea cream a great struggle lately.
Nov 24 2024:足底にスパイクのようなものがあるのじゃないかと疑うような感触は、昨年買った靴を履いた当初からあった。だから、脂肪の塊のようなものはけっこう古くからそこにあったことになる。のんきなのかな。
Nov 23 2024:足裏にできるものを調べたらどっさり出てきた。まず、脂肪腫。脂肪の塊でドーム状に盛り上がるしこり。大きくなると痛みやしびれなどが出る。次に足底線維腫症。土踏まずの部分にできる出っ張りやしこりのようなもの。徐々に大きくなる。さらにガングリオン。手にもできるゼリー状の固まり。そのほか、タコ(コーン)、ウオノメ、イボなど。だから凸凹になるのももっともなのだ。
Nov 22 2024:足裏にスパイクのようなものが感じられることについては、いわゆるコリ、シコリが実際に自分の足の底にあるんだという結論になった。しかたがない。揉むことにした。趾の裏のコーンも、このシコリのなかまかもしれん。なんやかやと万病が体じゅうにくすぶっていていやだな。
Nov 21 2024:足は甲の赤みが指先の方だけまでに後退した。むくみも減ってだいぶ正常に近づいた。趾のおそらくコーンはまだ痛む。
Nov 20 2024:足を特に気にするようになってから足の状態は改善してきているようだ。ジンジンチリチリする頻度が減ってきた気がする。尿素20%もヨドバシから届いた。Varicose Vein Creamを擦り込んでいる脚部は、手で触れてなめらかにすべらせることができるようになった。触るとピリピリしたので避けてきた足も、その必要はなくなり、足指の腹にもおそるおそるでなく触れるようになった。
The condition of my foot seems to have improved since I started paying special attention to it. I think the frequency of jing jing chili chili' has decreased. Urea 20% also arrived from Yodobashi; the legs, where I rub Varicose Vein Cream into them, are now smooth to the touch with my hands. My feet also tingled when I touched them, so I avoided them, but that is no longer necessary, and I can now touch my toes without trepidation.
disease is said to cause numbness and pain between the middle and ring
toes of the foot. Also a small painful mass can form in that area.
Indeed, I still find something like that on my left foot.
Nov 19 2024:リウマチなんていう病気は年寄りの病気だと思ってきたが、気づけばとうに自分は年寄りだった。ネットで調べるとリウマチは自分の範囲内だった。あとモートン病なんていうものがあてはまるようだ。一般的にアスリートでもなければ足は他の部分に比べると軽視される。それはいけないことだと思う。今後勉強する。
I had always thought that rheumatism was an old person's disease, but I realize that I have been an old person for a long time now. Checking the Internet, I find that rheumatism is within my range. I also found Morton's disease. Generally, unless you are an athlete, the feet are neglected compared to other parts of the body. I think that's wrong. I will study about that.
Nov 18 2024:騙される暇もなかった。まだ今日の内のあの後すぐに、デスクの下に押し込んで使っているヒーターのスイッチを入れたとたん、ジンジンがよみがえった。ヒーターだな、ヒントは。ネットで検索するとヒーターで足がじんじんする人が他にもいた。おそらく血行が良くなりすぎているんだ。何かの膏薬で。こっちはVaricose Veinのクリームで血管が拡張しているところにヒーターの熱が加わって、正座から復帰するときのようなしびれが起きるんだ。そういえばマロニエのクリームには足がポカポカして気持ちがいいという評価が付いていた。
There was no time to be fooled. As soon as I turned on the heater shoved under my desk right after that within the same day, the zing came back. A heater, hint, hint. I searched the Internet and found other people whose feet were getting hives from heaters. Probably too much blood circulation. Some kind of ointment. This is Varicose Vein cream, and the heat from the heater on the dilated blood vessels causes numbness, like when you come back from sitting on your knees. Come to think of it, the horse chestnut cream has a reputation for making the feet feel warm and nice.
The soles of my toes are also being treated with Oronine. Rehab will follow. I believe it will get better.
Nov 18 2024:靴の底の足の裏にポツンポツンという感じでなにかピラーみたいなものがあたることがある。規則正しく、まるでスパイクみたいな感じで並んでいて、邪魔にはならないんだけど、いったいなんなのかなぁ。そういう作りの靴なのか。いちおうウォーキングシューズで革製ではない。
Sometimes there is something like a pillar felt that hits the sole of my left foot on the bottom of the shoe. They are arranged in a regular pattern, like spikes, and they don't get in the way, but I wonder what they are. Are they because the shoes are made that way? They are walking shoes, after all, and not made of leather.
But if they reflect the structure of my soles and I can feel that structure, it's weird. I wonder which.
I heard that bone spurs named osteophytes (bone spurs) form on the heels of the feet. Come to think of it, it sometimes feels like a toothpick or something is stuck in my heel and it hurts. I can manage to walk if I put an adhesive bandage or Loxonin on it. I wish they would teach me about feet in elementary school. But elementary school students can walk without knowing anything about feet.
なんだか今日は足がジンジンしびれることがない。どうしたんだろう? この1ヶ月間からすると天恵のようだが、神様のことだから今日だけかもしれない。だまされないよ。
Somehow, my left foot doesn't feel numb or say jinjin today. What's happened? From the way things have been going for the past month, it seems like a blessing, but it's a divine act and just could be only today. I won't be fooled.
Nov 16 2024:現在のところ左足だけだが、足がジンジンしてときどき痛むのが辛い。足の甲や内部の血管らしき部分で、しびれたり痛くなる。加齢による体内現象の一つだろうが、神様、老後にこういう拷問を用意しておくのはやめてください。早く死になさいというサインなのだとは思うけどね。
At the moment it
is limited only to my left leg, but I have a hard time with zinging and
occasional pain in my foot. It is numb and painful at the top of my foot
and in the areas that seem to have blood vessels inside. I guess it is
one of the internal phenomena from aging, but oh my God, please don't
prepare this kind of torture for people in their old age. I suppose it
is a sign that I should die soon, though.
My feet are in a terrible state, probably because I have neglected to take care of them, and I have found that there are points of pain especially in the hardened heel area and the belly of the toe-foot.
Nov 13 2024:Varicose Veinのクリームは、短期的には害があるようにも見える。塗った直後に静脈瘤やリンパのむくみがふだんよりはっきりと浮き上がって見えるから。しかし、長期的には、見かけ上だが、脚部は前よりきれいで良くなっているようだ。
Varicose Vein cream appears to be harmful in the short term. Immediately after application, varicose veins and lymphatic swellings come to look more apparent and bulging. However, in the long term, the legs seem to become cleaner and better.
However, I think
it better not to apply it to the feet, from the ankles down, because it sometimes makes the feet tingle. At such a time, I feel better if I remove the cream
from the feet. So I decided to not apply it to feet under the ankles. I don't hear much about varicose veins in the foot area,
and the picture search on the net gives me few or none result. I guess it is for legs, not
feet. I would avoid them for my feet.
Nov 07 2024:足の指にできるコーンや、角化した皮膚の塊は、尿素が10%から20%入ったクリームがいいようだ。以前イボに使っていたものを引っ張り出して使っている。
To treat with corns on the toes and the lumps of keratinized skin, I recommend to use a cream with 10-20% urea in it. I pulled out again the one I used to use for warts.
Nov 03 2024:最近は左足が痛むので足ばかり気にしている。左脚の静脈瘤はVaricose Vein Creamにまかせることにした。最初胡散臭く思っていたけど、静脈やむくみの地図に明らかな変化をもたらすので効き目があるにちがいない。成分はマロニエの実らしい。
Lately, I have been concerned only with my legs, as my left leg has been hurting. I decided to leave the varicose veins in my left leg to Varicose Vein Cream. At first I thought it smelled fishy, but it might work because it clearly makes a difference in veins and swelling maps. The ingredient seems to be horse chestnut.
I noticed that my feet look a lot like calluses. If you visit the US Foot Care website, you will see that they refer to calluses like corn kernels as corn. Interesting. I have a few of these calluses, so the first step is to eradicate them. My feet get angry if I don't make them clean. There is something scarring on the underside of my toes, i.e., on the ventral side. It might be athlete's foot.
Note that the toes were found to have calluses (corns) at the base, not scars. Note that also 'cone' is different from 'corn.' They are pronounced differently.
Oct 29 2024:市内の総合病院外来クリニックで前立腺膿瘍のCTスキャンと結果の説明。女医さんが「血液も尿も検査結果は非常に良い!膿瘍は完全に消えました!」と顔を輝かせて宣言した。お会いできなくなるのが少し残念だが、よってもはや通院は不要となった。㊗完治!
Oct 28 2024:今日は入曽のクリニックで糖尿病の診察。血糖値数値の成績が良いので、体内でどの程度のインシュリン供給態勢が敷かれているかの血液検査の数値次第では注射は卒業となる。ただし、徐々に。
Oct 23 2024:無手勝流の「白目の出血」についてメニューがうまくいかなかったが、htmlファイルではなぜか「白目」という文字にだけ薄いオレンジ色の背景色がついている。そこで「白目」を「目」にしたところ、背景色は消えた。しかし、あいかわらずメニュークリックで「禁煙」に行ってしまう。わけのわからない謎の事件だが、参照する数字を12から112にしたらジャンプはうまく行くようになった。ただし、まだメニューは完全ではない。もう少し時間がかかる。
Oct 22 2024:無手勝流の記事のメニューがどうしてもうまくいかない。htmlファイルはなぜか「白目」という文字にだけ背景色がついていて、この「白目」がタイトルに含まれている項目がメニューから行っても出てこない。禁煙に行ってしまう。ぞっとする。なぞ。奇怪な事件。
Oct 20 2024:2週間も入院したせいで 悪かった足と脚がさらに悪化し、足部は赤く腫れてむくみ、脚部は青い静脈の瘤がうねっている。ネットで勉強すると、根本に動静脈瘻(どうじょうみゃくろう)というものが存在していて、そのためにむくみや静脈瘤が結果するらしい。静脈に絆創膏は無効のようだ。動静脈瘻がある足の甲の部分にテープを巻くといいかもしれない。今日やってみたが、チリチリ感が少なくなって足が軽くなったような気がする。
Oct 16 2024:左脚の静脈瘤がひどくなってきて左足の甲がチリチリ痛むことがある。寝ようとするときに痛むと眠れなくなる。テーピングが良いようだが、静脈に絆創膏を貼るのは効だろうか。一度発病前に絆創膏を貼ってみたことがある。そのときは同じく静脈の疾患である痔になったけど、また懲りずにやってみている。あと微小な静脈を潰すことも試したい。
The varicose veins in my left leg are getting worse and the top of my left foot sometimes chills and hurts. When I try to sleep, the pain makes it difficult for me to fall asleep. According to some doctors aping seems to be a good idea, but would putting a bandage on the vein help? I tried putting a bandage on it once before the recent onset of the disease. That time I got hemorrhoids, also a vein disorder, but I'm trying again without learning. I also want to try crushing micro varicose veins.
Oct 15 2024:今日から数日間、リフォームのために流浪の民となる、と思っていたが、部屋の中にいてもあまりうるさくはなかった。スーパーボキャブは昨日更新した。
Starting today, I thought I would be a wanderer for a few days for remodeling of the home, but the noise was not so unbearable in my room. Super Vocab was updated yesterday.
Oct 8 2024:やっとできた。v(^_^)v いつもヘッダーばかり眺めさせて申し訳ありませんでした。わかってみればかんたんなことで、リンク先を指定する<https://....html>のhtmlのあとに#をつけてたとえば#MenuなどとするとMenuの文字を探して自動的にそこまでとんでくれるのだった。まだすべての記事にこれを導入するまでには至っていないが、そのうちもっとすっきりするだろう。
Finally did it. v (^_^)v Sorry for making you look at the header all the time. It's easy once you figure it out. When you specify the link destination like <https://....html>, to put, for example #Menu," will carry you to the place where the word 'Menu' automatically. I haven't gotten around to implementing this in all the articles yet, but it will be much cleaner in time.
まだできないのはハンバーガーメニュー。 = こういうような3本線のメニュで、スマホで役立つらしい。いまてっぺんにあるPC用メニュは、スマホで見るとものすごく貧弱でごみのようにしか見えない。
What I can't make yet is a hamburger menu. = , a three-lined menu like this, which is useful on a smartphone. The menu now at the top of the PC page is very poor and looks like garbage when seen on a smartphone.
Oct 5 2024:無手勝流には載せられないため、ここで最近の入院事件について詳しくはどうだったのか告白することにした。
Since I can never post this in Mutekatsu-ryu, I decided to confess here the details of my recent hospitalization case.
I have been hiding the fact that, in addition to a prostate abscess and high blood sugar, I had hemorrhoids.
In Japanese, it is called ji.
In other words, it was a triple play and I was a triple crown loser.
As the complications were so great, not surprisingly I had my blood glucose level reached 500, developed a high fever, and could not stop shaking and trembling.
Hemorrhoids was my chronic illness that I had dealt with from time to time since I was young, and each time I had cured them with a suppository of Borraginol. So I had confidence in myself and did not tell my doctors much about it. They themselves would not even listen to me when I told them that I had hemorrhoids. However, when I considered the mechanism of the anus and the mechanism of igniting the urge to urinate, I realized that it was not unreasonable for me to have urinary retention. To be more precise, my urine does not ignite until my buttocks are settled. It does not follow a long route to the exit. I forgot this, or rather, I let my guard down and did not take my hemorrhoids and constipation seriously, which was the cause of the problem in the first place.
I ended up staying in the hospital for two weeks, tasting a lot of intravenous drips, having a catheter inserted by young nurses, and having my dick and something washed clean, which was a good experience. Now I'm in rehab, trying to tame my bad leg.
Oct 2 2024:MRIは時間がかる。20分もじっとしていると体がおかしくなるから拷問に違いない。尿検査、血液検査の結果は非常に良かった。お酒飲んでないからね。しかし、前立腺膿瘍は縮小しつつもまだ残っていたので、また月末にもう1度。残念。
The MRI is time consuming. It must be torture to sit still for 20 minutes because your body goes crazy. The results of the urine and blood tests were very good. That's because I haven't been drinking. However, the prostate abscess was still there,, although shrinking, so I have to go back for another test at the end of the month. Too bad.
I recently thought that there might be demand for a Japanese version of a vocabulary glossary that shows Japanese readings in romaji, but the lack of demand suggests that this is not the case. I have come to the conclusion that the main readers are Japanese people in various parts of the world. Therefore, I have decided to discontinue Super Vocabulary Japanese Edition.
Oct 1 2024:午前に外来で、前立腺膿瘍がなくなっているかどうか調べるためのMRI検査を受ける。MRIは心血管の検査で1回経験があるが、もちろん大嫌いな検査のうちの1つ。検査前の承諾書にあった「閉所恐怖」にチェックを入れた。実は広所恐怖なのだが。あっという間に終わってくれますように。
At the outpatient clinic in the morning, I will have an MRI scan to see if my prostate abscess was gone. I've had one MRI before for a cardiovascular exam, but of course it's one of those tests that I hate desperately. I checked the “claustrophobia” box on the consent form to submit before the test. Actually, I'm afraid of wide open spaces. I hope it will be over in no time.
I went to see the doctor in the clinic in Iriso again. They are going to examine me next time and decide whether or not I can stop taking insulin injections. I would be happy if I could go without injections, since my stomach and fingertips are hurting from the needles.
Sep 22 2024: 今朝は92。少なすぎるのじゃないかと心配になって調べたら空腹時血糖値は60~110㎎/dlが正常らしかった。昨夜は甘いいなり寿司2個とシャインマスカットも2個食べた。
This morning I had 92 mg/dl. I was worried that it might be too low, so I checked normal fasting blood glucose level and found that 60 to 110 mg/dl is normal. Last night I ate two pieces of sweet inari sushi and a couple of Shine Muscats.
I'm now taking three medications: Teneria for diabetes, an antibiotic and Tamsulosin for my prostate. The antibiotic helped relieve my Meibomian gland congestion as a side effect. But emotions are more easily expressed as tears... Yes, that's good.
Sep 21 2024:朝食前の血糖値は102。順調に減っている。おしっこの出も悪くない。ただし、歩くのは非常に悪い。
My pre-breakfast blood sugar was 102, steadily decreasing. Peeing is also not bad. However, walking is very bad.
Sep 20 2024:今日は娘が東京からリフォームのための手伝いに来たので、昼食はお届けピザだった。薄いけれど3枚も食べた。なかなか消化しなかった。
our daughter came to help us with our home renovation, so lunch was
pizza delivered. It was thin, but I ate as many as three slices, which turned out to be
hard to digest.
Sep 19 2024:毎朝指先に針を刺して血を出し、血糖値を計る。結果はだいたい100+アルファ。そのあと即効性のあるインスリン注射を4単位。薬を呑み、あとは夕食前にインスリン注射を12単位。慣れてきた。血糖値は入院当時には500あった。
Sep 19 2024: Every morning I prick a needle into the fingertip to draw blood and measure blood glucose levels. The result is usually 100 +α. Then I take a fast-acting insulin injection of 4 units, three kinds of the medicine, and then 12 units of insulin injection before dinner. I'm getting used to it. Blood glucose levels were 500 at the time of admission.
Sep 15 2024∶昨日退院し、その足でクリニックに行き、お昼のすしを女房におごってもらった。今日は啄木の歌について書いた。
I was discharged from hospital yesterday and went to the clinic on the same day. My wife treated me to sushi for lunch. Today I wrote about Takuboku's song, Tokai-no kojima-no ....
Sep 12 2024∶いよいよ土曜日に退院の運びとなった。前立腺炎関係は休戦状態。糖尿病関連は退院して、その日にすぐに、照会された専門クリニックでの治療を開始しなければならない。結局、老人は昨日が最高で、今日はもっと悪く、明日はさらに下り坂が続くことになる。しようがない。
Finally, I will be discharged from hospital on Saturday. Prostatitis-related conditions are on truce, while the diabetes-related issues need addressing immediately on the day, with the treatment at the specialist clinic starting. After all, the old man is at his best yesterday, worsens today and will continue to go further downhill tomorrow. There is no way around it.
Sep 11 2024∶今朝の体温は35.8℃、血圧は144-72、血糖値は122、酸素濃度98、喜ばしい限りです。どの数値も私にとって優秀。このまま酒盛りに移行できるほどだよ。
This morning my temperature is 35.8°C, blood pressure 144-72, blood glucose 122 and oxygen level 98, which are all pleasing. Every figure is excellent for me. So good I can move on to drinking party right away.
Sep 10 2024∶排便のあと、ちょろっと排尿もあった。これが私流。うれしかった。
After defecation, there was also a bit of urination. This is my way and I was happy.
In my style, it is impossible to have both at the same time. When either large or small subsides, it moves on to the other bowel movement, or that's it.
Sep 10 2024∶何も体につながっていないこと、イコール天国。ふつう=天国。徐々に尿量が増えてきており、色もきれいな金麦色。おいしそう。あとは血糖値が落ち着いてくれて、左足の色が良くなればだな。
Nothing is connected to the body. That's heaven. Normal equals to heaven. Gradually the urine volume is increasing and the colour is becoming beautiful golden barley. Yay, looks tasty. Now if only my blood sugar would settle down and the colour of my left leg would improve. Too greedy?
Sep 09 2024∶やったぁ!出てくれました。40cc. 尿管がはずれて、一挙手一投足に伴った痛みが消えたのも、大きな幸せのうち。
Yay! It came out, 40 cc. Among my great happiness was the fact that my ureter was dislodged and the pain that accompanied every move I made completely disappeared.
Sep 09 2024∶検査結果良好のため尿管を抜いた。管を抜いて調子が良ければ2,3日で退院とのこと。一瞬で抜けた。入れるときよりはるかに楽だった。抜いたあと20ccくらい出た。エコーで残尿をはかったが、20cc程度。合格らしい。このあと尿意が起こり出れば、さらに良い。どうか出てください!
The ureter was removed due to good test results. If I am feeling well after the tube removal, I would be discharged in a few days. The tube came out in an instant. It was much easier than when they put it in.
After the tube was removed, about 20 cc came out. The echo measured the residual urine, but it was only 20 cc. It seems I passed the test. After this, if I feel the urge to urinate, and if it comes out, it would be even better. Please come out! I truly expect it come out!
Sep 06 2024∶私にとって入院は人生初めてのこと。娘は2,3回入院しているし、女房も同じく2,3回入院の経験がある。やっと人並みになったということか。
This is the first time in my life that I have been in hospital. Both my wife and daughter have been in hospital a couple of times. I'm finally among normal people.
Sep 05 2024∶病名は前立腺炎。高血糖。後者はギムネマとの蜜月が解消したことを意味する。大ショック。
The disease is called prostatitis. High blood sugar. The latter means that the honeymoon with Gymnema has dissolved. It's a great shock to me.
Sep 02 2024∶情けないことに、入院中。
It is a shame that I'm in hospital.
Aug 29 2024:目下の最大の関心事はカテーテルが抜去されたあと、もとに戻ってくれるのかどうかということ。月曜日に判明する予定。
The main concern at the moment is whether my body will return to normal after the catheter is removed. The result is expected to come out on Monday.
Aug 26 2024: 約1週間前にかつて経験したことのない尿閉に見舞われた。貯水槽には溜まっているのに蛇口をひねっても1滴も出ない。妻の車で市内の病院の救急外来に連れて行ってもらった。尿道にカテーテルを無理やり入れられ、やっと出た。
About a week ago I experienced urinary retention I had never met with before. The cistern was half full but not a drop came out when I turned on the tap. My wife drove me to the emergency department of the Sekishin-kai Hospital in Sayama City. A catheter was forced into the urethra and finally all came out.
Welcome to The Bottom!"